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Action And Representation In The Children’S Stage


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Action and representation in the children’s stage

“The school teaches the location of the rivers, but never explains the importance of water. We are a trunk full of content, but context empty. Hence our difficulty to apply knowledge in reality "

A person is going to cook, if it is a foresee. While it is true that anyone can cook, not everyone will have the same way, with the same season, and it does not mean that its flavor is bad, only that it is different. That is the basis to see and recognize the different cognitive processes of the human being, in its most current version they are then defined as a reciprocal cooperation of cognitive abilities and its components in a specific time (Barret 2.009) and of course as in the kitchen, the time of interaction, the order of the components and the attachments generate significant changes between the processes of each person.

It is likely that the brain is more similar to a computer, computer, PC. That theory is of the 80s, at the time he answered the questions, but it is simplistic, rigid and did not have the unlimited amount of brain interconnections that are known is possible in the 21st century due to the advances of neurotecnology. But then what are cognitive processes? They are learning processes, naturally, everything can be learned. 

These processes are given in an integral way, but are divided to understand them and better explain their function. However, it is necessary to emphasize that the cognitive and the cognitive, are related to what you know and the fact of learning or how to do it.

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Cognitive processes are then the psychological processes related to perceiving, attending, memorizing, remembering and thinking, constitute a substantive part of the superior production of human psyche. These in turn are divided into two large functions or processes, which for this essay, the classification most used by different authors will be used, that is to say simple or basic cognitive processes, and complex or superior cognitive processes.

Within the basic or simple cognitive processes are sensory processes, such as sensation, perception, attention and concentration, and representative processes that cover memory, imagination and even sleep, the latter referenced by. On the other hand there are the superior or complex cognitive processes, which are rational processes such as thought, language, intelligence and creativity.

For basic cognitive processes, the first is the sensation. The sensation is naturally fundamentally biological, it is the reception of a stimulus. It is the most studied basic process, and with which human beings are more familiar, example, the thermometer shows a temperature of 5 degrees Fahrenheit what do you feel? According to Zubiría “any sensory organ informs of someone’s face, his distance, his facial expression. Allows you to observe it, listen to it, sniff it, touch it and others. Your sensory information is definitive but insufficient, since the sensory organs provide only perceptual, objective data. Treat the other as an object ".

However, this sensation process is closely related to the following, which is perception. In other words, Aldous Huxley informs something that is known as truth, … eyes, mouth, nose, ears and skin, are the entrance door to the world . So it is easy to know that it is the perception that organizes and understands the information of the senses. This (perception) in turn makes way to attention. It is attention who decides the levels of importance of stimulus and focuses on certain types of information, important, relevant or not for individual. In other words Neville contextualizes it as “… a door that must be opened to miss more neural information. People believe that attention is a type of psychological construction, but it is completely palpable;It has an anatomy, a physiology and a clinic "

Irremediably this logical process leads to the concentration that is to focus on a particular stimulus, which in turn leads to memory. Above the latter has been said a lot, but there are basically three types of memories according to the time, in the short term, medium term and long term. But it is not memory, but it can be remembered and that is the main characteristic of that process. Enciso summarizes it masterfully (memory) "is a mental activity or set of conscious processes aimed at retaining, evoking and recognizing the past facts, in close relationship with the degree of interest, attention and adequate operability of the brain".

On imagination and sleep as basic cognitive processes, new research is allowed for its scientific credibility. Even so, Llinás’s argument on the dream is exposed, “the global brain state known as Dreaming is also a cognitive state, although it does not in relation to coexisting external reality, since it is not modulated by the senses.

So far the conductive line goes from the stimulus, its reception, its interpretation, the concentration and its subsequent memory. However, it happens much more when these actions are complex, and that is the work of superior cognitive processes. The first of these processes is thought, which can be defined as a mental representation of the world, and for representation “… something that only exists in the mind: an idea, a concept, a mental representation of something, which can (or not)exist in the external world ". On this can be complex and say that it is the mental process that leads to the human being of biological processes such as sensations, attention, perceptions, memory (dreams and imagination) towards the generation of conscious and rational knowledge.

To make that knowledge of humanity, language is found as a second complex process. For Vigotsky it is a sign system that promotes the cognitive development of the individual because it releases from the immediate contextual ties. They also exist throughout literature several types of language, oral, written, iconic, nonverbal and signs, all have the purpose of communicating what the thinking mind means. Language is of course, from the hand with thought the densest processes of which the human being access, since it covers from the basics to the intelligence that the following superior process.

Intelligence, according to Ander-EGG is "ability to solve problems, as the ability to adapt to the environment and new circumstances, such as ingenuity or creative capacity, as the ability to establish social relationships, such as cognitive ability and as a general capacity". However, over time, the value of the abilities of the human being has diversified and intelligence has evolved to multiple Intelligences of Howard Gardner in his book ‘Multiple intelligences ”published in 1983, designs eight types of intelligences, linguistic intelligence-verbal, physical-cinesthetic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, spatial intelligence, musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, naturalistic intelligence. However, he became a best seller when he took those intelligences in 1999 and took them to the classroom.

From Gardner, education was flexible and in the same way research and research thesis on learning styles, types of intelligences, emotional intelligence was surveyed and the integrality appeared in school. Integrality that is announced in the realization of educational circuits that generate holistic learning in students. An example of circuits, are cognitive-motor exercises, where the motor cortex and specific areas of the brain are involved to develop a special activity. In these exercises, linguistic/verbal intelligences are also handled where Broca and Wernicke area (in charge of the production and understanding of language) are considerably activated. In motor intelligence, Brodmann area or primary motor cortex mobilizes, while music is used, the right hemisphere of the brain works to the maximum.

Everything that has been written here is nothing more than an outline of how wonderful the brain is, its internal interrelations and complex processes that are made mechanically and go unnoticed at the level of consciousness. But all this together is what makes the human being a superior being. But moving from the human, to be more human, only needs to put ethics, emotion and reason to his life.


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