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Drug Addictions
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The world health organization has it that drug addiction has significantly increased resulting in a social problem. They indicate that this issue interferes with one’s ability to accomplish goals and dreams of life. Mostly, people make the assumption of being too powerful, in control and bright to become addictive. Such assumption often traps individuals in this menace rendering them powerless and loses control. Drug abuse ruins one’s health and family structure. This paper will, therefore, address the effects and causes of various drug addictions highlighting the role that people play towards this condition. There are some reasons why people become addicted as emphasized in this paper and different substances that are abused leading to this situation.
Studies indicate this social evil is immensely increasing among individuals in the modern world with many users being young adults and teenagers. Drug addiction causes over dependency on drugs in all the activities of the users. It becomes difficult for one to accomplish a particular role efficiently without the use of substance abuse. Drug addiction conditions one psychologically resulting into stipulated mental and behavioral responses after intake of narcotics. A drug addict is affected physically and psychological by the constant substance abuse in which the urge for reliance keeps on increasing more.
Currently, there exists a wide variety of drugs available in the society including depressants, stimulants, narcotics and hallucinogens.

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The most common used drugs among the addicts include marijuana, cocaine, flaca, alcohol, and cigarettes. Morphine and heroin are also abused though not common in the current society. The frequency of use mostly depends on affordability and availability in the population. It, therefore, facilitates the dense use of alcohol and tobacco among individuals in the society. Other drugs such as heroin and morphine are expensive to purchase thus end being utilized by few wealthy people in the community as its accessibility is limited (“Drug Abuse Information,” 2016).
Some drugs have been socially and legally accepted in the society depending on regulations of particular states; however, they are all harmful to the body. Scientists indicate that various drugs affect the body differently with some increasing the effects of the concentration. For instance, an increase in alcohol concentration affects muscle coordination, vision, smell, and taste. Other drugs affect the mental confusion with intake of small amounts as manifested in behavioral changes. The dependence of such drugs results in poor problem-solving skills, weak concentrations, and memory perception. Besides there some symptoms in human bodies such as blood pressure, microvascular damage, distorted pulse rate and even weight loss. Moreover, users experience poor mental judgmental instances such as the wrong estimation of time and distance, and lack of interest in the achievement of one’s goals. They also affect user’s behavior such as attention, cause irritability and violent behavior.
Drug addictions have the worst effects on one’s life compared to other forms of drug addiction. It affects both personal and social elements in one’s life. For instance, drug substances affect the brain-destroying its cells and nerves. This, therefore, has an impact on the mobility in limbs and loss of sensation. Alcohol addiction has harmful effects on one’s body with liver cirrhosis being the worst condition. Women are profoundly affected by alcohol consumption than men. More to liver cirrhosis, it affects the health of the unborn babies among pregnant women. Most drugs cause the care-free feeling among its users. The addiction, therefore, results into misjudgment and disinhibition. Scientists indicate that this substance destroys the inner conscience of an individual triggering the mental imbalances. As a result, one indulges into socially unaccepted behaviors such as violence, crimes, and accidents (“Drug Abuse, Addiction, and the Brain,” 2016).
In the current society, various things contribute to the situation of drug addiction. These factors are classified under social, economic and physiological factors. Mostly, this menace has its roots in the family structure. Children raised in families with broken structures always result in drug abuse as a way of deviating their mind and thinking away from family challenges. As one escapes from immediate situations, the constant use of narcotics results in addiction. More problems arise from neglecting and avoidance of tackling them resulting in a cycle of more problems. The strategy of stress relief later turns out to be an addiction.
Also, children in family structures where they are exposed to drug use at a tender age will tend to be drug addicts. The exposure either in school or family results into substance abuse among minors and with less concentration on effects it has. Teenagers will always emulate behaviors of their parents, teachers, mentors and peers in the immediate surroundings. The curiosity to experiment these substances with young and immature mind traps them into drug addiction.
Personality make-up of an individual is a factor in drug addiction. Different people are addicted to various types of drugs as a result of differences in the gene structure. It dictates the vulnerability of an individual to a particular drug. In general terms, the addiction forms its background from the psychological, physical and social bases. The reliance on drugs as a support system either for pleasure or escape from certain condition results into addiction. With time, the physiological state attained by individual demands the continuous use of the drugs (Tracy, 2016).
Although the young adults, youth, and teenagers have high tendencies of being addicted to drugs, the condition traps anyone despite the phase in life, social status, gender or ethnic group. Everyone indulging in drug substances is equally vulnerable to be addicted to drugs. Peer influence is the primary factor leading to the initial experiment and first substance abuse. The youth have indulged in the drug abuse than the adults in the current society. It results from the peer pressure at early stages and the curiosity of testing various things. Moreover, the adventurous nature among early ages facilitates the use of drugs as a test of new things in life.
Most of the factors leading to drug abuse are attributed to individual’s personal nature and capability. However, some social, cultural and economic factors out of one’s control facilitate addiction. Disruption of the normal social fabric by socio-economic factors creates room for drug abuse among the affected parties. Such factors include poverty, migration, and unemployment. It, therefore, classifies drug addiction as a social, economic problem in any society.
The regulatory bodies and the government have established various centers that aid in the treatment and recovery of drug addiction. Each country across the globe has an established rehabilitation center for the drug addicts. Proper treatment, therefore, cures this form of the disease. Doctors recommend psychological treatment apart from the standard care factoring in that drug addiction is a mental problem. Counseling, therapy, and re-education to the addicts play a fundamental role towards the full recovery. Such ways aim at creating self-help and weakening the root causes of drug addiction such as self-exposure (“Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction,” 2016).
For the society to eliminate to remove this problem successfully, various stakeholders have to come into play. First, the individuals trapped in this menace have to create a strong will of change and give up the use of drugs as drug addiction is a psychological condition. The government, media, and NGOs have a role in creating awareness and sensitizing the youth against drug abuse. The influential role attached to these bodies is useful as the knowledge will see more children neglecting and avoiding substance abuse thus reducing drug addiction. The education curriculum should also be structured to include studies on drug issues. Children, therefore, should learn how to indulge in meaningful and constructive activities at early ages which translate to the avoidance of drug addiction.
Drug Abuse and Addiction. (2016). WebMD. Retrieved 26 November 2016, from http://www.webmd.com/mental-health/addiction/drug-abuse-addiction?page=2Drug Abuse Information. (2016). DrugAbuse.com. Retrieved 26 November 2016, from http://drugabuse.com/library/drug-abuse-information/Tracy, N. (2016). Effects of Drug Addiction (physical and psychological) – HealthyPlace. HealthyPlace. Retrieved 26 November 2016, from http://www.healthyplace.com/addictions/drug-addiction/effects-of-drug-addiction-physical-and-psychological/
Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction. (2016). Drugabuse.gov. Retrieved 26 November 2016, from https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/treatment-approaches-drug-addiction

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