View all "Abuse" ready papers, essays and assignments
Types of aggressors that cause bullying Bullying is a phenomenon that occurs in educational environments in which a child continues, some kind of violence over another. Statistics ...
Truths of abortion and why it is practiced The objective of this work is to inform people about the issue of aborting and that is not how certain people from......
Tribalism and its influence on the world population Tribalism is defined by the Spanish health psychologist and sexologist, Isabel Rovira Salvador, such as: "A concept of the ...
Trauma theory according to Ferenczi Sandor Ferenczi was born on July 7, 1873, in Hungary. He obtained his doctor's degree at 21. Then he specialized in neurology and psychiatry. Fi...
Words: 1067
Pages: 4
TIME LINE ON THE HISTORY OF DISABILITY This work is intended to see the different processes of the history of people with disabilities, as they have been treated, as they......
The Zaatari refugee camp: infrastucure and survival Infrastructure The infrastructure in the Zaatari field is a great determinant of the safety and protection of refugees. While a ...
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Pages: 7
The woman, main cause of feminicide Introduction Feminicide is a very argued issue in Peruvian society and a reason for discussion in recent times, reflecting on why a woman attack...
The woman and the way in search of rights for a more just society This essay deals with one of the most relevant social problems today, gender violence, and how......
The uniqueness of the human being in suffering addiction It is very common to talk about addictions, there are all kinds, among the most unique we find alcohol addiction, tobacco,....
Words: 1735
Pages: 6
The true meaning of feminism in society It is important to know the subject since I am a woman and I realize how the situation is currently, the fact of......
The transphobia: definition and sociological analysis What is transphobia? Transobia is fear, hatred, lack of acceptance or discomfort against transgender people. In general, trans...
Words: 2430
Pages: 9
The study of drug trafficking in Peru Introduction The problem of drug use and consumption is increasing normally causes concern in the country and leads to social, economic, cultu...
THE SOCIAL CONTRACT: Rousseau A well constituted state must have limits, or too large that cannot be managed or very small that cannot be recognized as a state, when the......
The slavery reflected through realism in the works of Icaza and García Márquez Since ancient times, slavery has been well framed in the lives of humans;which is closely related t...
The sexual abuse of a student, the Vision of Teachers What is the role of the teacher before sexual abuse? As we know after home the school is the place......
The schools are not safe today Introduction My theme will be Bullying I will talk about this because my eldest son suffered from this harassment in his school, this issue......
The Royal Spanish Athletics Federation Introduction The Royal Spanish Athletics Federation (RFEA) is the highest regulation and promotion agency of all athletics modalities in Spai...
THE RIGHT OF CHILDREN AND ARMED CONFLICTS The present work aims to make society known the problem that is generated when there are armed conflicts between nations, a very......
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Pages: 11
The responsibility and its analysis through the book "The leader's mirror" In general terms, responsibility is a value that most of us obtain it as we grow, but there are...
The rescue after Haiti's earthquake Introduction The world has gone through many disasters, but on January 12, 2010, a huge 7.0 earthquake hit Haiti about 10 miles southwest of the...
The Republic of Plato In the sixth book, after a long discussion, they establish the difference between what philosophers are and what they are not, the government will be granted....
The representation of women in the novel Sab For many generations, women have been put as a being inferior to man because in many cultures it is considered physical and......
There are many love anime Introduction There are many love anime, some better achieved than others, but they all have in common: that will make you vibrate. Love is one......
THE POWER OF MEDICAL HYPNOSIS AS ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE Introduction Together with humanity, medical sciences evolve with the passing of the years. Traditional practical methods a...
Words: 2484
Pages: 9
The origin of racism and the process by which it develops To know the origin of racism we must bear in mind that we are beings that have a cultural......
The origin of asylum right Introduction The origin of the right of asylTemple resorts to the gods, it is outside the human power, it no longer depends on the justice......
Words: 447
Pages: 2
The open veins of Latin America Bibliographic review: Starting this analysis of the book where it refers to the economic, social, cultural and historical and, farms that lead to ex...
Words: 1366
Pages: 5
The Old Testament and its Secrets Introduction. In 1945 a great discovery occurred in the desert of Egypt, which was that of the Dogmas of the New Testament, incomparable scrolls.....
THE NEED FOR THE ERADICATION OF CHILD LABOR To the extensive of society's progress and with this that of humanity, child exploitation has been seen with strong references in the......
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Pages: 3
The monarchy and the Republic Introduction If we talk about the monarchy, there are several types: absolute monarchy, parliamentary monarchy and constitutional monarchy. They diffe...
Words: 948
Pages: 3
The migration and life of migrants in the world Migration is understood as the movement of people that consists in leaving the place of residence to establish themselves in another...
The Mexican woman from the perspective of Rosario Castellanos Rosario Castellanos Figueroa writer, journalist and Mexican diplomaticI on the feminist side by leaving in his works a...
Words: 522
Pages: 2
The meaning of Black Lives Matter It is a phrase that is virally from 2013, is related to relevance events that occur mostly in the United States of America.......
Words: 462
Pages: 2
The life of women in Africa Introduction. To begin to frame the situation of women in this country we will define the geographical framework of this country. Ethiopia is the......
Words: 1557
Pages: 6
The life of the Peruvian José María Arguedas José María Arguedas was born in Andahuaylas, in the Sierra Sur del Peru on January 19, 1911. In this essay I announce......
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The life of an animal Introduction The mere fact of quantifying or monetizing the life of an animal usually causes us a certain rejection, especially when it comes to our......
The legendary Don Quijote de la Mancha Introduction In the next essay I will make an alternative end to the book Don Quijote de la Mancha which we deal with......
The knowledge of administrative law For the author García Maynes, "it is the branch of public law that regulates the organization of the public administration company and the...
Words: 878
Pages: 3
The interaction of orientations and deviated behavior Introduction In recent times there is a renewed interest in incorporating personality variables into criminological theories t...
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Pages: 4
The intelligence of an artificial brain vs. The one of an emotional brain "I fear the day that technology exceeds our humanity. The world will only have a generation of......
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