View all "Academic" ready papers, essays and assignments
Judge's role for conflict resolution Introduction The main motivation in the choice of the subject, lies in my academic position, being a law student, it is essential to investigat...
James Hunter leadership book essay This book is a relevant text that deepens a clear leadership prototype based on the vocation of service, from different experiences and perspe...
Words: 1126
Pages: 4
Intercultural Communicative Competencies and Cultural Exhibition If culture is understood as the set of values, world visions, behavior, traditions, artistic expressions and behavi...
Words: 568
Pages: 2
Intercultural communication and its belief Introduction It should be conceived that interculturality allows articulation and complementarity between local, regional, foreign and un...
Words: 2553
Pages: 9
Intelligent project management with AI Currently, we face the fourth industrial revolution (because yes, it is already among us and if you do not believe me I invite you to......
Words: 1974
Pages: 7
Insufficient sleep syndrome Insufficient sleep syndrome In recent years, although the importance of sleep for a good quality of life has been highlighted, there is a decrease in th...
In search of the precious American dream For me the American dream is constituted by several parts, parts that are essential to be able to carry it out. The first......
Words: 712
Pages: 3
Influential Causes/Factors in Child Abuse Child abuse has existed from the beginning of humanity. There are stories of ill -treatment towards children described in various media. M...
Influence of social networks on young people at a psychological level Introduction The Internet era has long arrived, and with this a new way of relating: the social network, which...
Influence of communication and emotional intelligence on leadership Summary Currently, organizations require trained personnel not only in knowledge but emotionally balanced, it be...
Words: 2377
Pages: 9
Influence of Christianity in the Middle Ages Introduction The medieval era is related to the so -called feudalism as a mode of production;with the consolidation of Christianity as ...
Infectious disease called Tuberculosis Summary Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by mycobacteria that is called mycobacterium tuberculosis. The vector through which it i...
Words: 2451
Pages: 9
Inequality in schools between boys and girls Introduction This essay focuses on social inequalities between boys and girls, in addition to a difference especially on children's per...
Words: 718
Pages: 3
Induction and deduction methods Induction INTRODUCTION The induction method is a way of reasoning from the particular to the general, that is, from the facts to the synthesis, also...
Words: 1301
Pages: 5
INDIVIDUAL EMPRENDINGS A PERSONAL INNOVATION Introduction Individual innovation: entrepreneurship as a way of life. From the commercial point of view, the pioneer soul is regularly...
Words: 931
Pages: 3
Inclusive practices: The exodus of the barriers for learning and participation INTRODUCTION In recent decades, international and national educational policies have turned their eye...
Words: 1253
Pages: 5
Inclusion of students diagnosed with ADHD in regular schools This research aims to identify how teachers have influenceThe expectations of a regular school teacher about students d...
Words: 1283
Pages: 5
Incidence of sexual abuse in Quito Society in 2018 and 2019 The human being is a kind of adaptation, however a condition of its reason is the domain or leadership......
IMPORTANCE, ORIGIN AND VISION OF HUMAN VALUES Introduction This work will help us to have a much broader and more clear vision of what values are and why they are......
Importance of the Nursing Uniform and its relationship with nonverbal communication Introduction Talking about nursing is a very broad issue, since it is a profession with a great ...
Words: 932
Pages: 3
Importance of reading in children today In the present research we will talk about reading, since, at present, it has been losing its importance and value that had since its......
Words: 400
Pages: 1
Importance of physical education in primary school Introduction Physical education is often associated with sport, and this implies that the subject is only justified with the incr...
Words: 1815
Pages: 7
Importance of modern history in art history As a reflection on the course, the Modern History Professor Jacinto Juan de Vega Domínguez of the University of Salamanca exposes us, s...
Importance of learning corners to enhance the Aulic game Introduction The continuous changes in the educational field give openness to the search for improvements within pedagogica...
Words: 2690
Pages: 10
Importance of didactic education in the 21st century Introduction The topic to be addressed in this essay highlights the importance of didactics as an essential element for the tea...
Importance of constructivism and creativity in the educational institutions of Ecuador Summary The purpose of this article was to create points of reflection and questioning about ...
Implications of quality education In educational centers, what are the aspects or characteristics that are necessary to support teaching awareness in favor of high quality educa...
Identification of reliable websites Introduction In the following evidence we will address issues about the importance of websites and their functions, sources, confidentiality, ve...
Words: 983
Pages: 4
Human rights as a need for man This essay aims to understand the issue "Human Rights" mentions that it is a demand and a need for man, since there are......
For the development of this research on human rights and democracy, it should be considered that it is a recognized regime in the world for defending the sovereignty and rights......
How Youth Crime is prevented Introduction Crime prevention are terms intimately that we have to take into consideration and that should not be confused and that do not have the......
Words: 610
Pages: 2
How to get the work of your dreams using the power of online recruitment Obtaining a title is possibly the most vital theme for any student during their academic life,......
Homoparental adoption today Introduction Today's families are more diverse than ever, especially in the world of adoption: transracial, multicultural, same sex and single parents a...
HISTORY OF CHAMANISM AND CONSCIENCE As in almost all the works we have worked, the subject could be opened with a brief historiographic review of what has been understood by......
Historiography of the Cave of the Marbles When talking about the historiography of the Cueva de los Marmoles, we have to go back to 1935 and in the case of......
Health crisis due to COVID-19 in Guayaquil Introduction What caused the crisis in Guayaquil? The inaction of the authorities and rulers? The lack of commitment of citizens? Low cap...
Words: 2705
Pages: 10
Harassment: barrier of the teaching-learning process and healthy coexistence Introduction Harassment is a social situation in which a student is subjected to verbal, physical, psyc...
Hannah Arendt: About violence. The human condition Introduction The concept "violence", in its most literal meaning refers to the "intentional use of strength or phy...
Habits and attitudes in the student's learning process Summary At present, thanks to globalization and, consequently, to the development of new informational, communicational and t...
Words: 2387
Pages: 9
Graphic design and curricular evaluation Introduction At the beginning and all the modification in education has been a great complete challenge for both teachers and students bein...
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