A Risk Reduction Seminar
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A Risk Reduction Seminar
Hyperlipidemia refers to the health condition brought about by the high amount of lipids in the blood. It is a type of dyslipidemia and is more common than the other types. Dyslipidemia refers to any type of health condition that involves lipid levels that are abnormal. Hyperlipidemia can either be primary which is caused genetically and secondary that can arise from another health condition.
The health risk of hyperlipidemia can be reduced through a change in lifestyle. The main reason for changing lifestyle is to reduce the amount of lipid formation in the blood. First, the diet should be healthy and with less fat such as white meat and skimmed milked among others. Apart from diet, it can also be reduced through physical activities, avoiding smoking and losing weight (Prevention and Treatment of High Cholesterol (Hyperlipidemia), (2018). In order to reduce this risk, an education activity should be planned. Hyperlipidemia would be a bit hard to prevent because it is hard for many people to observe their diet. It is also hard for smokers to quit especially if there are no symptoms of the disease. The health activity should be based on educating a community about the prevention measures of the disease. The education activity should also assess every aspect of hyperlipidemia.
The plan should also deal with educating the community on the signs and symptoms of hyperlipidemia. In addition, the title of the educational program would be ‘STOP HYPERLIPIDEMIA.
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’ The main audience targeted by the activity would be the entire community with individuals from all age groups. The goals of the education program would be to stop and/ or reduce the occurrence of hyperlipidemia. The teaching strategies would be through lectures from nurses and doctors. The best educational activity, in this case, would be a workshop. The goals of the education program would take place two weeks after the planning period in one of the healthcare facilities in the community and would take a maximum of one week. After the workshop, the learning outcomes would be assessed by evaluating the progress of the patient
Prevention and Treatment of High Cholesterol (Hyperlipidemia). (2018). Retrieved from https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/cholesterol/prevention-and-treatment-of-high-cholesterol-hyperlipidemia
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