View all "America" ready papers, essays and assignments
For those who arrive in Brazil to perform as professionals Introduction All that graduate with a postgraduate study must validate a title to be enabled to exercise their profession...
Foreign policy in Mexico Introduction This essay talks about a proposal that is made to the executive power of our country on its foreign policy, since the president has not......
Words: 1389
Pages: 5
Focus for gender stereotypes in school coexistence Summary This article aims to provide the educational community with pedagogical strategies that attenu And the girls who influenc...
Words: 2181
Pages: 8
Flower pests, study In the field of economy, export is the mechanism used to send a product or a good for commercial purposes at a destination to a foreign country,......
Words: 748
Pages: 3
Feminism over the centuries, specifically in the mid -nineteenth century Feminism takes centuries, it is not something new, much less a fashion, it has taken strength at different ...
Words: 2236
Pages: 8
Femicides as a consequence of misogyny in the Dominican Republic According to the RAE, a femicide is the murder of a woman at the hands of a man for machismo......
Female genital mutilation and child marriage in human development Introduction To begin, we will talk about human development (DH), the objective of DH is human freedoms, that is, ...
Fear of the death of older adults in Life Cartagena centers Introduction Collet and Lester 1969 defined the fear of death in a multidimensional way, clearly differentiated between ...
Words: 1238
Pages: 5
Favoring the Silk Route to China Introduction In the old and legendary China the silk worm was cultivated and subsequently the product of this crop industrialized the silkworm. Thu...
FARC and drug trafficking For more than 50 years, with more than 220.000 dead, the oldest guerrillas in the world declares war to the Colombian State. The Revolutionary Armed Force...
Extreme inequality: income and wealth gap as a main problem in Mexico Oxfam revealed in 2014 that 85 people in the world had the same wealth as half of the......
Words: 2639
Pages: 10
Exploitation and marketing in the era of guano With the income obtained from the exploitation of the guano, the main objective of the Peruvian State was to build new......
Evolution of whales of land to sailor beings Cetaceans diverged land mammals between 56-50 million years during the Eocene. The cetaceans were specifically separated from quadruped...
Evolution of obesity in the human populations of the world The changing environment in which human populations develop has an important influence both in the inheritance and the gr...
Words: 1026
Pages: 4
Eva Duarte and her influence on the female vote SOURCE IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION The present work aims to analyze the sources. It is intended to answer the following question: ...
Words: 2317
Pages: 8
Etiology of disability throughout history Throughout history, disability has evolved according to the stigmatization of society but gives us a successful definition to communicate ...
Ethnic discrimination in Latin America, last decade Introduction Ethnic - racial discrimination is an existing problem since before the colonial era, which has the exclusion of a p...
Ethics in International Trade and Economics The parallel between economics and human values. Making a first approach, we must know the concepts of economics, Marshall (1890) define...
Words: 1161
Pages: 4
Estales in the Middle Ages, privileged and non -privileged people To understand the education that was received during the Middle Ages and the people who receive it, it is importan...
Essay on Vox's electoral advance The electoral advance of a populist radical political party depends on an unusual set of circumstances and therefore the arrival of the moment of t...
Essay on the Golden Age Gold century is defined to the historical period that made art and Castilian letters flourish, where the military and political boom of the Habsburg dynasty...
Words: 1439
Pages: 5
Essay on the different psychological disorders This information comes from the Pan American Health Organization and World Health Organization, which says that the most frequent dis...
Essay on music therapy and its effects When classes began, I was very curious about the technique of music therapy and family costellation therapy since it was something that caugh...
Words: 1332
Pages: 5
Essay on multiple sclerosis INTRODUCTION: Muscle dystrophy is a group of diseases that cause progressive weakness and loss of solid mass. In muscle dystrophy, abnormal qualities (m...
Words: 1265
Pages: 5
Equal marriage in some states of Mexico Introduction To be able to talk about gay marriage, it is necessary before how to see its history, where all this current comes......
Words: 908
Pages: 3
Environment in the Amazon jungle Introduction With this project we intend to carry out an exhaustive research on the real facts of the environment specifically in the Amazon jung...
Entrepreneurship Capacity and Projects in Colombia To start with this intervention we must be clear about the concept of entrepreneursor existing process in search of overcoming th...
Words: 589
Pages: 2
Enrique IV role in the life of his sister Isabel la Católica Introduction Throughout this work we are going to talk about Queen Elizabeth, from her childhood to her death.......
Words: 1385
Pages: 5
England in ancient times Introduction The Great Britain of the 18th century was a rural nation based on petroindustrialization, that is, an industry in the field organized by compa...
Emergence of Darwin's evolution theory Darwin's theory of evolution is probably one of the most famous and representative of the history of science. The postulates of natural selec...
Words: 1618
Pages: 6
Emergence of capitalism was due to microcapitalism Gerschenkron (as Braudel cited, 1986) states that: "True capitalism emerged in a microcapitalism of tenderos" (p. 70). ...
Words: 1145
Pages: 4
Effects of globalization in companies in Mexico The objective of this essay is for the reader. As the objective of the essay is that the reader is well informed in......
Words: 1672
Pages: 6
Effects of globalization in Colombia and Latin America At the beginning of the 18th century, in the most advanced regions of Europe, the techniques applied in agriculture, manuf...
Words: 1301
Pages: 5
Effects of bullying in the country of Colombia Introduction Bullying, also known as "bullying", refers to the aggressive behavior of a person, or a group of people, who a...
Education University Introduction During its several centuries of existence, the Alcalá de Henares University has always been a reference in educational quality. At present, it ha...
Educational trends in Colombia: Approach to reality Education has always been considered one of the most important sectors in developed countries, the development of their educatio...
Words: 1520
Pages: 6
Educational quality in universities of today The quality in universities today shows a deficit in both European and Latin American institutions due to the lack of mobility they hav...
Words: 3199
Pages: 12
Educational analysis of university and non -university higher education Introduction The reflective analysis of education is contextualized in the management of world human talent ...
Words: 1279
Pages: 5
Edible fungi as part of culinary art Introduction From our origins;Fungi have been present in much of our cultures as part of our culinary art. But not all are edible......
Ecuador's feminist society in 1921 Ecuadorian feminism happened at the end of the 20th century. It is historically recognized for having a contest in political participation causin...
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