Alcoholism And Are Consequences In The Stage Of Adolescence
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Teenagers are always willing to try new things, either on their own initiative or for the social environment in which we develop and one of the things that always cross the road is alcohol. The more we find out about it, the more we fall into account of how dangerous it is for a teenager to be in a current situation where you have easy to buy and a great diffusion in the media worldwide, in a reality where practically allThe days one is bombarded messages indicating that alcohol consumption is fun, it is friendship, or a way of relaxing and forgetting the problems that afflict us. And of course, an exit is not bad from time to time, but when this becomes abuse the problem begins. All this has become an important social problem because it does not respect factors such as social class, age or sex, because it leads us to vice and then we have to live with the consequences of abuse. With this essay we want to convey that alcohol consumption is avoided in youngOnly to the consumer who must load with serious diseases such as cirrhosis, ulcers, mouth cancer, esophagus and throat and even death, but also the closest people around him, such as his family, couple and friends who gradually gogenerating bad interpersonal relationships until finally moves away.
Alcoholism generates a strong need and anxiety to consume alcohol to the degree of forming a physical dependence and suffering symptoms of abstinence when its consumption is not possible.
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The American medical association, like other drug dependence, consider alcoholism as a chronic, progressive and mortal disease, since the alcoholic has no control over the limits of their consumption, which is increasing as tolerance is developed to this drug
Also the National Cancer Institute defines "Chronic disease that a person feels desire to drink alcoholic beverages and cannot control that desire … Regular alcohol consumption increases the risk of contracting various types of cancer …". However, the World Health Organization (WHO) defines it as "all forms of drunkenness that exceeds traditional and current food consumption or that exceeds the boundaries of social customs …".
The main causes of consumption are of a social-emotional nature how to feel good, escape frequent problems, celebrate a reason, integration into a social group, meetings at parties or to rest and forget about stress. However there is evidence that they say that who has a father or mother with alcoholism is more likely to acquire this disease. In addition, with the development of DNA study techniques, it has been possible to determine a relationship of the existence of concrete sequences with a genetic tendency to develop alcoholism. “It has been established that the time of alcohol permanence in the body influences vulnerability to alcoholism, since, if any of the enzymes in charge of ethanol degradation has a lower activity as normal as a result of a genetic polymorphism,Your elimination will be slower, which can prolong your performance. Therefore, the existence of allelic variations of genes involved in the metabolism and mode of alcohol action could, in part, explain the individual susceptibility to generate addictive behavior for consumption, or the resistance that some patients present to the uninhabited treatments have”(Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. School of Medicine. Complutense University. Madrid. Spain, 2003).
WHO tells us that alcohol consumption causes harmful problems in the social environment of the consumer, even more to adolescents who are the public most vulnerable to this disease, for the same fact of being subject to stigmas and social pressure where sometimesIf you don’t take you are not "Chevere". People who begin to drink alcohol in their adolescence are more likely to become dependent on alcohol in their youth and tend to change their attitudes and behavior to society, where they can break family ties, commit crimes, cause accidents, put their health at risk andphysical integrity, missing classes or lowering their academic performance, having problems with unwanted law or pregnancies. Alcoholism produces physical disorders such as cirrhosis, pancreatitis and malnutrition, also emotional and mental such as hallucinations, deterioration of neurons, schizophrenia and lesions in the central and peripheral nervous system that causes depression in self-control and self – esteem problems that decreases motor skills in their coordinationand affects blood circulation as well as breathing. Alcoholism also generates economic wear and tear in the person, family, and those around him, being so that they remain without economic resources due to addiction and the same need to consume it.
Alcoholism is a disease that can affect anyone, which can be prevented and stop. However, it is not easy to achieve, since it is a complex treatment that implies several aspects. Mainly, the acceptance of the problem of the person involved to go to detoxification is needed and from there you can follow a rehabilitation and aversion therapies program. The most difficult step is to acceptance, since alcoholism is associated with denial. However, once that step is over, there are help groups to go to deal with this problem so that the individual can be reinstated in the society to which it belongs. All methods are not practical, in our present we are thinking about the things we do in our daily lives and the things we can do to become acceptable citizens in society, responsible and productive.
Finally we can say that alcoholism in young people is a very common issue in our day to day, since every day it grows with great abundance in adolescents and young people. Now young people see it as normal to consume every weekend where we say that it is due in some way to too much freedom which is causing debauchery, and the consequences in our family, social and economic fields that are very harmful. Alcoholism is a way to flee and escape the problems to change personality, since this means having more value about different things. We know that in our society we still do not know him as a drug, but it is already, since he is becoming a vice in our body, thus having that need to be taking, also our attitudes change, the course of our life leavesFor bad roads and is worrying, but it is the reality we are living.
“Take advice in wine, but then decide with water."
Benjamin Franklin –
- Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. School of Medicine. Complutense University. Madrid. Spain. (2003). Addictive disorders. Elsevier, 213 – 222.
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