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A Look At The Ideals Of A Student


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A look at the ideals of a student

Considering the prodigious statement of Carlos Tünnermann Bernheim (1900) “The University is the cultural and scientific institution par excellence created by man. Born of the corporate spirit of the Middle Ages, constitutes one of the most unique contributions of Western culture.”We see today in our society a disfiguration of such a neat image of the university, especially those of a public nature. This situation is possibly due to all the problems that have persisted in these institutions, since the lack of financing to the imminent acts of corruption;The prolonged list only increases denigration and generalization towards all public education institutions. It is noteworthy that the university fortunately has guaranteed its academic, administrative and financial autonomy for what is under its responsibility the proper fulfillment of its functions;Meanwhile, the University constitutes the main route of professional training and whose purpose in this case is precisely the efficient preparation of the human resources necessary to achieve progress and development in the country. (Suárez, 2018) Clearly the university is not simply limited to the teaching of knowledge and knowledge, the academy extended to the multiple dimensions of human life performs well -defined functions.

The University of the Amazon as a public entity of Higher Education establishes in its mission the integral formation of an ideal human talent to assume the challenges of the third millennium through a quality, broad and democratic education, at the undergraduate, postgraduate and continuous level.

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(Mission and Vision, 2013). If we review the degree of compliance with the University on the above, we obviously find that there are some shortcomings;He frequently manifests his disagreement in general not only by the national education system, but also on other aspects of our university. It is precisely our duty to proclaim these deficiencies and our purpose work on their prompt solution;Well, it is useless about what "is needed" if the responsibility we have to contribute to the improvement of our Máter Alma. On the other hand, if what is sought is to achieve a significant change, a joint commitment of the entire university community is necessary, so that the university we want begins with our ideals, but is specified with our actions.

It will then be addressed from this essay those aspects that the university requires strengthening in order to meet the needs of our region. The University of the Amazon specifically raises in its vision the permanent social accreditation, recognition and leadership in the construction, appropriation, adaptation, implementation and dissemination of academic, scientific, research and projection processes to the community;preferentially aimed at the search for sustainable human development of the Amazon region. (Mission and Vision, 2013). For this we need to identify previously the shortcomings that have persisted throughout the history of our university;Proposing solutions is simply a step, a path really awaits us with a lot of effort to get to the university we want. So that this essay is aimed at all people interested in knowing a different perspective of the main problems that afflict our university.

The university is a teaching and learning instrument on which education is based;one of the fundamental rights of man. From this perspective, it would be appropriate for all young people to also have access to higher level education, but the truth is that training as professionals are going to a few. While there are young people in an unfavorable economic condition that for their merits reach university, not everyone successfully completes their career due to the challenges they must face. According to a report given by the World Bank in 2018, Colombia occupies second place in Latin America with the highest university dropout rate, according to this study it is estimated that 42 % of students entering educational schools end up deserting inthe firsts years. (El Espectador, 2018) Another fact that prevents access to higher education is the reduced amount of quotas for undergraduate and postgraduate studies, in this way, although there is a great demand for service, the selection is limited to a small number ofpeople;In addition, another situation that reduces the opportunity for entrance to the university is the scourge of the so -called black market of quotas or the so -called "levers". Here I have to remember one of the most popular scandals of the uniamazonia that happened in 2010, under the name of “Fami-Measives” the mission of the University had diverted to serve the economic, political and labor interests of privileged familiesOf the members of the University Higher Council and other characters linked to the institution (Alaorilladelrío, 2017) with the previous panorama, it is then sought to advocate a university available to everyone, a university that as a public institution provides scholarships for the benefit of those of those oflower resources and thus can reduce the degree of dropout of the student community as much as possible, a university that expanded its academic offer and strengthens the amount of quotas per program to generate new opportunities, and thus also, a university thatcomply with the statutes and that according to the regulations objectively perform the process of selecting the applicants. It is also worth mentioning that for such conditions, the university requires large investments in both infrastructure and the hiring of more human resource.

I proclaim the university as a space free of stigmatizations, persecutions, discrimination or any other manifestation of violence against their students, teachers and administrative. This seeks not to repeat those events that in 2009 marked the history of the student community. When the debate on the financing of the public university began, a group of students and teachers who mobilized to demand greater academic quality and democracy were white of persecutions. “The administration at that time used academic repression, the disappearance of subjects already taken in the academic registration system and later disciplinary processes and legal blackmail to frightening students and teachers, workplace harassment and expulsion of student would arrive laterof the University;With this they sought to suppress any outbreak of nonconformity in the future ”(Alaorilladelrío, 2017). I also advocate the university as a space for the cultural encounter;This must attend to the professional training of students belonging to different ethnic groups and indigenous groups. The university must especially safeguard the rights of the most vulnerable such as those students victims of armed conflict, former combatants and all young people who present some degree of disability.

The role of the teacher is fundamental at all levels of the education process, but university education constitutes a greater challenge for the educator. The university teacher requires not only to impart the necessary knowledge for professional practice, but must promote in students the integral development of their social, communicative, emotional and cognitive abilities. As Ghenadenik (2017) states “the reflection on the task of university teaching is key to the improvement of professionals who graduate. The transmission of a knowledge is just one of the pedagogical dimensions that make university training, so a more comprehensive approach to the review of the teaching task is necessary. This implies that those who teach at a university level are not only experts in their subjects, but also have tools that allow students to integrate their autonomy and favor their critical training ”(p. 41). On the other hand, the University has the obligation to comply with the provisions of the Statute for Transparent Hiring of Teaching Personnel;The university in everything possible should avoid acts of illegality such as the appointment of personnel without the prior realization of public calls. This fact directly harms the university and reduces the benefits for students, because as is known, a considerable part of the budget is aimed at paying the salary of the hired;If these do not work according to their function and according to the needs of the university, the capital invested is lost. Now focusing on our Máter Alma, article 3 of the Teaching Statute defines precisely the professor or professor at the University of the Amazon, as “the natural person who is dedicated to the institution to the exercise of teaching in a branch of thescience, art or technique, research or university extension ”(Amazonia and. C., 2019). The general classification of the educator in the uniamazonia presented in article 4, corresponds to career teachers, occasional, professors and special/visitors. This seeks to propose the discordance related to the current number of teachers, since it is known that the university has a larger number of professors of Cathedra in hired with the reduced amount of plant teachers. The university as long as responsible for educational quality must thus ensure the character of educators, although for consideration, quality in education does not essentially depend on how satisfactory the resources are but it depends exclusively on the disposition and the degree inwhich the student assumes his training process in order to reach his full realization.

The university environment must safeguard in harmony the communicative relationship between its academics and students;It is required in this way that the university promotes the rules of coexistence to avoid conflicts between both parties. Although this type of situation is not very frequent in the uniamazonia, it is also the obligation of the university to follow up on the possible cases of abuse of authority by the teacher towards the student. The University must highlight the practice of human values, since these constitute the true authenticity and dignity of man, the university from education must form people with critical sense, with the faculty of analysis and with the capacity to reflect;But first of all you must form men with a well -determined ethical and moral dimension. Alfonso Llano Escobar, a columnist and bioethics expert, is right, which is the most dangerous type of professionals that the country has today ". (Escobar, 2012) The academic space must also be the cradle of men committed to mitigating the problems of our region, men who from the application of knowledge procure the collective transformation of our country.

The student as an essential part of the Academy has the responsibility of knowing the space where his training takes place, it is important that he knows the location and state of the facilities;But it is essential that it be aware of the regulations, to consult the Student Statute, which is reported on all the activities projected towards science, technology, art and culture in which it can participate (workshops, forums, congresses, diplomas, research projects), to use the services provided by the university (library, university well -being, online radio, virtual period), which identifies the financing opportunities of the enrollment (Icetex credit, young people in action in action). While university has adverse aspects that are valid to proclaim, not everything is negative, our university also has good things to highlight;Many of them have had a slow development process, but today they are there to be exploited by the entire university community. It is precisely about working on the strengthening of those instruments, services and goods that the university in the present provides;seeking its ideal dissemination for the benefit of all.

The University of the Amazon has six campus distributed in the department of Caquetá. Each space has a specific function, for example, the Porvenir Campus is the main one and houses the largest number of undergraduate and postgraduate students in the University, the center campus although of less extension it houses students from several academic programs, campusSocial is available for integration and recreation activities, the Santo Domingo farm dedicated to livestock exploitation, the Balkan farm from which the training processes demanded by families, the Macagual Amazonian Research Center and the most recent Yari headquarters are supported. It is also noteworthy the work done by the University in terms of the conservation of natural resources;The University raises the precise objective of establishing the Environmental Management Plan in order to prevent, correct and/or mitigate the impacts that are caused to the environment in compliance with the institutional mission by generating an environmentally responsible culture in the university community (Environmental Management Plan, 2008). It is convenient to continue working from subjects as a URMA to strengthen in students the sense of belonging not only for the university but also by our region;Precisely because of this, the university from its socio-humanist training approach includes this subject in most programs.

Another of the outstanding aspects to mention of the University is that it has a university well -being division. This program has the function of contributing to the integral training of each of the members of the university community through the development of programs and projects that allow coexistence and tolerance between the members of the community by combining academic and labor activity (Amazonia, 2013). As mentioned by the University Welfare Chief, Wilmer Rúa “is one of the beautiful responsibilities that the university has since an academic period has begun and whose mission and vision in unison permanently seeks to consolidate with CRESES the vocation, adaptation, retention and permanenceStudent ”(Rua, 2018). Through this program students can access services such as health and prevention, this space has professionals who are responsible for attending students in areas such as General Medicine, Dentistry, Psychology, Physiotherapy, Optometry and Accompaniment throughof the CENSE (Friendly and affective reproduction center). The previous services when offering for free, are of great convenience especially for those students who do not have sufficient economic resources for obtaining private services, in addition that these are available in a relatively close physical space. As for sports and recreation activities, this space allows students. It is necessary to clarify that to participate in these activities the Student Statute (Agreement 95) previously establishes conditions. On the other hand, the linking and compliance with the requirements in any of the activities gives the student a discount percentage that applies to the value of the registration available for the next academic semester (Amazonia C. S., 2005). For students interested in art and culture, the University Welfare Program has groups of dances (folk dances, urban dances and rumbaterapias), music groups (Andean music and vallenata music) and a theater group, theseaimed at integration not only of students, but also of teachers and administrative. In the event that a member of the university community needs spiritual advice, the university has a chaplain, the presbyter William Augusto González;In the case of those who belong to the Catholic Church. He also offers his spiritual service Willington Ordoñez, pastor of the United Pentecostal Church of Colombia, Cristian Campo Jiménez, leader of the Christian Church Filadelfia Florencia and Andrés Gómez, leader of the Student and Professional Crusade of Colombia (CEPC) (CEPC). There is a problem that is possible to identify in a matter of spiritual accompaniment, this is that the university does not have a specific place where the service is provided;Although proposals have been given on the construction of a space available only for religious activity, but it has not been possible to materialize, because although a large percentage of the university community manifest their faith in Catholicism, there are those who advocate other religions;Meanwhile the University seeks to defend the right of equality before the needs of the entire community. The University through the University Welfare Program also provides socio-economic support for undergraduate students who can access a food subsidy, which is based on the breakfast and lunch supply to the student during each semester of the academic year. With this help, the university seeks to guarantee permanence and reduce the dropout of students in the university, as well as to give continuity to the mentioned benefit. With all the above, it becomes remarkable as this subsidy represents a great advantage either for those students who do not have enough budget for their proper food or for those who live in very distal areas.

The University also has the library and scientific information division by Liliana María Pérez (Head of Division). The Library provides its services on the Porvenir Campus, the Centro Campus and the Santo Domingo Campus;This is functionally structured in four areas (office, technical processing, computer development and public service). The building at the Porvenir headquarters is the most recent and considerably modern with an ability to serve average of six thousand daily users, it has controlled ventilation and aeration;Wide circulation spaces and five rooms in which the knowledge classified according to the Dewey classification system, elevator for people with physical limitations that at the same time works as forklifts, environmental music, one hundred and twenty data points, Wi-Fi with capacity with capacity with capacity is distributedFor one hundred users. InUsers, loans and material reservation. At this point, it is also important to mention that through the development of the Chaira platform by the Uniamazonian Information Technology Unit, users can access bibliographic databases. This system has three sections;Subscribed databases, free databases and publications and magazines. In question, on this platform there are electronic content (books, scientific and academic articles, magazines, news, blog, etc.) related to the different areas of human knowledge. InYou can take the opportunity to read any content of your taste and thus stimulate the process of understanding, the consolidation of knowledge and the acquisition of new information. Another merit is attributed to the University for having developed a web portal of magazines through the Vice -Rectory of Research and Postgraduate. These magazines are: Amazonia Investiga, Faculty of Accounting, Economic and Administrative Sciences – Faccea, Fagroppec – Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Engineering & Amazonia, Moments of Science, Udla Legal World and Teachers and Pedagogy. Currently these seven magazines with their publications provide new research, create a conducive space for scientific dissemination and foster the search for knowledge among the student community. (Portal Magazines Uniamazonia, 2013) On the magazine portal, this maintains adequate functioning, the interface is dynamic and simple to use;Another positive aspect of this is that those readers who register have the notification service for new publications of the magazines. These aspects that have been described above, considerably favor the process of training of students, but it is here that the problem to be delimited is presented;While these resources are available to the student community, there has been precisely a disuse of these instruments, it is known that there are few students who access the bibliographic databases and the university magazine portal;Among the reasons involved are the ignorance of these means due to the lack of dissemination and the lack of personal interest in the research that requires the reading process.

With each of the previous approaches to the obligations and/or duties of the university, the question was answered how do I want my university?, considering that, although suggestions were presented that shape the ideal of operation, quality and structure of the academy;The current bases of our university were also announced highlighting the favorable conditions. Recapitulating, access to professional training was proposed as another right, the university as a peaceful and communication space between its members, the avoidance of illicit acts such as the appointment of teachers without public calls and the selection of applicants in exchange for money,Some roles of both the educator and the student in the university context were also presented;Finally, information about the activities, resources and programs available to the University were presented as a complement to the integral training of students. Thus we have to reach the definitive one, as Gerardo Daniel Juárez points out “if we want to change something, we must start for very concrete, but realizable things, achievements that can be small, but that lead us to a path. Build day by day that future that we want so that the University resumes the leading role that corresponds to it in the scientific and technological world, always with a human approach, that is the task ”. (Juarez, 2018)


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