View all "Adolescence" ready papers, essays and assignments
Eating disorders Introduction Anorexia nervosa is a disorder of eating behavior in which the affected person performs fasting, an excessive food restriction or other purgative beha...
Words: 628
Pages: 2
Eating disorders in people Introduction Eating disorders are psychological disorders and diseases that are presented with a series of alterations in behavior related to food intake...
Words: 686
Pages: 2
Eating disorders, anorexia and bulimia and their relationship in adolescents Introduction Eating disorders are increasingly frequent in young people who think about the ideal weigh...
Words: 1040
Pages: 4
Early pregnancy, Study Literature defines a pregnancy as a physiological process that occurs in the woman's body and has a duration of 38-42 weeks corresponding to 9 months of cale...
Duchenne muscular dystrophy Something that always intrigued me from my brother since Chiquito was the fact of observing with the passing of time as their limbPisada or a little pus...
Words: 1130
Pages: 4
Drunk driving effects Introduction For many years, man began to ferment fruit, vegetables and cereals juice. Fermentation consists in the use of bacteria and yeasts through a proce...
Words: 565
Pages: 2
Drug use in the development of adolescence Introduction Drug use is a development -related phenomenon, which increases almost linearly from the beginning to the end of adolescence....
Drug use in adolescents, social problem Adolescent drug use represents a strong and latent public health problem due to its effects on short, medium and long term health creating a...
Words: 1151
Pages: 4
Drug use and how you affect young people Drugs are a big problem that directly affects society is growing little by little until it becomes a lifestyle. The dissemination of......
Words: 1405
Pages: 5
Drug addiction in adolescents, a risk within reach of your hands Addictive substances are closer than we believe, in our neighborhood, at school, in the park, on the street, around...
Words: 1613
Pages: 6
Differences between self-concept and self - esteem in children Children, over the years, must learn to form a positive image of themselves and value themselves as people. That is, ...
Words: 819
Pages: 3
Diabetes mellitus (hyperglycemic hyperosmolar coma) Diabetes is a union of very chronic diseases characterized by a high concentration of blood glucose as resulting from a defect i...
Words: 2765
Pages: 10
Diabetes as a chronic health problem Diabetes constitutes an increasingly frequent chronic health problem worldwide. The involvement of children and adolescents, in addition to the...
Words: 2343
Pages: 9
Depression in Latin American adolescents by Diabetes Mellitus The term diabetes comes from the Greek Diabétes, which in turn derives from the Diabaíno verb "walk", form...
Words: 2295
Pages: 8
Depression and its dangerous most frequent disorders Depression is considered one of the most frequent and dangerous disorders that are today, this is why we want to give depth....
Words: 1042
Pages: 4
Deal with sexuality we have Introduction Do we know how to deal with the sexuality we have? Do we have control of our sexuality? And most importantly, do we accept......
Words: 1313
Pages: 5
Current relationships between father and son Currently, it is difficult to maintain a full relationship between parents and children, speech is scarce and this has been reflected i...
Words: 969
Pages: 4
Critical essay on Martin Lindstrom's book What the Buying Book made by Martin Lindstrom refers to that there is another way to present to consumers the brand, it is not......
Words: 832
Pages: 3
Criminal behavior and profile Introduction Violence is shown worldwide as a great problem that occurs in all areas, among these in family, school, labor, social environments, among...
Words: 322
Pages: 1
Conformism, a plague that invades youth Adolescence and youth have been traditionally defined as transit ages between childhood and adulthood. At present there is consensus to cons...
Words: 1266
Pages: 5
Conceptual approaches to human sexuality Introduction Human sexuality is the response of stimuli that are influenced by biological, psychological, socio -economic causes, cultures,...
Words: 993
Pages: 4
Concept, areas and applications of psychology What is psychology? Psychology is an interesting science by itself, it is a discipline that studies human behavior, as well as mental ...
Clint Eastwood, Director of the Invictus movie The Director of Invictus is Clint Eastwood, born in San Francisco (California) on May 31, 1930. He grew up in Oakland with......
Words: 1517
Pages: 6
Children's health and well -being Introduction The Maternal Health Program aimed at adolescents is the instrument of national health policy. It raises the need to improve the quali...
Words: 561
Pages: 2
Child Exploitation Introduction Various studies have been progressively carried out on child exploitation and the different types that exist, in recent years investigations have be...
Cavalry in the Middle Ages Introduction When the Normans (Vikings), directed by Guillermo the conqueror, invade England (900), many men needed to protect the lands. At first, young...
Words: 1586
Pages: 6
Causes and consequences of personality disorders Introduction In this essay we have the objective of strengthening the previous knowledge, explicitly and coherently detail the pers...
Words: 1640
Pages: 6
Causes and consequences of anorexia in adolescence Introduction There are currently several emotional psychological disorders, one of these is anorexia, considered as an eating dis...
Words: 1832
Pages: 7
Causes and clinical manifestations of Down Syndrome A syndrome is defined as a set of symptoms and signs that form a frame of reference to investigate what characterizes a certain....
Words: 2005
Pages: 7
Bullying, alarming problem in adolescence Introduction Bullying synonymous with bully. Bullying is not only manifested in the physical aspect but also in psychological and sexual a...
Words: 735
Pages: 3
A tram called desire: its history Introduction It is a traditional play of the US theater, she was a carrier of the Pulitzer Prize in the Drama category in 1948......
Words: 749
Pages: 3
Aspects that involve the mastery of English language learning Summary The present feasible research was intended to analyze the aspects that involve the mastery of English language...
Arguedas and the meeting of two worlds The reference to find the answer is the work "El Sexto", a raw and realistic novel about the reality of the prison system......
Words: 1377
Pages: 5
Approach to gender violence in adolescence Many are the news and articles that in recent years appear in different newspapers and online publications with respect to gender violenc...
Words: 1065
Pages: 4
Anxiety in university students Introduction. The university stage is an era where, in most cases, it marks the passage of adolescence to youth in which one acquires greater maturit...
Words: 783
Pages: 3
Analysis of the situation of older adults as a vulnerable population in Peru during the last decade INTRODUCTION Our work aims to describe the way in which the fundamental rights.....
Words: 4780
Pages: 17
Amagüaña transit in the struggle for indigenous rights. The struggle for equal rights has been given throughout history in different parts of the world, through revolutions, ...
Words: 1474
Pages: 5
ALLERGIAS AND EVOLUTION IN MEDICINE Summary Allergy is the reaction that our body to defend against certain external pathogens. Sometimes, a tolerance can occur, that is, that the ...
Words: 1790
Pages: 7
Alcoholism and are consequences in the stage of adolescence Teenagers are always willing to try new things, either on their own initiative or for the social environment in which we...
Words: 1180
Pages: 4
Alcohol consumption in young people and their consequences in oral cavity Saliva has an ability to neutralize acids and cushion acid variations, in addition to determining the pres...
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