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Alcohol Brand Advertising Coursework Example


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17145432435Problem: Guinness as an alcohol brand experiences challenges from many angles. The rise in taxes by governments affects the sales. Additionally, other companies have improved their products and advertisements eroding the market share Guinness enjoyed few years ago. This has brought stiff competition for the Guinness


Problem: Guinness as an alcohol brand experiences challenges from many angles. The rise in taxes by governments affects the sales. Additionally, other companies have improved their products and advertisements eroding the market share Guinness enjoyed few years ago. This has brought stiff competition for the Guinness

2924355432758People: Advertisements are done to influence the perception of people to like and buy the product. This advertisement seeks to assure the customers of our commitment to providing quality products at affordable prices. The targeted audience includes all people aged 18 years and above who enjoy having a good time by drinking some bears.
00People: Advertisements are done to influence the perception of people to like and buy the product. This advertisement seeks to assure the customers of our commitment to providing quality products at affordable prices. The targeted audience includes all people aged 18 years and above who enjoy having a good time by drinking some bears.

3786996-483079400000Creative Brief
258796934548Budget: Budgeting allows the best use of resources to achieve results.

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The advert will consume quite a large sum of money considering the number of countries that our product sells. The advert will be global and showed on all major TV networks in our markets. The estimated cost for the whole exercise will be around $100 million to run the advert for six months.
00Budget: Budgeting allows the best use of resources to achieve results. The advert will consume quite a large sum of money considering the number of countries that our product sells. The advert will be global and showed on all major TV networks in our markets. The estimated cost for the whole exercise will be around $100 million to run the advert for six months.
29241751327150Revelation: Insight in adverts offers the consumers a starting point to understand the advert. In this case, we would like our customers to view themselves tired after a long day’s work or during a football match.
00Revelation: Insight in adverts offers the consumers a starting point to understand the advert. In this case, we would like our customers to view themselves tired after a long day’s work or during a football match.
172533406344Proof: To convince consumers, evidence supporting the assertion made is necessary. Guinness offers a cold relaxing feeling. The consumer feels stronger and more confident to accomplish tasks that seemed challenging maybe due to fatigue or lack of confidence.
00Proof: To convince consumers, evidence supporting the assertion made is necessary. Guinness offers a cold relaxing feeling. The consumer feels stronger and more confident to accomplish tasks that seemed challenging maybe due to fatigue or lack of confidence.
345065097121Deliverables: The advertisement will be a 60-second TV advert that combines both visual and audio characteristics. The advert is supported by massive road shows to sensitize our consumers about the product.
00Deliverables: The advertisement will be a 60-second TV advert that combines both visual and audio characteristics. The advert is supported by massive road shows to sensitize our consumers about the product.
345065916630Mandatories: Advertisements are supported by various elements to appeal to the consumers. Things such as logos and parent companies sensitize consumers more. The Guinness advert will incorporate the Guinness logo as well as the parent company that produces the product.
00Mandatories: Advertisements are supported by various elements to appeal to the consumers. Things such as logos and parent companies sensitize consumers more. The Guinness advert will incorporate the Guinness logo as well as the parent company that produces the product.
-517584622668Making it happen
00Making it happen
171451327150Challenge: A good advert provides the viewers an opportunity to understand the reason the advert happens in the first place. This advert requires the customers to imagine boring how life without a pint of Guinness would be.
00Challenge: A good advert provides the viewers an opportunity to understand the reason the advert happens in the first place. This advert requires the customers to imagine boring how life without a pint of Guinness would be.

1725360421Focus: Focus enables the advertiser to outline the main message he intends to put across. In this advert, our message is to make consumers consider taking a bottle of Guinness after work and during their free time such as weekends.
00Focus: Focus enables the advertiser to outline the main message he intends to put across. In this advert, our message is to make consumers consider taking a bottle of Guinness after work and during their free time such as weekends.

17253161338Personality: We would like the consumer to perceive the brand as that that boosts their confidence. A deep voice brings out the personality of a confident person who commands respect from others.
00Personality: We would like the consumer to perceive the brand as that that boosts their confidence. A deep voice brings out the personality of a confident person who commands respect from others.

2924355267648Timings: An advertisement achieves its purpose when the right timing to air happens. Our advert will air a few minutes before news and after news. Additionally, the advert will air during life football matches to attract football fans.
00Timings: An advertisement achieves its purpose when the right timing to air happens. Our advert will air a few minutes before news and after news. Additionally, the advert will air during life football matches to attract football fans.

-10477510160Team: Kei Shin, AURA
Team: Kei Shin, AURA

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