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Agenda 21: The Key To Save Our Planet


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In recent decades, we have been facing serious problems such as poverty, climate change, natural resources depletion, biodiversity loss, etc., Because of the misuse of environmental services. The first step that was given in response to consciousness about the misuse of resources was the creation of the Brutland report in 1987, which established the need to achieve sustainable development;However, the most important thing to be truly aware of the situation that our planet is going through is to find a way of acting, and it is here where the program or agenda 21 is strongly involved, which is an action plan or “global strategy thatIt is carried out locally and that involves all sectors of a community: social, cultural, economic and environmental ”(Borrás, 2018). This agenda, in addition to other works, resulted in the World Conference on the Environment and Sustainable Development, an event held by the United Nations Organization in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in 1992, in which they participated as membersFrom the organization 172 countries. Regarding the structure, the fundamental issues of this agenda are addressed in forty chapters organized in 4 sections. Among the objectives comprised of agenda 21, some very important and necessary to mention are the satisfaction of basic needs, greater protection and better management of ecosystems and a safer and prosperous future that is achieved by working together all nations. Analyzing the definition of Agenda 21, it could be thought that it is incorrect and that the solution must definitely come from international and governmental organizations with support from science and technology;However, this involves us all and we are definitely responsible for the damage and restoration of our planet, so it is important to start with myself and my community, working with collective actions that contribute to sustainable development.

Wait! Agenda 21: The Key To Save Our Planet paper is just an example!

You have to learn to live with our environment, in addition to thinking about what could happen in the future if you follow the lifestyle without thinking about our planet.


  • Agenda 21. (2005). In f. J. Garrido, Sustainable Development and Local Agenda 21: practices, methodology and theory (p. 187). IEPALA.
  • Borrás, c. (13 of 08 of 2018). What is agenda 21: summary and objectives. Obtained from green ecology: https: // www.Ecologiaverde.com/Que-are-the-Agenda-21-Resume-and-Objectives-137.HTML

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