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Sports bets in the discipline of athletics Introduction Athletics is one of the sports that we all know, but we know little or nothing about it. It is not as......

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Southwest Airlines: The airline industries Introduction The airline industry is one of the most dynamic industries in the market, especially because of the magnitude of the globali...

SONETO 70 SOR JUANA INÉS DE LA CRUZ Introduction Sonnet 70 Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz is one of the most transcendent figures in Latin America, not only in......

Solving that it is healthier to smoke grass or drink alcohol Alcohol and marijuana are two of the most used intoxicating substances on Earth. As such, there is no shortage......

Sociology as a form of consciousness At the beginning of the text that has been proposed in P class. Berger entitled Sociology As a form of consciousness, the author explains......

Society and social isolation: A frequent fact Introduction Loneliness and isolation in older adults is an increasingly frequent fact, because at this stage a series of experiences ...

Society and its vision of gender performativity Introduction: Gender ideology is still a controversial issue, since it covers a set of ideas that are contrary to those norms and be...

Social Security Principles in the Nicaraguan Legal Order According to article number two (2) of Social Security Law Law No. 539 establishes that they will be governed by the follow...

Social Security as a service Introduction In the Constitutions of Ecuador before applying the contributory regime in our country, the right to social security (as it is today), was...

Social networks and their influence on children Social networks are attractive platforms that allow people to create profiles to add their own or improper information and at that p...

Social networks and its effects on the family environment Introduction The phenomenon of social networks that has been observed with the generation of the so -called millennials (b...

Social networks and its beneficial for society That today a person does not have a profile on Facebook, I did not tweet sometimes a day, or hang photos on Instagram......

Social function of the media in the Ecuadorian community The media in Ecuador have suffered several stages. Several, have been responsible for changing democratic life and collabor...

Social behaviors in the play The next essay aims to talk about sexist and sexist behavior. A brief play will be taken, the lady on her balcony of Elena Garro,......

Social and political evolution of society in relation to the evolution of commercial law Trade in the old age Commerce, understood as the exchange of goods or services has its......

Social addictions: Alcohol temptation  Introduction.  We currently live in a society submerged in vices, full of harmful substances for the human being; One of the main addiction...

Sleep habits in childhood and adolescence Introduction  Development of the problem caused by sleep habits both in children and adolescents, causes, effects and possible solutions....

Small novel analysis with ashes Introduction The 1980s meant for Peru its democratic re -eighth, after more than a decade of miliar dictatorship. Together with democracy, terrorism...

Sleep disorders during work hours Introduction Sleep disorder due to rotation of shift also called secondary sleep disorder to turn turnover work, it is expressed clinically by ins...

Sleep disorders manual Introduction Using the term disorder as a phenomenon for loss of health is a complex proposal, since it exceeds the biomedical perspective, which mainly uses...

Singapore economic agreements Introduction In Singapore, most raw material is imported, mainly technology, oil, gold, medications, among others, are exported, among others. The cou...

Simone de Beauvoir's work and feminist thought Introduction. The study of the work is justified with a too important aspect that is feminism. The fight against feminist liberation ...

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Simone de Beauvoir and his literary statement Introduction. The second sex book written in 1949 by the very philosopher and French writer Simone de Beauvoir from where the phrase w...

Simón Bolivar, Liberator of Latin America who fell into the debt trap   The ‘Le Grand Soir’ website published an article by Eric Toussaint explaining how Simón Bolívar, the...

Sign language and its process  Introduction Through this process, it seeks to integrate people with hearing impairment, which is determined by various considerable factors when th...

Significant variables of child sexual abuse The results of the study threw significant variables, showing, for example, that the degree of vulnerability and risk to child sexual ab...

Short story: Survive silence Introduction It was a Friday afternoon when a hail storm began that caused a short circuit, at night the storm began to cease leaving a huge......

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Short and long term behaviors of victims of child sexual abuse Introduction Next we will present the short and long term behaviors of the victims of child sexual abuse, the......

Shared knowledge confidence I often wonder about the foundations of current shared knowledge and what have been the methods to verify the veracity of them. This is an unknown that....

Sexually transmitted infections and diseases Introduction. Day by day, countless deaths are evidenced due to several sexually transmitted diseases, disease control centers and prev...

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Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in young people Sexuality is a right of every human being, it is part of normal development and fulfills diverse and fantastic functions, howev...

Sexuality not only covers sex At the time of talking about sexuality, in a wide percentage of the population you can see a lack of information related to “What is......

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Sexuality in the elderly Introduction Throughout life a person from the beginning to their end is considered as sexual beings and at no time from it can be removed from......

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Sexuality in boys and girls Introduction Sexuality is a capacity that allows us to feel, vibrate and communicate through the body. It is something that is part of what we......

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Sexual health in educational centers  According to the news “Spain suspends in Sex Education:‘ Young people seek information and if you don't give it, they will go to the Inte...

Sexual harassment and rape Introduction Sexual harassment is a form of violence that intimidates or uncomfortable the most vulnerable victims, who in most cases are usually women a...

Sexual education to understand sexual orientation   The objective of learning is to master the basic concepts of development psychology by applying knowledge of matter with other ...

Sexual Education in Mexico: Sexually Transmitted Diseases   The lack of sex education in Mexico is a serious problem that has not been given sufficient importance. Especially, som...

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Sexual assaults and their macho sentences INTRODUCTION There are currently numerous sexual aggressions and/or violation, in many of these cases the difference between these two ter...

Sexual and reproductive health plan Introduction. The National Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy aims to guarantee the entire population comprehensive and quality care, through...

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