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Attention Deficit Disorder/ Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
In Howell’s article, the authors conducted a longitudinal study examining the long-term consequences of attention deficit disorder behaviors. Howell, Huessy, and Hassuk (185) use a questionnaire to identify children with signs of ADD. The gathered data indicated that researchers could pinpoint children in elementary school who suffer from attention deficit disorder. The authors devised a Huessy scale to measure symptoms of ADD. The typical signs witnessed included the poor performance in class, poor social adjustment. The researchers conducted another study on adolescents previously diagnosed with the condition. Data collected from interviews indicated that the problems associated with ADD do not disappear when the children join the next level of education.
Other studies also seek to determine reliable methods of assessing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Hamed, Kauer, and Stevens (168) argue that various factors affect the diagnosis of the condition. They state several actions undertaken by parents affect the detection of the mental illness, and the medical practitioners use strategies that impact on the treatment. Subsequently, the authors highlight some of the recommended methods of treating ADHD.
Children affected by ADHD risk are suffering from long-term issues regarding social skills and learning abilities. Johnston and Park (38) discuss some of the discoveries associated with the treatment and diagnosis of the condition.
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Notably, the authors encourage the use of methods such as behavioral classroom interventions, skills training, and behavioral parent training (BPT).
Finally, some studies examine the overall economic impact of ADHD in children and adolescents. Pelham, Foster, and Robb (711) review other studies that focused on the health care costs associated with the condition. They estimate that the cost of illness related to ADHD ranges between $36 and $52.4 billion.
Works Cited
Hamed, Alaa M., Aaron J. Kauer, and Hanna E. Stevens. “Why the diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder matters.” Frontiers in Psychiatry 6 (2015): 168.
Howell, David C., Hans R. Huessy, and Bruce Hassuk. “Fifteen-year follow-up of a behavioral history of attention deficit disorder.” Pediatrics 76.2 (1985): 185-190.
Johnston, Charlotte, and Joanne L. Park. “Interventions for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a year in review.” Current Developmental Disorders Reports 2.1 (2015): 38-45.
Pelham, William E., E. Michael Foster, and Jessica A. Robb. “The economic impact of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents.” Journal of pediatric psychology 32.6 (2007): 711-727.
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