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Alzheimer, A Real Social Problem


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Alzheimer, a real social problem


Studies carried out have motivated doctors to "alert the high improper prescription of medicines in elderly people with dementias such as Alzheimer’s". The María Wolff Foundation points out as “potential side effects of these drugs: falls and fractures of important bones, infections such as pneumonia and infarcts, which imply greater mortality and unnecessary loss of quality of life”.

A social problem

"Chemical subjection" says that "an inadequate administration of psychopharmaceuticals supplied by organizational convenience or without a neuropsychiatric diagnosis". It means that “they guide drugs to patients to remain in bed more hours than they need also sedative drugs to people who need personal attention.

It is completely wrong to assume that this problem is due exclusively to doctors, there is also the social pressure of both the managers of the centers, and of other professionals who erroneously demand medical solutions to problems that are not doctors, but also can be ofcoexistence or due to an obsolete residential management model ”.  To what he adds, that “the relatives of the patients treated are also partly responsible for practices for their influence on specialists to obtain drugs or doses of more sedatives without being aware of the negative effects or the additional load involved in the possible possibleSide effects on patient care ".

Responsibility of doctors, residences and society

For all these reasons, the ‘chrome criteria’ are created with which “medical, pharmaceutical, organizational and legal challenges for the avoidance of dependence on chemicals are fully resolved by having a prescription of drugs of good quality”.

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“These solutions are carried out in two parts, first the health and managerial staff of the centers are formed in the Chrome criteria and then, all the pharmacological prescriptions of the residents of the center are beginning to be reviewed and they fit these criteria. A good prescription of psychopharmaceuticals better quality of life and reduces costs

The president of the European Council of National Psychiatric Societies of the European Psychiatry Association and Coordinator of the Chrome of Ceafa criteria, the psychiatrist Manuel Martín Carrasco, comments that “with the Chrome criteria there is no excuse to look the other way in issuesPSYCHOOPHARMACY PRESCRIPTION. The criteria include all the necessary elements to guarantee a quality prescription thus avoiding any dependence on unnecessary medicines and adverse effects ”.


The diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease is taken in the tests performed by the doctor linked to the evaluation of memory and cognitive abilities. Laboratory and image diagnosis tests can rule out other possible causes or contribute to the doctor to better describe the characteristics of the disease that causes the symptoms of dementia or Alzheimer’s.

The complete set of diagnostic tools is designed to detect dementia and determine with great precision if the cause is due to Alzheimer’s disease or another disease. Alzheimer’s disease can be diagnosed with total certainty after death, at which time the brain microscope exam reveals the characteristic plaques and balls.

Diagnostic methods

The doctor will perform a physical exam and probably evaluate general neurological health when performing the following tests:

  • Reflexes
  • Muscle tone and strength
  • Your ability to get up from a chair and walk around the room
  • Sense of sight and ear
  • Coordination
  • Balance




Recent medications for Alzheimer’s disease can help for a long time with memory symptoms. Currently, two types of medications are used to treat cognitive symptoms these are mostly:

  • Colinesterase brains. These medications work by increasing cellular communication levels that preserve a chemical messenger that runs out in the brain as a result of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Numantina (Namenda). This medicine works in another communication network of brain cells and delays the progression of the symptoms of moderate to serious Alzheimer’s disease. Occasionally, it is used in combination with a colinesterase delays. The relatively frequent side effects include dizziness and confusion.

Creation of a safety and containment environment

Adapting the life situation to the needs of a person with this disease is an important part of any treatment plan for the delay of the disease is also important for someone suffering from Alzheimer’s, establishing and strengthening routine habits and minimizing the tasks thatThey demand memory can make life much easier.

You can take these steps to support the feeling of well -being and the continuous ability of a person:

  • Keep medications in a safe and visible place
  • Carry a mobile phone with the location so that any person responsible for care can track the location.
  • Make sure that food and medications are regular as much as possible.
  • Use slate at home to track daily programs. Develop the habit of crossing out the completed tasks.
  • Install resistant handrails in the parts of the house
  • Make sure that the person with Alzheimer
  • Maintain photographs and other significant objects in sight in the house.

Alternative medicine

There are many herbal supplements, vitamins and others that are widely promoted as preparations that contribute to cognitive health or prevent or delay Alzheimer’s.

Some of the treatments that have been studying lately include the following:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids of fish or supplements can decrease the risk of developing dementia,
  • Curcumin. This herb comes from turmeric and has anti -inflammatory and antioxidant properties that could have an effect on the chemical processes of the brain.
  • Ginkgo. Ginkgo is a plant extract that contains numerous medicinal properties. According to an extensive study, it has no effect on the prevention or delay of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Vitamin E. While vitamin E is not effective in prevention of Alzheimer’s disease, taking 2000 international units per day can help delay the progress of the disease in sick people.

What you eat is more important than ever.

. The scientists recently discovered that the Mediterranean diet seems to be a protector against Alzheimer’s disease, the diet consists of:

  • Beans (especially lentils and chickpeas).
  • Herbs and spices (such as oregano, romero and parsley).
  • Eating wild fish and seafood at least twice a week will help a lot.
  • High quality corral birds, eggs, cheese, goat milk and yogurt or yogurt.
  • A lot of fresh water and a little coffee or tea.

Meals that should be avoided.

  • Any food containing toxins or additives. These foods can be neurotoxic. Non -organic fruits and vegetables that are full of neurotoxic agricultural chemists. All foods, processed, pre -cooked, for microwaves and others that only have chemicals such as ingredients.
  • Alcohol: alcohol is toxin and can cause brain cells to end faster than normal. In fact, there is something like "alcohol -related dementia".
  • Tap water – Tap water can contain environmental toxins, including aluminum salts, so be sure to test the water if you drink tap water (or make a recent report of water tests if you drink municipal water) and filter pollutants.

The 5 natural treatment supplements for Alzheimer’s disease. Together with the diet, we can use these supplements, as part of their natural treatment protocol.

a. DHA fish oil

The benefits of fish oil include DHA, an essential fatty acid for brain function

b. Vitamin D3

Vitamin D deficiency could be a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. Research shows that wide levels of vitamin D can help prevent tangles and brain plates from forming

c. COQ10

COQ10 levels decrease as we age and some investigations have shown that supplements administration can delay the progress of Alzheimer’s disease.

d. Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba helps improve the circulation and memory of the brain and can be an effective natural treatment for Alzheimer’s.

and. Phosphatidilserine

Phosphatidylserine improves communication and memory of brain cells, and has been shown to be beneficial for Alzheimer’s disease in the initial stage.

Exercise is a powerful Alzheimer’s preventor

Those who exercise regularly also had the lowest levels of tangles and plates in PET explorations, which means they had a much lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

 Your profession could act as an anti-alzheimer’s drug

Did you know that certain works could protect against Alzheimer’s? Humans are social creatures, and work directly with other people instead of mainly with data or things seems to offer protection against Alzheimer’s. A study showed that people who work in a social circle tend to have less risk of having Alzheimer’s

Marijuana could protect Alzheimer’s brain from Alzheimer’s

In what could be a huge finding in the world of Alzheimer’s natural treatment, Salk Institute scientists discovered that tetrahydrocannabinol, one of the main components of medicinal cannabis and other compounds found in marijuana could block the progression of theAlzheimer disease.

In the laboratory, plant compounds blocked the disease by relieving cell inflammation and eliminating toxic amyloid proteins in brain cells.

Avoiding certain prescription and free sale medications could reduce Alzheimer’s risk

Dementia related medications now include medications that are usually used to sleep and allergy. These include things such as diphenhydramine (for allergies), dimenhydrine (for dizziness / nausea), a combination of ibuprofen and citrate of diphenhydramine (for pain and sleep) and doxilamine (for allergies), among others.

These pills have anticholinergic properties, something that is increasingly related to dementia.

A study demonstrated how anticholinergic drugs reduce cerebral metabolism and trigger higher rates of cerebral atrophy. Taking anticholinergic medications also led to worse scores in memory tests.

Certain antidepud, COPD and asthma medications, along with medications for hyperactive bladder problems, could also fall into the anticholinergic category. Therefore, if you need these medications, talk to your doctor or pharmacist to see if there are safer alternatives.

 Your intestine plays a role in Alzheimer’s disease

In 2016, researchers from the University of Chicago discovered that a long -term antibiotic dose changed the intestinal bacteria of mice in a way that seemed to help counteract the levels of beta amyloid protein in the brains of mice.

This is a preliminary investigation, and I certainly do not suggest that we all take antibiotics. Future research could potentially look for more natural ways to maintain our healthy intestines to protect our brains. 

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