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Adult Education Models And Programs, Geragogy In Action


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Adult education models and programs, Geragogy in Action


In the previous section, the problems faced by older adults at the biopsychosocial level were addressed, as well as the role that education plays with respect to this population. It is worth mentioning that education in older adults meets a great demand, since this is shown as a fundamental strategy for the development of skills, tools, attitudes and new knowledge that improve the quality of life of each of the individuals, inThis stage of the life cycle.

Mexico meets an alarming demographic situation, since as mentioned above the predominant population for next years will be that of older adults (Conapo, 2012), considering that the technological advances in question to health have made the hope of the hope ofValla life increasing. But even more alarming is that only a quarter of this population has a formal education, and the rest is at a disadvantage, since they could not have the same opportunities (UNESCO, S.F.). This is why, when thinking about educational strategies specialized in older adults, it shows a great challenge, since to date it was only thought that educational training only corresponded to children, adolescents and young people.

Over the years and with this demographic change in the population, the different Latin American countries, especially Mexico have adopted new forms of educational education, which provide this population with new knowledge to remain independent and autonomous, in order to achieve aGood life condition (Ramírez & Víctor Ramírez, 2010).

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That is why the following section addressed the issue of education for older adults, as well as its background and the emergence of Andragogy and the scope and limitations of this new form of teaching, all this in order to make known whichIt is the type of education that older adults require considering educational needs, motivations and learning pace.

Background of the EAM (Adult Education) and Andragogy.

In the constant need of the human to relate to society, because it is a social entity of nature, we find that education is shown as one of the main needs of this, for adaptation to the new social, cultural and especially economic contexts thatOur country presented. Adult education arises from the nineteenth century with the appearance of the industrial revolution, which demanded a new perspective on labor development, since for this more training was needed in the question of learning the management of machines and controllingProduction, this is where the need to literate workers is shown and where the new learning strategies for education begin to emerge.

Subsequently, he meets the French revolution that presents the recognition of the human rights of individuals, including education. But that is where Nicolás de Condorcet proposes the inclusion of adult education before the Legislative Assembly that shows the guidelines of primary education. Thus giving rise to the training of new adult education projects and initiatives. It is here that we can find popular universities that promote the dissemination of general culture, scientific and technological knowledge.

Continuing with these initiatives where the participation of the Church for adult education is shown, since they had the work of literacy to the male population with respect to Christian values and what the Church presented at that time at that time. Following this way, the participation of the State is now shown with the modification of laws that promoted individuals to continue training in the educational field, since it would create night sections for those who would like to resume or advance studies.

Later the inclusion of women in education is shown, mentioning that it was shown with a greater disadvantage with respect to men when receiving educational training (UPDEA, 2019)

These first education initiatives were based only on a pedagogical approach, aimed at adults, with a general education with aspects of literacy. But the true needs that the adult presented to have learning were not considered.

This is why in the search for a good education for the adult, a new form of learning called in 1833 by Alexander Kappa Andragogía arises, which argued that adults have the need to continue learning throughout life and that not onlyThe professor was the source to which it could be used to be able to learn, but also had the self-reflection and experiences lived (Cuellar, 2016). But it was Malcolm Knowles (1980) who introduced the theory of Andragogy as the art and science of helping adults to learn. He considered that adults need to be active participants in their own learning (Pacheco, 2017).

In this way andragogy is shown as an innovative form of adult teaching, where it is characterized by separating the way in which young and adults learn, which is not the same. In this is: the need to learn, the self-concept of the individual, the previous experience, disposition in learning, orientation in learning and motivation. (Sifuentes Angeles.)

That is, Andragogy provides the opportunity for the adult who decides to learn, actively participate in their own learning and intervene in the planning, programming, realization and evaluation of educational activities in conditions of equality with their fellow participants and with the facilitator. (García Simón, 2007).

Unfortunately, there are many prejudices and stereotypes that (mentioned in the previous section) society has with respect to continuing education and at paid ages that do not allow this new form of learning to continue including in its entirety this population. In the same way there are many schools that do not allow adults to integrate into formal education to continue learning and thus achieve greater knowledge.

EAM concept emergence.

So, the education of older adults is the result of all these background in question to adult education and Andragogy, as well as the demographic changes that the country presents and not only that, but also the quality is involvedof life, higher levels of training and new demands that show that education is essential at all stages of life.

But to all this, why do older adults want to learn? The answer to this question could face a new challenge, since as we have seen specialized education for this type of population entails new changes, which have to address in question the capacities of this population.

It can then be said that the main engine that drives older adults to learn is self-development, dividing into two great aspects;cognitive to expand new knowledge, develop skills and the ability to handle new technological tools;social and personal in social participation, the creation of new links and interactions (Lirio, 2018).

Older adults were previously shown in a state of passivity in question to this educational inclusion, but over the years and with the new technological advances, these have been increasingly interested in question in question to these issues and that is whereThey present the problems for society, since they did not have this change of thought by the elderly.

However, education for older adults should be a specialized form of teaching, where their needs are covered in almost all or all their needs, considering the biopsychosocial changes that it is presenting over the years. The programs carried out for this population in a matter of education must do with the orientation of a specialist in the field, in this sense it would be with the help of a gerontologist, better known in as Geragoogo in educational matters, this professional is trained for the delivery ofclasses to older adults, considering and carrying out the different forms of learning that they require. In this case, Andragogy is a good tool that guides Geragoogo to be able to provide quality education and these can obtain significant learning.

Comparison between adult education and elderly education.

In the context of education there is an integral perspective towards the elderly where you can see that there is a big difference between the concepts of gerontological education (and.G) and Andragogy between which differences can be observed that are very significant, mainly analyzing the techniques used for the education of older adults that are very different from those of adult education since it is taken into account that learningFrom the elderly it is very different starting with the retention capacity, these people need other forms of learning, with this they do not mean that they do not have the ability to learn, however they can do so, according to their rhythm and to their interests.

They are adopted as theoretical supports for this analysis of experts in the area of gerontology such as Lemieux and Sánchez (2000), Prem (1992), Miller, et al. (2000), Glendenning and Battersby (1990), in addition to social theorists of aging such as Guttman (1977), Lehr and Thomae (2003) in order to argue about the adoption of gerontagogy as a new paradigm in the education of older adults. This position is discussed regarding educational gerontology.

It is concluded that despite the natural vulnerability that the elderly reaches on the occasion of their aging, their perspectives to educate themselves which are highly encouraging since as long as people have the disposition and interest of learning can do it without any problem.

For Yuni (1999), educational gerontology assumes an interventive character, in order to prolong the productive years and improve the quality of life of older adults. Within this order of ideas, pose and serantes (2001)

It is worth mentioning that educational gerontology, unlike andragogy, takes into account the use of specialized techniques for the elderly to achieve a delay and remedy to the intellectual deterioration of the elderly and at the same time in some way delaying biological deterioration sinceThe person changes his perspective of life taking into account the importance of the care and prevention of his person, therefore we can conclude that education contributes to the improvement of the quality of life in people at this stage oflife.

It is clear that gerontagogy is not considered as part of gerontology, however important aspects of aging, based on it to have the possibility of adapting their techniques to the people who belong to this age group, taking into accountThe important aspects that have to do with physical, psychological, social, cognitive changes, which at this age are presented to have a better performance in the process of educating these people, and structuring techniques that are special for them.


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  • García Simón, T. A. (June 25, 2007). psychopediahoy. Obtained from the education of the elderly: background and perspectives: http: // psychopediahoy.com/EDUCACION-ADULT-MAYOR/
  • Lily, j. (September 7, 2018). Obtained from the education of older people.: http: // adultomayor.UC.CL/DOCS/JUAN_LIRIO.PDF
  • Pacheco, e. (April 3, 2017). Slideshare. Obtained from Andragogy: https: // www.Slideshare.NET/LEDUARDOPACHECOC/ANDRAGOGIA-1-74285499
  • Ramírez, l. V., & Víctor Ramírez, A. C. (2010). Adult education in the 21st century: analysis of the education model for life and work in. Redalyc, 62-63.
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  • UNESCO. (s.F.). Obtained from World Bank: https: // data.world Bank.org/indicator/se.ADT.Litr.Zs
  • UPDEA, f. (March 9, 2019). UPDEA Foundation. Adult University . Obtained from https: // updea.is/education-permanent/history-of-the-eduction-of-adults/

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