Abortion, Psychological Consequences And Ethical And Legal Implications
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Abortion is the voluntary or involuntary interruption of pregnancy before the embryo or fetus are in conditions of living outside the mother’s belly, voluntary abortion is a procedure to interrupt a woman’s pregnancy when she decides so and there are various methodsfor this;When this is involuntary it occurs because the fetus does not develop normally, before the twentieth week of gestation.
The objective of this research is to determine the psychological effects through which women go after practicing or suffering an abortion, since they are diverse and different social factors influence both the time of making the decision and in the post-abortion phase.
We answered the research question thanks to various sources on the Internet and previous investigations carried out, as a result we obtained that one of the most common consequences after an abortion is carried out are the denial, sensation of vacuum, oscillations in the state of mood but notAll women react in the same way.
The present investigation is guided towards the issue of abortion and what are the psychological consequences that it brings, abortion is the voluntary or involuntary interruption of pregnancy before the embryo or fetus are in conditions of living outside the mother’s womb. At present there is a great political, religious and social debate in much of the world about abortion.
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In Colombia, abortion is legal in three circumstances, when pregnancy is the result of the sexual act without consent, the result of incest, unseented artificial insemination and have been denounced before the competent authorities, also when the physical or mental health of themother. Regardless of the cause or reason for abortion, it has side effects, such as anxiety, guilt among others. In some cases, this important decision is taken without being well informed on the subject, so we do a qualitative analysis of the studies on the post-abortion syndrome and thus with this investigation to ensure that the Colombian population, and especiallyWomen and adolescents are correctly informed about what abortion, their methods and everything that this entails based on all the information found on websites and in prior research on this same topic.
Referential Framework
Historical background
Throughout history, the concept of abortion has varied, from tolerance to prohibition, and people’s attitudes towards this approach have also been different. Already around 1500 to. C., It was written as the so -called Ebers papyrus. He mentioned the recipe to stop pregnancy in ancient Egypt. One of them includes immature fruits of acacia, dates and onions crushed with honey. In Kahun Papyrus, it is recommended to use feces to prevent pregnancy and spontaneous abortion. Tools for abortion were found in archaeological excavations in China, Persia and India.
Theoretical framework
Abortion is the voluntary or involuntary interruption of pregnancy before the embryo or fetus are in conditions of living outside the mother’s belly.
Types of abortion
- Spontaneous abortion:
Spontaneous abortion is when pregnancy is interrupted before 26 weeks of management. In this period of time, the fetus still did not develop most of its organs, so it is not in a position to stay alive outside the mother’s uterus.
This type of abortions, as the name implies, occurs when pregnancy is lost in a very sudden way. According to various sources, between 8% and 15% of pregnancies end up pregnancy due to spontaneous abortions, without taking into account a large number of people who have not participated in data collection.
Most interruptions in the gestation period occur in the first twelve weeks, spontaneously, either known or unknown. Also, in most cases, assistance or surgical action is not needed to remove the fetus. Like spontaneous abortions, induced abortions also occur within this period of time (before 12 weeks)
This type of abortion can be produced by chromosomal alteration produced by the poor disjunction of gametes that participate in fertilization during the meiotic stage of sex cells. This leads to an alteration in the chromosomal number, causing spontaneous abortions.
You have to take into account the family history, especially the mother’s conditions and the monitoring of her pregnancy in order to determine the causes of an abortion. Taking alcohol, smoking tobacco and consuming drugs increase in a large amount the possibilities of pregnancy being interrupted.
- Induced abortion:
Induced abortion, according to the definition of WHO, is the one that results from several tactics that are made about the pregnant woman with the aim of ending her gestation period, that is, to her pregnancy. These actions or tactics can be carried out by a person outside the pregnant woman or by the mother itself.
Manual aspiration is a way to make an abortion. It is very simple surgery that lasts about 15 minutes. Local anesthesia is usually used;Only in exceptional cases requires general anesthesia. This method can be done from the first three weeks of pregnancy until 12.The procedure consists of dilating cervix to introduce into it a flexible cannula and aspire to the fetus with a syringe. The thickness of the cannula and dilation will depend on how advanced pregnancy is.
It is important that they have the personnel trained to carry out the aspiration. The woman remains at least two hours in the office because you have to wait for the effect of anesthesia to happen and to see that the cramps do not increase.
- Dilation and evacuation
The method of dilation and evacuation can be practiced from the fifteenth week to the twenty sixth week of pregnancy. It basically consists of the opening of the cervix, emptying it by using surgical instruments and suction.
- Premature delivery induction
In advanced states of pregnancy, if an abortion is to be practiced for therapeutic reasons, other proper procedures are used for the greater state of development of the fetus. Premature delivery can be induced using prostaglandins, while injected saline or urea in the amniotic fluid, which causes fatal burns in the fetus.
- Partial birth abortion
In the most advanced cases, exceptional techniques are used, such as the call of intact dilation and extraction or ‘partial birth abortion’, which requires two or three days of preparation, to ensure the necessary cervical dilation, and the drugs that induce childbirth. The doctor manipulates the fetus, to make his legs out first, until he left his head inside, if necessary. Finally, the brain brain is emptied after practicing an incision at the base of the skull. This technique, which is controversial, applies in less than the sixth part of the late abortions practiced in the United States;that is, when prenatal development has overcome the embryo stage and is called a fetus.
Consequences of abortion
Physical effects of abortion:
- Sterility
- Spontaneous abortions
- Bleeding
- Infections
- Peritonitis
- Perforated uterus
- Menstrual disorders
Psychological effects:
- Denial
- Confusion
- Vacuum sensation
- Social isolation
- Insomnia or nightmares
- Oscillations in the state of encouragement
- Lack of livid or sexual dysfunctions
Legal framework
The decriminalization of abortion in Colombia began thanks to Mónica Roa when I present a letter of unconstitutionality before the Constitutional Court, also several feminist groups fought to decriminalize abortion in Colombia through Congress, but failed in several attempts, even Monica that carried a projectof high litigation and finally triumph in the Constitutional Court of Colombia, in its letter it was mentioned that the total penalty of abortion in Colombia was unfair and that caused many unsafe and clandestine abortions in which many women died or were injured for life, causingThus a national public health crisis, until 2006 that the Court sentenced the judgment of the Colombian Constitutional Court C-355 of May 10, 2006, following Martha Zulay Gonzales in three specific situations.
- Law 599:
The Constitutional Court has recognized by jurisprudential life the possibility of aborting for danger to the life or health of women, for malformation of the fetus, for violation and incest, in other circumstances abortion is penalized with prison of 16 to 54 months in casethat the woman causes her abortion or allows another to cause it and will be penalized with imprisonment from 64 to 180 months to those who cause abortion without consent.
- Decree 4.444:
Regulate aspects of sexual and reproductive health (service availability, financing, mandatory technical standards, consciousness objection, discrimination prohibition, sanctions).
Resolution 4.905 By which the technical norm for the attention of the voluntary interruption of pregnancy-is- will be adopted, resolution 1896 of 2001 and other provisions are dictated: other provisions:
Sets service characteristics (procedure coding, admission of pregnant women, advice, information, informed consent), procedures and methods of voluntary interruption of pregnancy and monitoring.
- Sentences:
T-171, C-355, T-636, T-988, T-946, T-209, T-388, T-009, T-585, T-841.
Methodological design
The family and social environment influences the decision of women when an abortion is practiced.
Not all women have the same symptoms after an abortion is practiced.
For this research, qualitative research was chosen, since it is intendedcause in women
- Independent variable: abortion
- Dependent variable: Psychological consequences of abortion
For this research an interview will be conducted to learn about the consequences that abortion brings and the factors that influence this by a health professional.
Population and sample
The present investigation is aimed at the entire population of Colombia, more specifically to the city of Bogotá, emphasizing women from 19 to 30 years of age and adolescents and girls from 13 to 18 years.
Two women will be chosen among the age ranges established randomly by each locality
The present investigation was carried out in the following phases.
- The collection of documentary information on the Internet was carried out regarding the different definitions of key concepts that will be treated in this research and that make up the conceptual framework and ancient research on abortion and its consequences.
- An interview with the established population will be conducted to obtain fruitful field information for research.
- Advice is carried out to a professional psychologist to, through this technique, analyze their point of view regarding this problem and obtain more punctual information.
- Analysis of the results obtained, that is, which consequences of abortion were found in the investigation.
Data measurement
The data obtained will be registered through a survey applied to the established population on key points of the investigation as position of the subjects in the face of the subject, knowledge of the subject and the implications of the same, among other things
Method check
The method would be determined appropriate if the test subjects consciously respond to the survey since this will throw true data on the proposed study otherwise we could not do a satisfactory investigation.
The analysis of the data obtained through the survey will be examined by the authors of this research with the support and interpretation of a professional in psychology doing a joint job to obtain more information for the research.
Our resources will be the surveys and support of the professional in psychology.
The investigation will last approximately one month to put into practice everything compiled in this project but will take a single day to carry out the surveys to the chosen population and thus be able to expedite the investigation
Ethical and legal implications
As for the suede surveys, consent will be requested to be able to carry out this process, the population can choose individually whether or not to be done anonymously, as they feel more comfortable . They will be reminded that surveys will not be published will only be used for investigation and the current legal areas will be respected.
Several scientific studies have confirmed that the psychological consequences of interrupting an unexpected pregnancy depend on much of the situation of women in terms of law, culture and family, about the attention it receives (either professional or not) and, natureof the procedure (whether safe or not).
Some negative related conditions between women who resorted to abortion were identified in the first three months of pregnancy: feelings of shame, the need for confidentiality or the low support of the expected social environment for abortion decisions;Previous stories about psychological problems, personality factors, such as low self – esteem, and finally the special characteristics of pregnancy, such as the desire for pregnancy and commitment to pregnancy. Several studies have shown that mental health before pregnancy is the best predictor of the affection after abortion.
Reactions to an abortion depend on circumstances such as:
- The weeks of pregnancy
- If the woman already has children
- Religious or other beliefs
- Support or not, by the couple and/or family
- Acceptance or rejection of abortion in the sociocultural environment of women
- The legal or illegal nature of abortion
- The economic situation of women, on which the conditions under abortion will depend in many cases
- The professional capacity of those who carry out abortion and the sanitary conditions in which it is carried out
The following possible psychological consequences were found after an abortion, taking into account that these depend on the circumstances already mentioned above.
- Denial
- Confusion
- Vacuum sensation
- Social isolation
- Insomnia or nightmares
- Oscillations in mood
- Lack of livid or sexual dysfunctions
The effects after practicing an abortion will be very different in each woman according to personal factors, such as objectives or desires, their skills to face problems, and social factors, such as their environment or the support they receive from their family or nearby people.
It is very important to receive external support, and thus have a space to be able to talk about the loss, since all this is a process should not hurry to forget everything, or try to avoid negative emotions, such as a feeling of loss, anxiety, changes inmood, among others.
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