Addiction To Social Networks As A Social Problem
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Social networks arrived in the era of the Internet, and these were a radical change for the way people related, and now it is considered a fundamental tool for the human practically, since we are basically connected at all times of the day, especially in the time of today, a use of social networks is strongly giving, either by young or adults, and this is due to the quarantine we have present, assuming that the only thing we have to connect with the outsideIt would be the use of these. Because of this I feel that it is generating an addiction to some people who is no longer entirely healthy.
First of all I will explain the concept of addiction, this is about the dependence of a substance, activity or a relationship. It leads to control your thoughts and behavior, in summary, you lose the notion of reality. What has to do with social networks?;People become addicted to social networks since they are an attractive means due to their immediate interaction, obviously the process to become addicted is more vulnerable to people perhaps with emotional problems, but this is much more present in young people, sinceThey are the ones that spend more hours online and are more familiar with what is currently the technology, and they always resort to social networks for any need.
Addiction to social networks, can also refer to a mental problem, since low self – esteem, which reject their body image or shyness at extreme levels, the Internet can cover these in a way that in the long term does not presentpositive consequences;There are cases in which people try to hide their personal or social deficiencies giving a very different reality in networks.
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In general, people who suffer from addiction can be easily detected, since they stop doing their individual obligations of what would be a ‘normal’ life (studying, eating, exercising, relating to the family).
This is very reflected in Chile, since according to the News Report 2018 digital study, 77% of the population has access to the Internet, of which 71% use social networks, the researcher and professor of the Faculty ofUC Daniel Halpern communications, he said:
The use of networks generates dependence. If they are something external, today young people look at their lives through social networks. Things that were previously closed and intimate now they ceased to be since it is much more entertaining to see things on social networks than in regular life and young people internalized it as part of their culture.
Basically we are already very dependent on social networks, which makes us addicted, perhaps not to such a serious point, but we are always attentive to the cell phone or any electronic device at all times, for some notification, a message or simply in search of entertainment.
Now with the definition that it is addiction to social networks, I would like to focus on the advantages and disadvantages they possess in general:
To have new friends who are distanced, you can continue in contact with people who are far from you and companies can use these media to advertise their products or services.
Network security is not entirely reliable, at all times you are exposed to this, productivity looks very reduced due to so much distraction in networks, the skills to socialize with another person are lost, since you find yourselfcomfortable writing from your home without relating face to face.
Taking all of the above into account, I think that social networks can be a doublefilo weapon, since these can be as beneficial as destructive. They should be used conscientiously since addiction to these are really a serious problem, and you don’t have to take it lightly.
Basically social networks made a resounding change to the form of communication between people, from my point of view one no longer knows that it would be in the world without the use of these.
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