American Identity And Nationality
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In these articles the formation of the nationality process and the term Hispanic or Latin America is known. We can point out the importance of our lands for old powers such as Spain, France and England among others. They grouped us through our skin tone, physical features, type of hair, the origin of our language above all. On many occasions they divide our continent into several pieces, one where only the Anglo -Saxons are others where the descendants of Latin are.
They have changed the name of our continent as many times and as they call its inhabitants, terms such as Creoles, Indians, the inhabitants of the mainland among others. Geographically a single territorial portion with a narrow strip of land in the center with small and paradisiacs islands around as a sample of all the natural wealth that our continent could provide. Now who owned all those wealth or who would appropriate such wealth.
When the inhabitants of America were in full formation of social and political organizations, taking off little by little to become great civilizations such as those found in the north and south of the American continent, at least our ancestors did not present evidence of a complex and strategic organizationsocial and political with outstanding constructions, however it is thought that the road could be close.
It is interesting to see how researchers and historians currently seek to emerge the origin of Latin American nationality, as well as the clues that help discover the characteristics of our identity.
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Recognizing miscegenation as defining our being and doing as Latin American
For that time XIV Europe, it plunged into struggles for the search for equality, fraternity, so trying to put their home in order look towards America and from there it is the essence of particularisms and nationalities the tendency to differentiate each other from each other. That is why they are born. The South Americans face the phenomenon of that "different and unequal" diversity and have lived very intensely the problem of identity. It is clear that diversity does not exclude identity, but supposes it.
To understand the importance assigned to identity in our American regional context, it is worth remembering that our peoples have never fully lived the circumstances and peculiarities of modernity. New social imaginary appeared with them appeared with historical references and supported by the preeminence of a culture of the image loaded with artificial elements.
Our development economies, alienated from their real growth sources, end in the game proposed by the logic of international markets. This is expressed through the formula of competitiveness, as opposed to the proposal by the peoples of the South, which is based on an ethic of solidarity.
South American resistance is expressed in the identity statement, rescuing traditions and values that account for a proud and troubled diversity, in the intelligence of contributing to elaborate consensus that allow access to a full universality. But something more serious happens in our regional space. The contributions of the Mass-Media, in a large part of the cases, reach people who live the joy and vicissitudes of orality today without yet reached the stage of reading.
In accordance with Latin American cultural identity, an authentic ideal of culture must include the contributions of each of its components: the indigenous, the Iberian and the modern European. From the early days the ideal of a culture of synthesis occurred in America, which valued freedom and diversity and tended towards universality.
Víctor Massuh recalls that this ideal was visualized and reformulated in different ways by many of its thinkers. Among others, Eugenio María de Hostos wrote about the "complete man";José Martí referred to the "whole man" and José Enrique Rodó looked in his Ariel to the "full man". Similar proposals of synthesis are found in the work of Antonio Caso the "moral responsibility" of "selfless mood".
José Vasconcelos The theory of the "Cosmic Race" as a product of American synthesis, Alfonso Reyes "We are a race of human synthesis", Pedro Henríquez Ureña and his "universal man" and Leopoldo Zea, whose "assortive project" of universalist vocation tried to integrateThe culturalist idea of Rodó and the image of our America of Martí.
The identity and cultural diversity of Latin America as a complex reality where similarities and differences are equalized, although from independence there has been a strong feeling of integration under the leadership of Bolívar, the search for the integration of Latin America has becomeAn old dream still to fulfill.
In this context, the universities of the region play a strategic role, whose first demonstration is concretized in the recommendations of the rector meeting of the Union of Universities of Latin America, held in Lima in 1967. The author analyzes the relevance and news of that statement and proposes that universities contribute today for the construction of a thought capable of promoting integration into the cultural, scientific and technological fields.
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