Alicia’S Version In Carroll’S Wonderland
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The version used was Alicia’s in Wonderland (Carroll, 2003) recommended by the teacher. The relationship between this work and today according to our criteria has to do with the existing concern in the lives of people in general, showing that there are people with more traditional customs, such as the white rabbit that was the one that most reflectedVictorian customs that Carroll Lewis criticized and more spontaneous and carefree people like Alicia, who did not take a long time to analyze the consequences that could lead to their acts.
In several Dialogues of Alicia with different characters, a fairly current situation can also be reflected, taking into account that it hurts several characters with their comments, this can also be noticed today on social networks thanks to the so -called "haters".
The importance of this text for both logic and university students lies in the richness of different stories with fantasy characters with which the same counts;The story constitutes a short and easy to read narrative, which could represent an optimal way to encourage not only reading but logical analysis and the use of logical principles (such as analogy) in order to understand whatTreat the story. Alicia in Wonderland has been considered an important work since it has had a social, psychological and mathematical influence since the Victorian era for the way in which the issues are addressed in each chapter, it has a mixture of dream contents, localisms, social cartoons and linguistic and logical games.
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Alicia stands out for being a curious girl, which led her to enter the burrow and thus reach the Wonderland, with an outgoing personality that can be seen changing and creative. In several chapters he demonstrates his intelligence, for example, by calculating the distance when he fell in the first chapter, and education when thinking how it would be correct to address the Duchess in Chapter Four.
Among his constant changes in some moments he demonstrates a certain prudence as when he found the bottle with the word "bébeme" and began to look "to see whether or not the indication of poison." (p. 11) and imprudence when eating the cake that said “Code” and the mushroom that a caterpillar recommended;She also demonstrates sensitivity when she begins to cry when she loses hopes of entering the garden, an instant later she demonstrates strength urging herself to stop crying and looking for solutions.
White rabbit: he was worried with his responsibilities, obsessed with time and punctuality. He demonstrated fear of the Duchess and the Queen of Hearts, however they treated their servants the same.
This character could be the archetype of modern man, well, not so modern, since it is present in the nineteenth century and must also be much earlier. His way of walking constitutes almost a lifestyle: slave men of the schedule, of labor, of the mandate, that when they rush so in a hurry they ignore everything there is their surroundings, the problem of those, is that they never wonder whyThey do such things, do not stop to analyze whether that way of being so necessary.
Cheshire cat: the most famous part is when he leaves his smile in the air and when he makes his body disappear when the queen of hearts wants to cut his head. In spite. This logic of the absurd will be used by Carroll in its provocative dialogues with Alicia.
The cat could be a kind of God, appears and disappears when he wants, without realizing it can be present behind us. In the chapter of the Croquet game, we see that the cat is also over the kings, and that he refuses to make them reverence. They should revere the cat, and not God to them. They even have the daring of wanting to cut their heads, as we often want to kill God and get it out of the map. I have the impression that the cat appears in our lives just at the time we question ourselves the most. Things like, what does life have? Many times they are questions that we ask ourselves and the cat would tell us, life makes only meaning: forward. Already, I have it, this is the idea that the cat represents: a ground cable, which reaffirms the idea of the cat God. Sometimes we rely a lot on our ideas and believe everything, but it is obvious that if we walk, step by step, we will get somewhere. Or as Solomon says: there is nothing new under the sun. The fifth cat of the cat simply does not exist, and that is logical, life is not so complicated, we are all crazy.
ORugue: It is associated with hallucinogenic drugs and fungi, caterpillar personifies idleness and lack of understanding, such as that of an insensitive adult in the face of the changes experienced by a child in development.
At first glance, it’s like rabbit antithesis: relaxed, taking advantage of a rich afternoon in the company of a cigar and waiting for life to simply pass. However, the caterpillar is not only that, but also plays a primary role in the understanding of Alicia of her state. When answering the questionnaire that the caterpillar formulates him, Alicia surprises us with his conclusion: at least I can tell him who it was when I got up this morning;But I think they must have changed me several times in the day. And then the caterpillar gives him a simple advice, but not for that reason: he is patient. The caterpillar then becomes an ironic wise, who seems not to understand but who understands everything, and only says, be patient.
Hatrero, March hare, Liron: The Chapter of the Crazy Snack has been one of the most reproduced and adapted scenes of the book thanks to the concentration of meaningless, and, therefore, subject to several interpretations. Criticism and mockery of Victorian current society is evident in the madness of the characters while taking tea, a ritual considered a very English custom. It is believed that the liron represents the insomnia problems that Carroll suffered constantly.
The dodo or the clumsy bird
At the end of the second chapter and throughout the third (pages 24 and 25, specifically), when animals flee from the sea of tears, the protagonist distinguishes a duck, a dodus, a needil and a loro of the Bermuda. In the chapter: "A political career and a story that brings tail", the dodo organizes a completely absurd career to dry. The competition has no rules or defined duration, except running in circles, instruction that all players obey forming a plastic image. This Bobo Bird decides to declare winners to each of the participants and, therefore, everyone must receive an award:
However, when they had been running half an hour or so, and they were completely dry again, the Dodo suddenly said out loud: «The race is over!», And they all grouped around him, panting and asking:« But who has won?".
The dodo could not answer this question without meditating much earlier, and remained for a long time with a tight finger on the forehead (in the position you usually see Shakespeare in the portraits), while the rest was waiting in silence. Finally the Dodo said: "Everyone has won, and everyone must receive a prize".
While it is a story that everyone knows, it is worth reading. Absurdism, fantasy, surrealism, political satire and an ingenious logic game is something we can find in this Wonderland. Work full of symbols and metaphors, for some critics "Alicia …" is not intended for children and its author, in a way, pre -announcement to Joyce, Ionesco, Borges and Surrealism. There are multiple references to the identity problem. Nor do the process of heartbeat, the decapitation mania of the queen or linguistic approaches seem like childhood issues.
Carroll plays with similar pronunciation words. There are mistakes in the conversation, something that is repeated several times throughout the work, for example in Alicia’s dialogChapter III.
The scenario of the work varies constantly. The atmosphere is, at times, severe and indifferent, on other occasions, absurd and chaotic. The atmosphere is imbued with loneliness and incommunication. The characters speak but do not communicate, do not dialogue, monologize indefinitely.
A picturesque, incoherent, disturbing, systematic investment is presented. Reality is denied but everything is possible. The absurd manifests itself in the work of different ways. Carroll created an absurd country: chaos turns crazy, overflowing. For the adult reader, the author is a visionary who has managed to represent the world, mainly that of almost the end of the 19th century, that – as every century – brought to rise disparate sensations, incoherence, unresolved questions, fears and anxieties. For the children’s public, this absurd country makes them break into a world very similar to yours, where there are no borders, where logic lies in a unreasonableness, where everything is possible, where life is dream and sleep reality ..
This story is an ideal story for a psychology student this classic since, despite being (beautifully) illustrated, our mind opens us and lets us imagine an unparalleled world. It is possible to highlight the fact that few know everything that this story contributed to the knowledge of the human brain, as well as its influence not only in Freudian psychology and psychoanalysis, but also to modern neuroscience.
Without a doubt, one of the most original and influential works in the history of literature, which over time continues to fascinate readers of all kinds, turned into an inexhaustible source of different interpretations beyond their conception of history for children. The strange world he proposes, governed by an absurd logic and populated by even more strange characters, as well as his sense of humor and his surreal fantasy, can be seen as a satire of customs (where Alicia is the destabilizing element), as an imaginativeRepresentation of the world of childhood with its lights and shadows, or simply as a language and logic game.
You can talk about authors, novels, literary movements, etc. But this little and unique work will always be a separate.
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