17 Years Of Feminicidal Violence In Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua
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Download17 years of feminicidal violence in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua
This trial will talk about the case that has occurred over the years in Ciudad Juárez, which is located in the state of Chihuahua in Mexico, on the border of El Paso, Texas in the United States. The demographic growth of Ciudad Juárez drastically caused the increase in criminal activity and kidnappings from the rise of the maquiladoras. Also attracting trade to young women and families in search of job opportunities.
This essay is carried out with the purpose of making the cases known, what happens next and who are able to raise their voice. It all starts from the disappearance Gladys Janeth Fierro, 12 years old, in May 1993. Silvia Rivera Morales, in September 1995, this was repeated the same year the modus operandi. In 1996, six bodies were found in the desert area. Sagrario González, worker of a maquiladora, in April 1998 (El Mundo, 2009). The list is endless if we talk about disappearances, where they were found raped, tortured and lifeless in the surroundings of the State.
What’s the name of what these criminals do? Feminicide, femicide is one of the causes of death by men due to being women, this is due to the inequalities that are lived in the state against women, where there are signs of sexual violence or different types of types or different typesof aggressions by the aggressor.
We know that currently femicides occur continuousOf gender violence against women, in article 21 femicide violence is an extreme form of violence against women, as a result of the violation of their human rights, which are formed by misogynistic behaviors (Chamber of Deputies of H.
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Congress of the Union, 2015).
Where sanctions apply to article 325 of the Federal Criminal Code which says that femicide is considered when:
[…] The victim presents signs of sexual violence of any kind;
The victim has been inflicted infamous or degrading injuries or mutilations, prior or after the deprivation of life or acts of necrophilia;
There are a history or data of any type of violence in the family, work or school environment, of the active subject against the victim;
There has been between the asset and the victim a relationship sentimental, affective or of trust;
There are data that establish that there were threats related to the criminal act, harassment or injuries of the active subject against the victim;
The victim has been incommunicado, whatever the time prior to the deprivation of life;
The victim’s body is exposed or exhibited in a public place (Government of Mexico, 2014).
On the other hand in Chihuahua article 126 bis. He says that: "To whom a woman is deprived of life for reasons of gender, will be imposed from thirty to sixty years in prison and the integral reparation of the damage" (Federal Criminal Code, 2018, p. 7). Which is a very small penalty for the seriousness of the matter that is now currently currently.
The story without end
The causes for which the state of Chihuahua there are such situations is since in the regions where there is more boom in violence against women is tolerated by society, today they see it as normal. On the other hand, the authorities are not heard and manage to do anything and create a climate of impunity between the State. In abundant cases, 65 percent of murdered women had made a complaint against violence where there was no response or acts by the authorities (Carbajal, 2007).
Is there really impunity in the state of Chihuahua? When such criminal acts (1993) began to be carried out and whose bodies were found around the State, the investigations have already been expired by the authorities and continue to be perpetuated being unpunished and criminals. In 2006, the Special Federal Public Ministry of the Mexican Government reported that 177 public employees, which refers to 35 percent of officials in charge of 120 cases of femicides, forced to act with negligence and poor management of investigations (the writing, 2007).
If we talk about figures, they are very high of only women and carried out by criminals. Since in Ciudad Juárez according to Cervera and Monárrez (2013), most victims (19.3%) were minors and single. As for the victims of legal age, they served as employees, maquiladora workers, and a higher percentage, the case of 150 women, were stigmatized to work in bars, such as dancers or sex servants. The cases of housewives (52), the students (50), and the minors (40) killed during this period of time (1993-2010). On newborn girls and up to nine years, 48 cases were counted (5.3% of the total) (J., 2013).
When reading news you realize the culture that has been done in this state since femicides are continuousIt is simply a more unresolved case, one less life and on the other hand creating a place with insecurity and desire to leave, but each woman has desire to get ahead, have a decent life and meet their needs, there is nothing left but riskhis life. This is how you lived day by day in Ciudad Juárez since 1993.
A statistic was held where deaths are shown from 1993 to 2010, thus making a historical record of deaths in the state of Chihuahua (Diffusion Cencos, 2011).
So that the deaths of innocent women grow every year, in their memory the families of the victims usually place a pink cross on behalf of a woman has been murdered. Also also place crossings in which they ask for justice towards the authorities and as a sign of the impunity in the state.
There is an association called “Network of Women of Ciudad Juárez” where their work that each woman can be a judge and defender since it is her right that the justice system also works for women (Women’s Table, 2019).
Similarly, they currently perform statistics, they report and announce about what happened from a different and non -grotesque point of view.
Year after year families of the victims and the community of the WomenThey cease and relatives who lost their daughters during the years they want justice (Suárez, 2017).
In conclusion of all the investigation into what happens in the state, it is a true sadness that nothing or anyone can give a certain response to the hundreds of cases seen by the state authority itself, they simply do not know how they occur since it happens fromso surprising way. Families suffer and maintain their hope that one day they will return and those who unfortunately those who found whether life ask for justice to punish criminals.
So that no one can do something, the “Women’s Mesa Net. It is interesting that among women we help ourselves for what the authorities cannot, it is a tide where women in regions where there is impunity manage to be heard and decide what to do with their life.
It causes an intriguing way that when seeing day by day what is lived cannot stop these kidnappings and murders against women. As if there would be no justice or authority, they are too many years to not know how they have tactics or strategies to perform crimes, their eyes are simply covered with so much blood that spills per year.
When doing the investigation, by journalists there is not much information, they only do not want to talk about the issue because it is always the same, death after unsolved death. So that these events pass even to the inhabitants of that same place, they already see it in a normal way, it is a sad way to say it but it is true. They just hope they are not from their family but they live with the fury that nothing can be done for anyone.
To conclude not only in that state but in all of Mexico, those criminal sayings are gradually end. Nobody wants to go through these situations, no woman wants to live in fear of leaving, if you want a change in Mexico you have to do and not wait for the figures to increase as much as in Ciudad Juárez and in the country.
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