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School leadership in Chile What can we share from evidence in school leadership?, where it is pointed out that in the last 10 years Chile appears as a regional......
Words: 1285
Pages: 5
School accompaniment strategies One of the main factors within the teaching-learning process of children is the importance that school accompaniment requires throughout the course ...
Words: 1091
Pages: 4
Saint Augustin of Hipona Author of the City of God Aurelius Augustinus was born in 354 in the municipality of Thagaste (currently Souk Ahras, Algeria) in the Roman province of......
Words: 1317
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Risks we face within the legalization of drugs Introduction What are the risks we would face with the legalization of drugs? Drugs have been cataloged as soft and hard, when......
Review of the Literature of the Human Rights Committee The Human Rights Committee, in its article on civil and political rights defines discrimination as: “… Any distinction, e...
Words: 750
Pages: 3
Result of the indigenous movement Introduction It is a movement that seeks to avoid the loss of Andean culture after the colonization of the Spaniards in addition to also having......
Words: 1050
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Research on the human genome Introduction In the current state of genetic research, manipulation of the human genome is possible, using strategies used to adjust and alter the meth...
Words: 1941
Pages: 7
Relationship between the results of the standardized tests and the socio -economic level in Chile Introduction Education is the process of providing learning and obtaining knowledg...
Words: 1489
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Reflection of the literary work The tribulations of the student Törless Robert Musil was an Austrian writer, which in 1906 publishes his master workIt is one of the most important...
Words: 1654
Pages: 6
REFLECTION AND CRITICAL ACTIVITY Introduction The central theme of this critical review is focused on higher education, observing that it has a diverse and extensive possibility of...
Words: 407
Pages: 1
Reasoning of Philosophy Introduction Mythology, as a science has to be taken into consideration, began to be seriously accepted in the highest academic circles during the last half...
Words: 850
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Reality and television and its consequences Introduction The reality, contrary to what many think, is not unique or invariable, so the present argumentative essay aims. Interactive...
Words: 962
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Real estate valuation Introduction Valuation is a scientific process that through techniques and methodology seeks to determine the value of a certain real estate analyzing the phy...
Words: 931
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Reading in the youth of the current era Introduction We are currently in an era where technological advances and globalization govern todayThis knowledge that reads us in books, st...
Words: 1565
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Reading is a practice that enriches the person Introduction In Peru, the education system seeks to achieve a complete training of the human being, it is for this reason that......
Words: 951
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Reading in the first years of a person's life Introduction At present, take a book and sit down to read, a simple and fun gesture, which, mysteriously, is getting more......
Words: 2060
Pages: 7
Reading comprehension strategies Introduction. Learning to read is an activity that we do little by little since we are very small. Our whole life depends on the way we use......
Words: 724
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Racism towards the indigenous community in Ecuador This work will deal with racism towards indigenous people, which is a taboo subject in Ecuador. Given the undeniable force of rac...
Words: 1720
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Pygmalion effect as an academic tool Introduction The pigmalion effect applied to the educational context refers to the expectations that the teacher has on the student, which ca...
Words: 709
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Psychosis, symptoms in children and adolescents Most psychotic episodes occur more frequently in children and adolescents who do not necessarily present a significant pathology....
Words: 2123
Pages: 8
Psychosocial characterization of substance abuse Introduction At present, the indices that lead the list of factors that measure the development of a country are health and educati...
Psychology and education marching hand in Spanish writing, 879 words The word psychology comes from the psycho or psykhé Greek, which means soul, psyche or mental activity and lod...
PROTORRATIONALISM AND DESIGN Protorarationism is a moment in the history of the taste of architecture in the field of design that extended from the 1st 1910 decade until the end......
Words: 922
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Program and treatment for youth criminals With a prevention system and treatments towards basic services throughout the state of Florida with the legally defined objective and comm...
Words: 843
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Professional orientation: its key functions Surely, you are close to choosing a career option and you are not sure what to do, you have doubts that it fits better in......
Words: 1036
Pages: 4
Professional Leadership Keys today Introduction What is the reason for the success of some companies regarding other? Why do some projects prosper and others fail or maintain diffi...
Words: 556
Pages: 2
Procrastination in Higher Education Procrastination consists in the habit of postponing activities that can be resolved at a certain moment, replacing them with other activities of...
Processes to promote participatory citizenship Introduction The present study focuses on global citizenOrchids ”During the health emergency of the Coronavirus Covid -19”, on th...
Principles of Bioethics in the field of Pediatrics Dentistry As a human being we are in the constant search for balance and well -being. We rely on professionals who play......
Presentation of the school uniform Introduction The uniform plays a very important role in the identity of a certain profession in this essay we will specifically talk about the im...
Words: 1016
Pages: 4
Popular beliefs of women and men in the face of aging Introduction From the same process of conception to death, aging is a phenomenon present throughout the life cycle, however,.....
Words: 1855
Pages: 7
Political realism in international relations theories “We know that nobody takes over the world with the intention of leaving it. Power is not a means, but an end in itself.......
Poetry in school education Introduction Taking a look at the curriculum, you can see the interest granted to poetry in the different levels of secondary and high school: the knowle...
Words: 1132
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Playful play as a pedagogical strategy to strengthen students learning Introduction This essay is written about recreational games asdifferent dimensions, mediation is focused on t...
Planning for Personal, Social and Human Development During the planning course and social and human development programs we learned that to create a democratic and inclusive societ...
Words: 828
Pages: 3
Pinochet's social policy and its influence on Chile's aesthetic coup between 1973-1975 The country of Chile presents the dictatorship of the Chilean general and politicthe objectiv...
Words: 1618
Pages: 6
Physical and psychological violence in the LGBTI+community This academic essay is going to deal with violence, both physical and psychological suffered by people belonging to the L...
Philosophy and Reason Introduction Its central problem is found in faith and reason, where philosophers for this time believed only in reason, in what could be demonstrated, that i...
People in the face of anxiety disorders Introduction Anxiety Anxiety is a natural human reaction that affects the mind and body making the person suffer from an inability to societ...
Paul Cézanne, the great hermit painter Introduction Paul Cézanne was a French painter, whom many consider pioneer of open brushstrokes characteristics of post-impressionism. His ...
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