View all "Academic" ready papers, essays and assignments
Paris statement and the values promoted Introduction Argentine politician, academic and economist Raúl Prébisch develops in his work the concept of periphery center (1951),...
Words: 2647
Pages: 10
Parents excessively control their children's education Introduction Today one of the most difficult aspects of paternity and maternity is to avoid seeing or mistakes to their sons ...
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Pages: 2
Panofsky Method, movie a wonderful mind A brilliant mind based on Erwin Panofsky's theory. It is an American drama movie of 2001. Based on Sylvia Nasar's novel, which was......
Palliative care and their importance Introduction Palliative care are not the same as the care of terminal patients. The latter are offered when the patient's life expectancy is 6 ...
Ovar cancer in LATAM Ovary cancer is a chronic and degenerative disease characterized by abnormal cell growth in ovaries, in most cases they begin from the epithelium and only some...
Words: 1139
Pages: 4
Organized crime organization and strategies Introduction The following case study seeks to explore the evolution of transnational organized crime in Colombia, with an approach to t...
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Organizations that promote health promotion Introduction There are different national and international organizations (UNESCO, WHO, Council of Europe, Ministry of Education) that a...
Oral history as research methodology Introduction. To describe the methodology used at work we begin with oral history, this being a narrative resource used by people when accounti...
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Online adult student education Introduction The online education boom is related to the technological developments that since 1990 introduced personal computers, allowing to integr...
Words: 1409
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North American legal realism North American legal realism indicates that it has philosophical sources from the mainly legal understanding of Europe in colonial times and now in the...
Words: 2482
Pages: 9
Neuropsychological problems associated with alcoholism Introduction Alcohol is a depressant of the central nervous system, ethanol, whose effects vary dependingcardiorespitatria de...
Neoliberalism in Mexico and its characteristics Neoliberalism in Mexico is part of an economic political process that has its origins in the seventies with President Miguel de la M...
Nervous Conditions: Customers and Advisors Introduction It is necessary for the acquisition of the products offered on this site, which reads and accepts the following terms and co...
Words: 1756
Pages: 6
Neoconstitutionalism: Vision of novelty within the Constitution Introduction Neocostitionalism over time has been gaining strength in the political framework of Europe and in Latin...
Words: 798
Pages: 3
Negative aspects of technology in society Technological advances are currently a fundamental part of the development of our daily lives. In many cases it has allowed us to give qui...
Words: 1394
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NEEDS IN LATIN AMERICAN HOUSES Introduction Poverty is something very commented on antiquity as in modernity, although we are in the 21st century, there are still households that l...
Narcolepsy, types, causes and symptoms It is one of the diseases that occur when adducing from sleep disorders, usually occurs with excessive drowsiness, in addition to also being ...
Movements in the University Community Introduction The Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) in all its trajectory has been involved in a series of struggles, which in esse...
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Migration classes, advantages and disadvantages Migration is a process that has been presented since the origins of humanity and are of a different nature. White, c. (2000) Establi...
Words: 1509
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MEXICO EDUCATION PROBLEMS BY PANDEMIA As the country evolves, in which there is a series of processes leading to a gradual change and motivating to study the variants in their......
Words: 1144
Pages: 4
Mental health in society Introduction Mental health includes emotional, psychological and also social well -being in our life. It affects how we wait, feel and act. It also help...
Words: 3037
Pages: 11
Maturity in business management models Introduction The management and improvement of business processes are a central task of organizational design. That is why maturity models ar...
MATHEMATICAL REASONING Crossing of the Lecto Writing The human being throughout history has been in relation to mathematics, for being a science that at all times of his daily.....
Words: 1393
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Master-student relationship and learning Today one of the most relevant difficulties in carrying out the teaching-learning process is training, progress and the different states th...
Words: 386
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Marketing in young people Introduction If there is something that today's young people dominate better than anyone, are technological tools. This aptitude is made most suitable for...
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Pages: 3
Marcel Duchamp Monograph Marcel Duchamp is one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century. Originally from Blainville, France in the years of 1880, and under the infl...
Words: 1948
Pages: 7
Major depressive disorder, a pandemic in our time According to data from the World Health Organization, it is estimated that more than 350 million people in the world suffer from.....
Literature in Lisgüsto General It is inappropriate to delimit the concept of literature as a semantics of manual would propose, the exercise of consulting the Royal Spanish Academ...
Literary criticism in scientific terms Introduction Literary criticism, in philological humanistic terms is a discipline of the science of literature that refers to the use of prin...
Words: 1900
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Literary creation as a didactic tool Current education has formed readers in the midst of digital tools that lead students to other thoughts. But not precisely, the literary fields...
Literacy in university students Introduction. This work is intended to indicate disinterest in academic literacy;Especially in engineering, where the writing, understanding of text...
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Learning to write essays for a good education Many students occasionally suffer from anxiety when their teachers assign them the task of writing an essay. The questions begin from ...
Learning strategies and students Learning strategies are admitted from different approaches and from several countenance. In the educational, the statements that have been raised t...
Words: 553
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Learning Sevice: Concepts and Keys For a few years the name of learning-service (APS) has begun to be heard more and more frequently in the educational field, from primary educatio...
Words: 479
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Leadership and its essential characteristics and skills Leadership is defined as a adjacent skills that an individual possesses to influence others. In the educational field, Wagne...
Words: 999
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Labor absenteeism and its main causes Introduction This work seeks to be carried out from a practical academic act, looking for the purpose of making a more transcendent approach...
Justice, differentiate the correct thing from the wrong It is not exaggerated to say that Socrates spent his whole life investigating the meaning of justice. During his research...
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Judge's role for conflict resolution Introduction The main motivation in the choice of the subject, lies in my academic position, being a law student, it is essential to investigat...
James Hunter leadership book essay This book is a relevant text that deepens a clear leadership prototype based on the vocation of service, from different experiences and perspe...
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Intercultural Communicative Competencies and Cultural Exhibition If culture is understood as the set of values, world visions, behavior, traditions, artistic expressions and behavi...
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