View all "Academic" ready papers, essays and assignments
Author Tutor Course Date Bad Feminist In the book, Bad Feminist, Roxane Gay is not trying to proclaim herself a smarter, chiller nor hilarious feminist than anyone else. Instead, s...
Public Finance in street sales in Santa Marta In Colombia, street sales points are a reality that is lived daily, in addition this modality of commerce is not even close......
Words: 1415
Pages: 5
Sexual diversity and gender orientation What is sexual development The term adolescence derives from the Latin "adolescere" which means "grow towards adulthood"...
Student Name Instructor Course Date Parenting Styles Introduction The social development of a child is often determined by the stimuli, both social and cognitive that they come int... website Student’s Name Institutional Affiliations Abstract Contrary to popular belief that social media is a revolutionary happening that has opened up the world and m...
Supervisor’s Name: Student’s Name:ID. No: Subject: Communication and Technical Skills as a tool in Marketing Objectives To present communication skills as a tool in marketing T...
Words: 1925
Pages: 7
The legend of the Popocatepetl and Iztaccíhuatl volcanoes The legend of the Popocatepetl and Iztaccíhuatl volcanoes speaks of a love story between a princess and a warrior that o...
Words: 1072
Pages: 4
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Scholarship Application Academic, Professional and Volunteer Organizations About my academic life, I attended local primary and high...
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Surname: Instructor: Course: Date: Code of Ethics: Cultural Competence and Social Diversity In the ACA Codes of Ethics (2014), two major ethical codes apply to cultural competence ...
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Student Professor Course level Date Can You Be Educated From a Distance? With the advancement in technology and the use of internet in academic platforms, the establishment of dist...
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Theories of Management Module Name Institution Introduction Majority of business organizations around the globe are currently facing diverse challenges such stiff competition, chan...
Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date The Hebrew Philosophy in Different Times The Hebrew philosophy represents a body of philosophical autopsy informed by literature...
Words: 1375
Pages: 5
Learning and evaluations in the training process This act has led to dismantling the training process, since teachers simply are responsible for quantitatively measure the learning...
Words: 656
Pages: 2
University Social Responsibility in Peru In Peru, like the rest of the countries that are in “Latin America” they have various problems to face, that is why universities are ce...
Words: 918
Pages: 3
Before beginning this task, read the complete directions provided in the CalTPA Candidate Handbook. Step 1: Academic Content Selection and Learning about Students Directions: An im...
Words: 4125
Pages: 15
UMB connect app was established in the month of September, the year 2013. The app is utilized in the sharing of ideas, ads, events, textbooks, and books, an event of......
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Dangers of cell phone use, advantages and disadvantages We can guide our children and students in the good use of this new technology; since it is necessary but using it......
Websites and reliable information search In this letter we will cover the issue of reliable websites where I will rely on an analysis about the search for information within the......
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date How I Plan to Pursue My Academic Interests at USC I have always had a great love for medicine ever since I was a......
Proposal for NCLB Reforms (Name) (University) Proposal for NCLB Reforms I.Introduction A.Topic 1) Research question: Does the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act need reforms? 2) Worki...
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The advantages of distance education Over the years, the development of technology and communication has increased the extensive educational modality. Giving space to distance educ...
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Pages: 3
Name; Instructor: Course: Date: Self-Editing Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Wf/pl ag Wf/Poss Wf/pl pro non-idiom pro, ref The cellphone has a negative effect on people life......
Words: 825
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Name Instructor Course Date Fair Use Introduction Fair use is the doctrine that exempts or allows a limited use of owners’ copyrighted work without his or her permission. This do...
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Pages: 8
The importance of academic honesty Academic honesty is a quality that is expected from any student or professional who is in any school or that has any profession. It must......
Words: 916
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Ecopedagogy against climate change We live industrialized, technological and virtual times, apparently modern that makes many live their own realities and deny the presence of clim...
Words: 1986
Pages: 7
Mathematics and its progressions Mathematics is an area that is responsible for representing, comparing various concepts, in each place space in its diverse forms as well as variat...
The dream is a physiological need that living beings have Introduction The dream is a physiological necessity that living beings have is considered as a phase of rest and recovery,...
Words: 1195
Pages: 4
Performance Appraisal Used in Higher Education Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Performance Appraisal Used in Higher Education Introduction Individuals are the lifebl...
Words: 825
Pages: 3
Environmental Factors that Affect Intellectual Levels Diet and socioeconomic status are some of the external factors that are thought to affect intellectual levels. These two facto...
Words: 275
Pages: 1
Core Competencies for Nurses Student’s Name Student ID Professor’s Name Course Title Date of Submission QSEN competencies play an indispensable role in nursing setting. They pr...
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Academic Health and Welfare Unit Introduction The ethics of care is a discipline that has as its object of study the moral and human action of being a response sought......
Film writers of freedom, discrimination and stereotypes This film shows the important issues such as discrimination, stereotypes, as well as prejudices, in which it shows us how ra...
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Author’s Name Lecturer Course Title Due Date My Intellectual Interest At the tender age, I become passionate about solving math problems as well as examining the economy of our c...
Name of Student Name of Supervisor English 101 Date Kevin Carey excerpt from the End of College Introduction Higher education is becoming increasingly diverse these days. One does ...
Comment Bank High Comments 1. There has been a discernible change in { } sports world this year. It would be ideal if you keep on chipping away at these......
Words: 1100
Pages: 4
Name Institution Course Date Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass The analysis of Fredrick Douglass on the issue of slavery provides an insight into the dehumanizing effect c...
Analysis of a chronicle of an announced death The chronic work of a death announced, by Gabriel García Márquez, uses a community in Colombia to demonstrate how a town......
Words: 2508
Pages: 9
Name Tutor Course Date 3-1 Discussion Government Overview (Central Intelligence Agency 1) Government type The Constitutional Federal Republic The Political leader(s) President Dona...
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Name Professor's Name Course Number Date Are Video Games Bad for You The video games have been known to provide great entertainment for children and young adults. The war games,......
Austism: Problem that generates social exclusion “If you could enter my silence you understood my eyes;If you could hear my heart I would say how much I love you;If you......
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