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THE THIRD SEX: LAS DIES Introduction The theme that I have decided to deal with in this second anthropological essay of the subject Social Anthropology, is related to sexuality, re...

The temple starts in Athens Introduction The part located in Athens (Greece) is a temple that was built for the protector of Athens, called Athena Partosos. It is an artistic......

The telecare of today with respect to health The term "telecare" is known as a home service that provides attention in an imminent way through the use of electronic devic...

The swimmer and its characteristics Introduction Swimming has been registered since prehistoric times, the oldest swimming files are paintings made in the stone age, approximately ...

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The success of the businessman: Henry Ford Brief biography of your life Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863 in Dearborn, Michigan, United States. His low -income parents Willa......

The submission of women in marriage '' Doll House '' is a work that stands out for dealing with issues and dilemmas that are of great controversy both in ancient......

The study of drug trafficking in Peru Introduction The problem of drug use and consumption is increasing normally causes concern in the country and leads to social, economic, cultu...

In this reflexive essay I will be exposing my knowledge acquired in the course, as these would help me in the future. Reflect on the humanities and how important it......

The story of San Agustin de Hipona Aurelio Agustín de Hipona was born in Tagaste on November 13, 354 - August 28, 430, Latin Theologian, one of the greatest figures......

The stage of adolescence and implications in growth According to the World Health Organization "Adolescence is the period of growth and human development that occurs after chi...

The sound as a factor that alters the heart rate Introduction For both athletes, and for a person who does not perform any physical activity, heart rate or beatIt is......

The Social Security Institution from ancient times The Social Security institution was born from the ancient times of the human being, when needing food, housing and dress, from th...

The snakes and the rattlesnake: a poisonous species Introduction Cascabel snakes belong to the family of the vipers, specifically to the genre Crotalus. They are endemic animals of...

The sexual abuse of a student, the Vision of Teachers What is the role of the teacher before sexual abuse?  As we know after home the school is the place......

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The sculpture of the Polylet Doriforus and the type of art exposed Before starting to comment on the sculpture of the Polylet Doriforus, we will analyze the type of art......

The scientific revolution, effects on society If today we asked a child if he is able to imagine a world without technological means such as computers or cell phones, we......

"The sailor who lost the grace of the sea" Introduction Since I began to read the work "the sailor who lost the grace of the sea" I could appreciate that......

The role of the game in the kindergarten Introduction The activity that is generally carried out to have fun or distracted, this activity develops in us a certain skill, however,.....

The role of illustration in the formation of public opinion in today's society The concept of the Enlightenment arose in the mid -18th century and lasted until the first years......

The role of Hispanic women in the past centuries Women have historically undergoing certain behaviors and ideals. Although the papers of women and the life they lived was a social....

The risk of failure in Spain School failure in Spain is a problem we are currently facing. We could define it as: (…) The situation of the student who tries......

The right to oblivion: a violated right Introduction It is the power we have to request the elimination of our personal information for being obsolete or for a violation of......

The right to lie and to be enlightened The illustration is a term that emerged during the first years of the 19th century; whose definition varies according to the field......

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The responsibility and its analysis through the book "The leader's mirror" In general terms, responsibility is a value that most of us obtain it as we grow, but there are...

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The Republic, Plato: Summarizing its chapters Book I The work begins with a conversation between Céfalo and Socrates about the longevity of the first. On the one hand, Céfalo thi...

The representation of women in the novel Sab For many generations, women have been put as a being inferior to man because in many cultures it is considered physical and......

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The relevance of traditional libraries in the future The contemporary era characterized by the digital revolution, has imposed new challenges in all fields of the individual's life...

The relationship between hippocampus and amnesia There is evidence of the relationship between the hippocampus and the declarative memory (Eichembaum, Cohen, 2014). For example, in...

The rebellion of the thirteen colonies Introduction The text that we are going to comment is about the indecency of the United States of America, or political text of a......

There are many love anime Introduction There are many love anime, some better achieved than others, but they all have in common: that will make you vibrate. Love is one......

The rage and treatment virus used to provide for it The rage, a word derived from the ancient Indian roots: "Rabh", which means violent behavior, is a disease recognized ...

THE QUALITY OF PUBLIC EDUCATION What is education? A definition could be the following. Education is a communicative, contextualized, socializing, intentional and timeless process ...

The Psychological Book Report Introduction The psychological report is a written, thorough and historical exhibition of the facts referring to a psychological evaluation, with the ...

The prominence of the prophets in the history of Israel The prophets were men with a well-defined character (Jer 3: 12-13), they were common people and currents, some began their.....

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The process of acquiring knowledge in the human being "The knowledge acquisition process is more valuable than reaching a final result". Discuss this statement referring ...

The presentation of the path of humanity Introduction The human being has various aspects that characterize him, which determine us as rational beings and differentiates us from ir...

The presence of music in the development of children's language The first words themselves are pronounced for the first time between 10 and 12 months of age. However, it can......

The philosophical tendency of empiricism INTRODUCTION This essay has been written to publicize various aspects of the philosophical tendency of empiricism. The various points to be...

The performance of educational centers in the eradication of bullying When there is a case of bully. According to Olweus, a psychologist considered the pioneer in addressing this i...

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