Alterations Of Schizophrenia And Why It Is Considered The Cancer Of Psychology
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"Schizophrenia was probably first described in Britain during the Georgian period due to the growth of lunatic public asylum, combined with an improvement in the style of the description of the case" (K. Carpenter 332) This is a mental disorder of the psychotic type that affects more than 21 million people worldwide. It is a disease where reality is distorted. Thoughts, emotions, behavior, language and conscience are affected in an abnormal way for the human being. A person suffering from this disorder, may not distinguish the real from the imaginary, thus being a whole life of her despite the treatments that can calm this psychosis.
Many people think that people with schizophrenia are violent with their surroundings, but it is not so if the person is treated, although it may occur in the case that it is not. These can speak strange or unusual things, therefore, in most cases it costs to establish a conversation with them, at least consistently. Some psychiatrists call this psychotic condition "the cancer of psychiatry" because after long and intense studies since the first case of James Tilly Matthews in 1810, any cure could not be found.
What makes this mental disorder interesting is that until today specific causes have been found, although there are many hypotheses about it. Many risk factors occur precisely at the early age of the brain, during the mother’s pregnancy.
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One of them and the most prominent is genetic ”(V. Gejman, r. Sanders 229), but still this cause is the most successful, since the risk rises when parents or only one of them suffers from schizophrenia, it also manifests when the ascendant is of advanced age.
Other factors that acquire importance are children’s trauma and posttraumatic stress, an example of study was the fact at the end of World War II, in Great Britain 1946, where problems with language acquisition, few social relations at age 13, stood out at the age of 13, anxiety at an early age and delay in learning to walk. In the case of children’s trauma, the mother-child relationship, the death of any of the parents and the presence of sexual abuse in the family is emphasized. On the other hand, and not least, the abuse of illicit substances is also a cause of the disease.
The main symptoms that have been investigated by many scientists and psychiatrists are divided into two parts, positive and negative. The former are so called, since these are stabilized in an indeterminate time, although they are conditions that can become serious, among these are hallucinations, delusions, thought and movement disorders. On the other hand, negative They have to do with the internal feeling of being.
There are others, which are only detected if specific tests are made are cognitive symptoms, although it is stated that cognitive conditions are not products of the disease, because the indications appear before psychosis, some of them are the memory of work (which consists in retaining the information previously acquired) and the difficulty in paying attention in certain situations, among others.
There are many scientists who divide schizophrenia into types, but most patients suffer not only one, but several throughout their lives, therefore, the diagnosis of each person is very similar to others and the symptoms cannot be well distinguished , since these vary through the years that pass. This implies that the treatments given to each patient are most of the time the same as others.
Alterations of schizophrenia
As mentioned above during the development of this disease, cognitive symptoms occur, such as the attention deficit, this occurs because there is a functional network within the brain, specifically on the left side, which serves to process the information is inhibited in the neurodevelopment of the person.
Another outstanding factor that is lost is memory, both verbal and nonverbal, studies that have been done in families where the father or mother suffers from this indolence, indicate that the child takes more than common in their learning. The psychotic personality of schizophrenics is not violent as many think, but only show disorders of impulsivity and antisocial behavior, but it has nothing to do with cruelty towards others that is reflected in many films.
In addition, it is possible to add the big question that many are asked, what do the schizophrenics listen to?, Some listen to very positive voices, although in other cases they claim to hear negative voices, according to studies from different universities, most patients hear their relatives who have died. A personal example is the one who told me a friend when I told her about this essay, she was doing her practice in an elderly home, one day an advanced woman told her not to listen to the voices that spoke at night, then her He said he was his mother and obviously his mother no longer existed.
This disease called as psychiatry cancer there is no doubt that it makes it very interesting for studies, since it is not known with certainty or why it contracts and even less like finishing it, after reading several articles of psychiatrists, psychologists and scientists, I I realized that no one is exempt from suffering from it, although there are very few possibilities. In addition, it is worth mentioning the treatments that are performed or calman.
The most important thing that you learn in this essay was that when speaking with a schizophrenic.
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