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Unemployment, private investment and relationship between them Introduction We all cry for decreasing unemployment and informality, some of us remember the national duty to efficie...

Unemployment in Colombia and the welfare of the population Analysis of macroeconomic behavior of unemployment in Colombia in the last five years Introduction   One of the main pro...

Ukraine is one of the countries in the east European zone Introduction Ukraine is one of the countries in the east European area, its capital is kyiv and the number......

Tuna overfishness: threats, incidental capture If the fish were like cars, the tuna would be the ocean Ferrari: elegant, powerful and made for speed. Their bodies in the form of......

True volcanic danger Developing Our country is located in the Pacific Fire belt, which receives that name precisely by the homonymous ocean, which means that it is subject and has....

TRANSGENIC FOODS: Safety within these Transgenic foods are increasingly present in our lives. It is enough to take a walk through the supermarket and approach the area of fruits an...

Transgenic foods and their impact on human health The use of biotechnology has allowed developing more food, and has the advantage of reducing the use of chemical pesticides and pr...

Transgenic foods and its impact on health Introduction Biotechnology has been constantly advanced since man discovered it, one of the fields in which it is applied is in agricultur...

Tomás Moro's work: Utopia The text that I am going to comment is called Utopia, it is written by Tomás Moro who was a politician and humanist born in London,......

Three types of agriculture and three types of culture Traditional agriculture is one of the key points in the economic development of the first peoples. In the case of Oriental......

The world epidemic called Obesity Introduction Obesity or body fat increase is currently considered as a world epidemic, in adults, children and adolescents. Peru is not a country ...

The villains of Cristobal Colón Introduction Almost six centuries ago an event occurred that would change the history of civilizations around the world, since Cristóbal Colón wo...

The underground economy in Colombia generates tax evasion   The underground economy refers to the economic activities that are carried out illegally in a country, those that seek ...

The social impact of the Spanish conquest on the indigenous population that occupied the territory of what is today Colombia In the Spanish conquest of the territory that today is....

The role of Latin America in the consolidation of world capitalism in the 19th century First, the role of Latin America is considered important in strengthening global capitalism d...

Thermodynamic approach of the greenhouse effect and its impact through time The Earth, with the passing of time, has been presenting great problems, of which a high percentage is t...

The return of democracy in Chile during the 1990s In 1990, Chile returned to democracy after 17 years with an authoritarian, military government. Salvador Allende was the president...

The requirements to achieve food security in Mexico Talking about food security in Mexico is something extremely important, a problem that has been dragging long ago, it is essenti...

The representation of women as a consequence of the Spanish Civil War He leads by Francisco Franco, the Spanish Civil War was a military revolt between the Republicans and the......

The production chain of butterflies in Costa Rica Summary The butterfly chain in Costa Rica, is of great economic, social and environmental importance for the settlers of Limón, H...

The open veins of Latin America Bibliographic review: Starting this analysis of the book where it refers to the economic, social, cultural and historical and, farms that lead to ex...

THE NEED FOR THE ERADICATION OF CHILD LABOR To the extensive of society's progress and with this that of humanity, child exploitation has been seen with strong references in the......

The most expensive war than peace The war arises as a violent response to a conflict that occurs between two or more actors. "Conflicts, the absence of peace and harmony......

The monroe doctrine of the United States and protectionism Introduction In this work we will announce important data and a rigorous analysis of the monroe doctrine of the United St...

The Mexican Revolution and the Luis Potosí Plan “The ejido was a Spanish institution transferred to America also based on the community property of a well -delimited field or pr...

The Mediterranean Diet and its Cultural Importance The Mediterranean diet is an immaterial good that is articulated as an axis of cultural and gastronomic union between the Mediter...

The last Ethiopian wolves Introduction Ethiopian wolves are a species known as canis simensis that have become, over the years, one of the most threatened canids on our planet. Cha...

The inverse osmosis process as a solution to poverty and famine in Africa The issue of poverty and hunger is not something new or exclusive to today. It is true......

The inheritance of the colonization of the continent and its consequences in the current American societies America has suffered some series of changes over time, since the arrival...

The influence of the Peace Agreement in Colombia In the course of the following state of art we will find several points of view, with differences and similarities, of the......

The importance of chemistry and chemical processes Introduction Chemical processes have been present since prehistory. Thanks to these, many discoveries have been made that have en...

The impact and use of transgenic foods Introduction The following work is based on knowing that they are transgenics and the impact that its use has either beneficial or harmful......

The history of the Industrial Revolution and the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Introduction This investigation aims to imply that it is the industrial revolution 4.0 also called “dig...

The history of colonization in America The colonization of America began at the end of the 15th century, when Christopher Columbus arrived in American territories in 1492 with the ...

THE HISTORY OF ADMINISTRATION FROM Ancient Civilizations What would have been from Egypt, Romas, from the Chinese Empire etc. If new administration methods had not applied and deve...

The historical and philosophical context of the time that influences Adam Smith's ideas Introduction With this essay, as declared the title, the time of the Industrial Revolution (...

The fundamental sodium for the formation of living beings   The sodium cycle is essential for the formation and development of living beings, since it consists of several factors ...

The French illustration France was the country that most knew the development of the ideas of the Enlightenment, in addition, it was the one who, in the various fields, the......

The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Great Changes to Humanity This essay will talk about the fourth industrial revolution that the world is presenting today and the great changes ...

The exploitation of society at different times At different times, certain social groups have been the object of exploitation, and despite the course of years, only the denominatio...

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