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Alexander the Great Annotated Bibliography

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Alexander the Great
Jarus, Owen. “Alexander the Great: Facts, Biography & Accomplishments”. Livescience.com, 2017. https://www.livescience.com/39997-alexander-the-great.html. The website, updated on 30th August 2017, includes the view that Alexander the Great possessed several great achievements. One of them includes defeating the land stretching to India from the Balkans that occurred when he was Macedonia’s ruler. Some of his achievements before becoming a powerful ruler included; taming a horse at a young age, and being able to conquer the Thracian community when he was only sixteen years of age. The website includes a comprehensive review of the ruler’s life with much focus put on his accomplishments including his legacy. The background of the article’s writer is not highlighted. However, the website is a credible source as it includes factual information that aligns with other historical works on the subject. It can be viewed that the intended audience is individuals interested in getting a summary of the life and achievements of Alexander the Great. The work aligns with views highlighted by the scholars in regard to the territories that Alexander conquered and the associated influence. However, it focuses more on his accomplishments when compared to the negative implications associated with his rule. The work illuminates the bibliography topic as it focuses on Alexander’s accomplishments and influences as a ruler.
Marshall, Christopher.

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“Globalizing the “Great Man”: Teaching Alexander the Great’s Legacy from an International Perspective.” The Middle Ground Journal, no. 4, 2012, pp. 1-10. http://resources.css.edu/academics/his/middleground/articles/marshall.pdf. The author focuses on the legacy established by Alexander the Great from the time he began his exploration. The author highlights the view that his legacy is adequately defined in the western tenet. Nonetheless, other non-western history reports view his legacy from various cultural perspectives. The basic assumption is that the different accounts present a significant strategy of educating learners about the historical accounts in regard to how they are interpreted as per cultural affiliations. The author is identified as a lecturer at the University of Wisconsin and a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Minnesota with the area of specialty being history. This indicates that the associated analysis is credible in regard to understanding the influence of Alexander the Great. The article aligns with view by Jarus in regard to the accomplishments by the ruler. However, it also highlights the fact that Alexander the Great was viewed differently by various communities in which some accepted his reign while others viewed him as a threat. The intended audience includes history instructors especially with the conclusion that the different accounts present a significant strategy of educating learners about the historical accounts in regard to how they are interpreted as per cultural affiliations. The work illuminates the world history topic in regard to comprehending how Alexander the Great was perceived and the associated legacy.
Overtoom, Nikolaus Leo. “Contesting the greatness of alexander the great: the representation of alexander in the histories of polybius and livy”. Diss. University of Maryland, 2011. https://drum.lib.umd.edu/bitstream/handle/1903/11761/Overtoom_umd_0117N_12253.pdf;jsessionid=34F59D179679EF32482CE89CD9866C28?sequence=1. The article focuses on the works of Livy and Polybius regarding Alexander the Great in which the author focuses on comparing the views highlighted by the scholars. The aim of the comparison is to highlight Alexander’s impact on the image and status of Rome. The author highlights the view that due to the political environment and the subject associated with their histories, both Livy and Polybius developed situations that made Rome appear as superior when compared to Macedonia. The author is affiliated with the University of Maryland in which the work is a dissertation that focuses on the history of Alexander the Great published under the institution and hence a credible source. The intended audience is history students with the interest of comprehending the works of Livy and Polybius as reviewed by contemporary scholars. The article aligns with the view presented by Marshall that Alexander the Great was viewed differently by various communities in which some accepted his reign while others viewed him as a threat. The significance of the article to the research topic is that it provides a review of the passages by Alexander as highlighted by Livy and Polybius, it broadens the understanding on the views that other scholars had regarding Alexander, and the associated comparison broadens the understanding and appreciation of the works of the scholars. Therefore, it illuminates a broader understanding of the influence of Alexander the Great.

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