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The Passion of Christ: A story to tell Introduction Released in 2004, the Passion of Christ is a co -written film and directed by the American director and actor Mel......

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Theory of organizations from Antiquity to the present We know that organizations arose since ancient times and that the different interpretations that have been made on it have bee...

The origins of food care in Judaism: Kashrut Introduction  The food table within Judaism is known as a great characteristic of the people of Israel. This is due to the......

The ORGASM Rating Scale and the factors that affect it Introduction The first thing to clarify is: what do we understand by orgasm? According to Meston, Hull, Levin and Sipski......

The old man and the sea and his phrases Introduction Men are not made for defeat. They can be destroyed, but not defeat. This phrase, one of the most famous......

The oldest cave paintings in Europe The oldest cave paintings in Europe have been found in recent years in Spain. These are prehistoric paintings that are around 65,000 years old.....

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The Northern Manchegas Witches In the Castilian-Chanchegas lands, the phenomenon of witchcraft was little extended compared to other areas of the Peninsula. There is not much docum...

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The no -different differences in the boy from the striped pajamas The story is told from the point of view of a 9 -year -old German child named Bruno. Bruno......

The need for university students to start reading Introduction Do university students need to learn to read? The question thus raised requires specifying some terms, whose definiti...

The need for good child diet Food influences in a decisive way the process of developing children. The importance of healthy and balanced eating is justified both from the point......

The myth of Sisyphus and the problems of life Introduction The theme of this essay is precisely that relationship between the absurd and suicide. In the as people take as......

The musician who rejected Elvis Presley Introduction That night of May 1954, the young Elvis Presley who had only 19 years of age, was visibly nervous. His friend, Ronnie Smith......

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The most unequal areas in the world Introduction Latin America has charged for years the sad title of being one of the most unequal areas in the world, because most......

The most important facts of Nikola Tesla's life Tesla was born on July 10 of the year1856 in the town of Smiljan, which is located in a mountainous area of......

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The most important baby boomers in history Introduction A baby boom is a period marked by a significant increase in birth rate. This demographic phenomenon is generally attributed ...

The most dominant reptile on Earth Introduction Where do dinosaurs come from? Dinosaurs are one of the most successful groups of animals that have wandered the planet. For more tha...

THE MONARCHY OF SPAIN OF THE CATHOLIC KINGS Introduction "The monarchy factory. Trace and conservation of the monarchy of Spain of the Catholic Monarchs and the Austrias ”Th...

The Modern Age and the Change of Feudalism Introduction Modern Age is the period in which the change of feudalism occurs to the free company. Incorporates the sixteen, seventeen an...

The Middle Ages and its stay from the fall of the Roman Empire Introduction The Middle Ages was a historic newspaper that covers from the 5th century until the 15th.......

The Mediterranean Diet and its Cultural Importance The Mediterranean diet is an immaterial good that is articulated as an axis of cultural and gastronomic union between the Mediter...

The mammal animal from a domestic cat Introduction Mammal animal from a domestic cat (Felis Catus), is called a fierce cat because he had a home and lost it is......

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The Major Colleges and the Spanish University in the Middle Ages and in the Modern Age Introduction. The Middle Ages begins in the 5th century with the Roman Empire. It......

The magnificent work of the Prince of Machiavelli It is an impressive work which was written by Nicolás Machiavelli, philosopher, writer and Italian political diplomat of the Rena...

Words: 1970

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The Magna Carta document in the legal development of England Introduction The Magna Carta is a 1215 document, which contains a serious statutes that served for the development of t...

The loss of values in society  Values are taught at home, at school and in the church, but does anyone know what? To start, what are they? which are? I......

The life of women in Africa Introduction. To begin to frame the situation of women in this country we will define the geographical framework of this country. Ethiopia is the......

The life of the Peruvian José María Arguedas José María Arguedas was born in Andahuaylas, in the Sierra Sur del Peru on January 19, 1911. In this essay I announce......

The life of the father of modern philosophy René Descartes Introduction René Descartes was a philosopher, scientist and mathematician of French origin. He was born in Turana, tod...

The life of Selena Quintanilla Introduction Born in April 16, 1971 in Lake Jackson, Texas, would soon be one of the best Texan singers among the Hispanic community. Considered the....

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The life of Lazarillo de Tormes and his fortunes and adversities The novel "The life of Lazarillo de Tormes and her fortunes and adversities," is a work written in the......

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The life of an American slave: by Frederick Douglass   Frederick Douglass is the author of the book that will be analyzed below, but why do Douglass be carefully examined?......

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The latent suicide problem Each person at least once in his life is tempted by the freedom to choose the path of death. The search for ‘Morales Vacation’ is the......

The last Ethiopian wolves Introduction Ethiopian wolves are a species known as canis simensis that have become, over the years, one of the most threatened canids on our planet. Cha...

The Japan Educational System Japan is considered a country with some of improve education in the world, but how can they have such a good education? And the best, but......

The Italian Renaissance Society During the fourteenth century, a large number of tyrants appeared, during a period in which only the influence of a very necessary law could be reco...

The Inquisition and Catholism Introduction. The Spanish Inquisition or also known as the Court of the Holy Office was an institution that was created in 1478 by the Catholic Monarc...

The influence of the motivation on learning a second language Introduction The situation in public schools regarding the learning of a new language is worrying. Even with the chang...

The influence of technology in children and young people Introduction Throughout history, technology and its advances have come to have a very important influence within society. T...

The influence of marketing and learning in children Introduction Children have a tremendous influence on consumer spending. In fact, in the USA. UU. There are 50 million children 1...

The influence of love and tragedy in Romeo and Julieta Introduction A love and tragedy story, of rules and disappointments, written in the year of 1595 by William Shakespeare, the....

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