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Socioformative learning environments and knowledge society Developing Education According to Escudero (2018), education is a path of access to the knowledge society, where the role...
Words: 1838
Pages: 7
Social networks and food disorders Social networks are a social group or structure composed of people, organizations and/or entities, where they are linked to establish all kinds o...
Words: 1109
Pages: 4
Social Contract, Rousseau and Montesquieu Although, political philosophy began the production of knowledge regarding our natural state, the construction of the State and the not...
Words: 1915
Pages: 7
Social behaviors in the play The next essay aims to talk about sexist and sexist behavior. A brief play will be taken, the lady on her balcony of Elena Garro,......
Words: 1155
Pages: 4
Science and technology under human domain Science is implied as the knowledge obtained by empirical experiences. Man uses this creation to exceed obstacles in daily life, which ove...
Words: 422
Pages: 2
Review of History and its beginnings Introduction. Introducing ourselves to these issues let's start talking about the reason for history. It has long been well known that what we ...
Words: 674
Pages: 2
Representation of the value chain Introduction According to Wilson Romero, the value chain is concentrated in the concept of the production chain (production process) but adds more...
Words: 403
Pages: 1
Repercusions of the First and Second World War Introduction. Taking into account the nineteenth and twentieth century concepts, periods, chronological orders of events, their backg...
Words: 1433
Pages: 5
Reality, a vision from the movie Black Mirror The interactive film Black Mirror created by Charlie Brooker and directed by David Slade, for its high levels of complexity presents a...
Words: 2290
Pages: 8
Racial segregation: inequality and discrimination Introduction In the 60s, in the US. UU, under the government of J.F Kennedy, the social situation that was lived consisted of grea...
Words: 2033
Pages: 7
Quote with death, destiny of every being Death is a natural process experienced by each being. However, the attitude of society towards death and death has become a fear and......
Words: 1387
Pages: 5
Protein study in cattle, sheep and birds Introduction Ruminants have a totally different digestion from the rest of mammals, with the simple fact that they have different mechanism...
Words: 3375
Pages: 12
Origin of the scientific revolution in the 16th century For the 16th century, one of the characteristics of the time was the curiosity of man to discover the world;restlessness tha...
Words: 792
Pages: 3
Nicholas Tesla;An example of willpower Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljan, the current Croatia, on July 10, 1856.When he was three years old, he lived an episode what would mark......
Words: 938
Pages: 3
Nature, science and technology man Throughout history, the human being has sought methods that allow him to repair, conserve and improve his tissues, organs, devices and systems op...
Words: 485
Pages: 2
National Educational Policies Plan in Mexico Introduction In this essay, the educational actions carried out by the National Development Plan that the Government will be analyzed, ...
Words: 1622
Pages: 6
Modern movement in the architecture of the twentieth century Architecture lives a radical change when the twentieth century arrived, the trends used until that time were ornate and...
Words: 904
Pages: 3
Mission, vision and objectives of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) Within the next essay, the application of organizational concepts and tools seen in the different clas...
Words: 1470
Pages: 5
Méxican policy and as viruses have no ideology The 1987, the writer Roger Bartra publishes for the first time, at the University of California in San Diego, a fundamental text......
Words: 941
Pages: 3
METHODOLOGY TO PERFORM THE AUDIT OF A COMPANY Audit planning The first thing that should be done in a systems audit is how to planThe design of the methods, techniques......
Words: 721
Pages: 3
Mathematics challenges in the 21st century Mathematical modeling processes have occupied a central role in mathematical education research: as a didactic tool for the teaching o...
Words: 1227
Pages: 4
Leonardo Da Vinci: The Renaissance Sage Introduction Leonardo the man who saved science. Leonardo Da Vinci grew up in Vinci in rural Tuscan. Whose purpose was to understand the nat...
Words: 574
Pages: 2
International Environment Law Introduction We live on a planet that is in a constant change, evolution and improvement in many aspects, but in the same way it is for decay,......
Words: 1280
Pages: 5
Intelligent project management with AI Currently, we face the fourth industrial revolution (because yes, it is already among us and if you do not believe me I invite you to......
Words: 1974
Pages: 7
Intellectual Property Historcia Review Introduction It is undeniable that the law always goes hand in hand with the development of humanity, which is why over the years this is con...
Words: 1718
Pages: 6
Information Security Protection Process Introduction The information is a fundamental part of any entity and as well as any other asset of the company, the entity has a fundament...
Words: 1254
Pages: 5
Information protection in the cloud in companies Introduction At present, technology has advanced drastically, companies have to move quickly so as notUse in the best way. As a com...
Words: 1846
Pages: 7
Information and Business Management Systems A company is a planning of people that aims to meet all the needs of its customers, using both technological and material resources. The...
Words: 1982
Pages: 7
Incidence of globalization in current policy When we talk about incidents, we refer to how something can affect or change an area or theme, causing both negative and positive......
Words: 1318
Pages: 5
Importance of crop protection: pesticide syndrome INTRODUCTION Day by day the world population multiplies at an accelerated pace, for this reason agriculture faces a great challeng...
Words: 1462
Pages: 5
HIV/AIDS, Stigma, Discrimination and Human Rights Despite the vast federal regulations, as well as the federal entities of the country and the different institutions;Stigma and dis...
Words: 1121
Pages: 4
High performance equipment and its characteristics Introduction "A successful person finds the right place for himself. But a successful leader finds the right place for other...
Words: 1820
Pages: 7
Hidden beauty and cosmetics in men and women Introduction Today cosmetics has influenced both men and women, we could even mention that men have been more vain to use them,......
Words: 481
Pages: 2
Happiness in a world of machines and economic growth In recent years, people are witnessing important changes in our society thanks to the unprecedented advance of science and tech...
Words: 1355
Pages: 5
Habits and attitudes in the student's learning process Summary At present, thanks to globalization and, consequently, to the development of new informational, communicational and t...
Words: 2387
Pages: 9
Guano and saltpeter exploitation In the last decades of the 19th century, there are a diversity of historical events such as the war for guano and saltpeter, and the......
Words: 916
Pages: 3
Generation X, the generation of the current and the most complex Introduction Generation X is very complete and one of the most complex when explaining it. This is because it......
Words: 1599
Pages: 6
Galileo life and his book Introduction Interviewer. Dear readers, with the wings of the imagination to move through time and space, on January 6, 1642, and Arcetri, Florence, Italy...
Words: 1392
Pages: 5
Four video games that encourage values learning in children It is obvious that video games are part of our lifestyle and our culture. It is no secret that video games......
Final essay: Respect for intellectual law is moral Today, when using so many media, social networks, and having the information so available, it is very difficult to delimit who be...
Words: 1359
Pages: 5
Pages: 5
(1375 words)
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