Aboriginals Separation
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Reflection Paper
It has dawned on me that by far and large the aboriginal’s separation is the most devastating phenomenon that ever happened, and this is evident from the narrator’s perception. They expressed a lot of bitterness, disappointment, and dismay since they were separated from their cultures, families, and even homes. While the separation happened physically, they felt left out even more as they were not human rights to air their grievances. The narration hints at the hard life that children went through amid being adopted in foster homes and mission centers. The victims were tortured physically, and children lacked parental care. The division and segregation were achieved through restricting movements of persons, curfews, limited employment chances, prohibition form public participation and marriages. Adults were separated from their families and locked up as labor reservoirs while children were taken away from their parents. There are deep wounds as these families’ ties are broken, which are still hurting to date.
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