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Alzheimer’S Disease And His Cognitive Alterations


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Alzheimer’s disease and his cognitive alterations


Alzheimer’s disease (EA) is the main reason for dementia between older adults is a disease of complex pathogenesis, it has been proven that in some cases it is hereditary, this disease is characterized from the anatomical point of view due to loss of neurons and synapsesand the presence of senile plates and neurofibrillar degeneration. Clinically it is expressed as an insidious and quite slow dementia to become a serious illness, its first indications are failures of recent memory and when the disease progresses over time the person who suffers it ends up prostrated in bed, totally dependent.

His pathogenesis is very complex and we will not refer to her. To make the diagnosis of dementia the DSM-IV demands:

  1. Damage is given in two or more cognitive functions, one of this is memory;The other can be language, executive capacity, praxia, or other.
  2. The amount of this loss is such that it interferes with the patient’s frequent activities.
  3. According to the investigations, the presumed cause must be an organic cerebral condition.
  4. The commitment of conscience must be excluded. (Archivaldo, 2003).


Cognitive alterations in the different stages of Alzheimer’s

Mild stage 

  • Alteration of working memory -Proxy Apraxia
  • Visoconstructive apraxia

Moderate stage 

  • Metamemory alteration -Ideatory Apraxia
  • Alteration of semantic memory -Afasia
  • Alteration of retrograde memory -Compression difficulties

Severe stage 

  • Ecolalia
  • Dysarthria
  • Mutism
  • Abececeptive agnosia

Alzheimer’s disease can say that it is composed of three major stadiums:

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  • Mild stage: it lasts approximately two to four years, in this they still preserve language, perception and motor skills. This is when the first indications of the disease occur
  • Moderate stage: it has an approximate duration between two and ten years, here the difficulties in language and problems to carry out movements are shown, there is carelessness or abandonment in personal hygiene, loss of recognition capacity etc.
  • Severe Stadium: It is the final phase and lasts until the death of the person, the aggravation of brain symptoms occurs.

Brain areas affected by Alzheimer’s

  1. Cerebral cortex: This is rewarding that the person has problems thinking, remembering and planning.
  2. The hippocampus: this area is reduced considerably, this area is very important for the formation of new memories.
  3. The ventricles: liquid zone that grow more and more.




The pharmacological treatment of the EA has a long history, which began with the ‘brain vasodilators’. Currently the most valued medications are acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, but the possible efficacy of antioxidants such as vitamin E ”(Archivaldo, 2003) is discussed

Through pharmacological treatment, neuronal degeneration will be prevented, the activities of neurons not affected by the disease and reduce the symptoms associated with deterioration will be stimulated.


Stimulation of preserved cognitive functions, improving cognitive performance, improving functional performance, increasing personal autonomy in daily life activities ”(Alberca & Pause, Pan American)


Psychological and family accompaniment is required with the objective of attending to those difficulties that may appear as a result of this disease, it is important to work self – esteem since Alzheimer’s generation will generate a change in the patient’s life, psychoeducation will be done. In the sessions that will be carried out with the patient, it is important.,           

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