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Comment: "The Transatlantic Slave Trade" The Documentary of Trotamundos, "The Tranatlantic Commerce of Slaveof Africans were taken to the New World and sold as slave...
Words: 1519
Pages: 6
Comedy and business Introduction The Megan Fam Mexico is the event event, a great show that seeks to sponsor influencers as well as promote and protect the tourism of the......
Words: 853
Pages: 3
Colombia Wild Magic Colombia is literally the best corner of America. Located at the north end of South America, where the Central American Isthmus ends, it is necessarily a passag...
Colombia, story of a forgetfulness Enrique Serrano in this book tries to give continuity and depth on topics that he had already raised in the book “Why does Colombia fail?”Exp...
Words: 854
Pages: 3
Colombia, Economy Growth in our country For macroeconomy, the economic model IS and LM, I believe in my opinion that it is a good model, therefore it is useful......
Collapse of globalization and the first World War In this essay I will explain the main reasons for the collapse of the first globalization and as the First World War......
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Pages: 6
Collective hysteria in society Introduction Yes, governments are obliged to protect the natural rights of their citizens, but that is just one of the many government tasks. Even ou...
Coffee and effects on people with diseases Introduction Coffee has become an almost indispensable drink for many since its effects on energy combined with a rich flavor and aroma f...
Cochrane in the process of independence of Peru in 1819 SOURCE IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION This investigation tries to answer the question of: “To what extent did the Huachanos...
Words: 1072
Pages: 4
Civil War in Spain, its most important consequences INTRODUCTION I have decided to do this work on this issue because it seems to me that only people who specialize in......
Words: 3214
Pages: 12
Chinese Geopolitics: New World Order Chinese geopolitics China has the necessary capacity (political, economic, military and technological) to establish a worldwide order other tha...
Words: 1736
Pages: 6
Chinese -born American: Conversation Introduction The American vision is a curious animal that lives most of the US territory. This little animal is also found on the American and ...
China in the world economy and the new silk route Introduction During an interview the American philosopher, political scientist and activist Noam Chomsky said: “Among all the al...
Words: 2595
Pages: 9
Childhood nutrition programs INTRODUCTION In recent years, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children under 5 years of age has increased in a worrying way as a consequenc...
Charles Darwin's evolutionary process theory History about evolutionary theory are ideas focused on offspring and adaptability. The biologist Darwin coined the term "offspring...
Charles Darwin and his scientific research There is an apparent contradiction between how Darwin proceeded in his scientific research and how he described it for public consumption...
Words: 1081
Pages: 4
Characteristics of the philosophical thought of the Renaissance and the Middle Ages In ancient Greece, the first approaches of thought were philosophical, and with it different ori...
Words: 1705
Pages: 6
Characteristics and impact of modernity and postmodernity So that we can talk about the impact that modernity and postmodernity have generated, in addition to globalization we have...
Words: 1501
Pages: 5
Changes and growth growth Introduction The City of Buenos Aires followed the principles stipulated by the laws of the Indies and was raised with the criteria of foundation of Spani...
Words: 902
Pages: 3
Central American identity Introduction In Central America we find a large diversity of cultures, each country even has its own way of identifying and feeling, but the story belongi...
Words: 1037
Pages: 4
Celia vs Frida, 2 very sexy rebel influencers that stir social networks Introduction Being the son of a famous personality brings many things, being exposed to the press, having a....
Caste system and the Spanish empire Introduction. Over three centuries, it is important to mention that a division of social classes in the Indies of America was maintained in the....
Words: 892
Pages: 3
Carl Jung's work and analytical psychology Carl G's work. Jung began to be systematically translated in 1999, seventy -seven years after they ended up translating Freudian works an...
Words: 618
Pages: 2
Capitulations of Santa Fé and Cristobal Colón In 1480 Christopher Columbus lived in Portugal, in the Madeira Islands, and by marriage he was part of the Portuguese nobility. Colu...
Words: 1240
Pages: 5
Canada Economic and Social Analysis Introduction Mexico has been determined as a comparable country because they have collaborated jointly to improve the living conditions of north...
Bullying or bullying, causes and consequences Concept The word bullying was created by Dan Olweus, a Norwegian researcher, who points out that "Bull" means bull, so Bully...
Brotherhoods between Peruvian and Chinese cities Introduction Until a while ago, China pondered its relations with the countries of Asia Pacific, however, in recent decades, it beg...
Words: 790
Pages: 3
Brexit: repercussions that the United Kingdom will face after its departure Introduction On June 5, 1975, the referendum about the permanence of the United Kingdom in the European ...
Words: 2131
Pages: 8
Brazil suffered a coup d'etat Introduction Brazil is a country in South America that occupies a territory estimated at 8.5 million km², thus considering the fifth largest country ...
Words: 1179
Pages: 4
Brazil has an extraordinary combination of natural landscapes Introduction Brazil has an extraordinary combination of shocking natural landscapes, warm and friendly people, great g...
Book review: The History of Colombia Introduction This aims to be an introduction with few words while remaining deep, of various historical, political and social issues, whose pur...
Words: 1474
Pages: 5
Book report “Gender, power and migration in the Costa Rican Caribbean, 1870-1960 Lara Putnam is an American professor and historian (Pittsburgh). She has specialized, throughout ...
Book Las Venas Open of Latin America "America discovered according to the history made by the conquerors, it was the best gift that the Old World could find the injustices,......
Blockchain, impact and applications within the financial field Summary The end of this document consists in investigating and knowing thorough. With population growth it has been o...
Words: 1601
Pages: 6
Blockchain: A solution for policy corruption Why does political corruption exist? Where does it come from? These are questions that emerge when the story is analyzed;All those even...
Words: 1102
Pages: 4
"Black woman" by Nancy Morejón the identity problem "Black woman" by Nancy Morejón The identity problem The poem "Black Woman" written by Nancy More...
Bird sighting in different ecosystems Bird watching is an exciting activity that is increasing worldwide. You just need some binoculars and a camera to locate and record your findi...
Words: 1027
Pages: 4
Aztec culture, where the gods come together Before the conquest, there were multiple indigenous peoples who dominated all of America with their beautiful artistic works. Among thes...
Azteca Empire and Inca Empire The Aztec Empire, also known as the Mexican Empire, Empire Tenochca or Tripe Alianza, was called as a political, territorial and economic control enti...
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Author's biography Ivan Illich Ivan Illich (1926-2002), was born in Vienna (Austria) on September 4, 1926, was a writer, historian, pedagogue, philosopher, literary critic, anthrop...
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