Abandonment Of Older Adults
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This essay will talk about older adults and their abandonment by their family or society and how it affects this vulnerable group. Aging is a progressive and continueemotional among others. It is generally considered that aging begins from the age of 65 years.
Because over time the elderly population grows significantly, I consider important, necessary to analyze and reflect on the abandonment of the elderly as well as its causes and consequences that arise thanks to this social problem. Abandonment is the lack of physical and affective attention of older adults, where problems such as diseases are noted and becoming vulnerable to society, considered as a reason for a surplus load for their families, causing the abandonment of the elderly, being amore problem in our society.
At present, the abandonment of older adults is a common social problem present worldwide, when people reach old age generally tend to abandon their day -to -day activities due to unfavorable changes in the aging process, where they go from beingA passive active person for society.
A person in the age of old age is considered unproductive for not being able to carry out activities that they met when they were young or adults, for this reason society and families tend to ignore, neglect and omit the older adults, directly affecting their life producing conditionsserious.
Next, the causes and consequences for which families and society decide to abandon older adults will be presented, indicating how this vulnerable group affects.
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Because a person over 65 considered as older adult at this stage of his life presents difficulties for himself, as well as for his family generating expenses and various inconveniences.
The main causes of abandonment in older adults are:
1- Physical condition
The elderly with the passing of time is affected in his physical condition where he reaches a point of depending on another person since his condition prevents him from carrying out certain activities so he needs special attention, or of a people who help himto carry out your activities that by your condition cannot do.
2- Economic condition
This is one the most common causes of abandonment where families lacking economic income tends to make the decision to abandon the elderly, since they cannot solve their needs such as medicine, good food, medical treatment, among others that are indispensable forA life worthy of the elderly.
3- Biological conditions.
Because of the diseases that occur in the old age and the elderly of individuals, difficulties are generated to exercise necessary activities and at the same time they originate additional economic expenses in the family either as hiring a person who helps him, which isconsidered a discomfort, since every family has needs to solve.
4- Family problems.
Since in every family problems such as violence, sexual abuse, alcoholism, physical aggression, among others are presented, among others. Deteriorating affectivity and communication with the elderly causing family members to make the decision to abandon it due to existing differences. According to the aforementioned, it can be said that there are various causes for which the family abandonment of older adults is generally given either due to difficulties present in areas such as health, economic, social, etc.
Due to the causes that this phenomenon occurs, various consequences and risks are presented that affect abandoned individuals creating irremediable damage in different fields. Next, it will be presented as this problem affects the elderly.
1- Emotional conditions
In the emotional field, older adults when feeling abandoned experience unavailable changes such as feeling very sensitive until they reach the point of presenting depressive paintings causing him to affect any problem or situation that occurs. Being more possible that the old man is prone to suffer some psychological disorder due to emotional changes
2- Low self-esteem
The feeling of loneliness greatly affects the older adults making them vulnerable, since at this stage self-destructive thoughts are presented for themselves, such as feeling unproductive and useless, blaming themselves of being abandoned, not feeling motivated for anything, losing confidence in themselvessame, etc. Directly affecting and decreasing their self – esteem for this type of thoughts, preventing overcoming and having a good lifestyle.
3- Health status
The health of the old man is considered both a cause and consequence of abandonment due to the sufferings present in these people. Being in a situation of abandonment, the elderly is more prone to contracting several diseases being the most common hypertension, diabetes, depression, among others, because they do not have the necessary care and attention, it is also due to the fact that the body loses ordecreases the physiological resilience that it presents, so it prevents it from enduring the critical conditions in which it is abandoned.
4- Indigence
The destitution in older adults is a main consequence of abandonment, individuals being alone, without help or support from their family, without the ability to work and support their needs automatically become homeless, since in many cases they come to live inStreet situation, which is very dangerous for older adults because they run without risks such as;Being discriminated against society, suffering attacks against their life, aggressions of all kinds, malnutrition, diseases among many more situations that put their health and life at risk, they can even die.
In conclusion of the topic, one could say unfortunately in the society in which we currently live this problem is very common throughout the world, no person is exempt from age, since it is part of our natural process therefore we have to learn to live with itAnd abandonment is not any solution because of problems that this stage causes us, the decision to abandon older adults should not be made.
The elderly victims of this problem being in a situation of abandonment affect them in different general or personal fields, are more likely to have diseases and run many risks that could even cause death. Finally, I recommend that the societies and families around the world who have older adults who do not choose to abandon them be created, since we will all reach old age and we will not like to go through this problem
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