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American Red Cross ‘interview’ 2-PARTS!


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Agency Visit Part II
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The American Red Cross has a mission “to prevent and alleviate human suffering, saving them from disasters and emergencies by physically mobilizing the power of volunteers who respond immediately and the generosity of donors” (American Red Cross, 2015). Its mission is always to be there in times of need, possible with the help of its strong network of volunteers found in all regions, donors who give heartily and partners.” We try to transform empathy without hesitation so that; all individuals influenced by fiasco the nationwide and around the globe get care, haven and trust; our groups are prepared and ready for catastrophes; everybody in our nation has admittance to protected, lifesaving blood and blood items; all members of the army and their families discover bolster and solace at whatever point required; and in a crisis, there are constantly prepared people adjacent, made to utilize their Red Cross attitudes to spare lives.The fundamental principles of the Red Cross include humanity assisting without discrimination those wounded in the battlefield ensuring respect and dignity for human life; impartiality making no national, racial, religious, class or political opinions their guide being the needs of the distress prioritizing the most urgent. Neutrality, to gain confidence of all the parties; independence, autonomy is required in order for the members to be able to act according to the principles of the red cross; desire to render the voluntary service, unity, and universality.

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Types of services provided by the Red Cross
The key reasons for the formation of the American Red Cross was and is to help in times of emergencies, respond to disasters and offering relief to the affected populace, and provision of basic education of how to prevent, avoid and handle emergencies and disasters. Additionally, Red Cross supports community services in help of the needy to alleviate human suffering, offer communication and comfort to the military men and their family members, handling and dissemination of blood and blood products; instructive projects on readiness, health, and security; and universal help and development programs.
Red Cross funding
Financing of the American Red Cross depends majorly on donations from the American public. Participation in the united way and Combined Federal Campaigns is another source of fund for the charitable organization. The US government does not subsidize the Red Cross; its financial plan originates from gifts and additionally cost-recuperation expenses that are charged for a few services. In particular circumstances, the Red Cross receive government cash because the legislature has gotten the Red Cross to complete some part of help endeavors. Since it is a non-benefit, magnanimous Association, the Red Cross is duty excluded.Calamity help emergency fund allocations are made as start-up advances on account of substantial scale debacles, gifts to meet the expenses of reacting to small-scale crisis alleviation operations, or for making arrangements on account of fast approaching catastrophe. All solicitations for DREF allotments are looked into on a case-by-case premise. Cash can be approved and discharged within 24 hours after a request. A breakdown of their spending is also provided for review by the Red Cross in the press releases (American Red Cross, 2015).Training of the American Red Cross staff
The Red Cross has been the go-to hotspot for over a century for data, abilities and certainty to act in a crisis, at home, in school and the work environment. The staff get trained on the various safety measures and lifesaving activities including; rendering of first aid, CPR and AED, Aquatic Safety, Group Training, Healthcare and public safety, and giving care to babies and little children. The American Red Cross has world-class instructors and recompenses winning online courses to guarantee you get skills that stick. According to the Red Cross Society, the Red Cross staff is entitled to a payable vacation after a stressful undertaking by the organization.Despite the immense training underwent by the American Red Cross staff, there is always an effect of crisis to their physical or mental well-being. Due to their nature of work, the organization has a program installed to treat these effects. Physical restraint is among the major issue since the staff may work continually for long hours resulting in strain. Emotional effects that result from the crisis include Misery, displeasure, despair, pity, sadness, deadness, denial, flashbacks, Generalized Anxiety Disorders, Panic Disorder amongst others. Cognitive effects range from impeded fixation & choice making, disabled memory, mistrust, to stress and tunnel vision. The crisis also brings about interpersonal effects like expanded social class, social withdrawal, and poor performance, over-protectiveness, feeling abandoned and rejected.Charity works are the main agenda of the American Red Cross, therefore, depend on donors to sustain its budget. Working with this group in its life-saving missions seems the best way of offering service to others. I admire the free to join principle, so the organization only incorporates the individuals who willingly want to offer their services awaiting nothing in return. Such an organization is of great value to the community, and as outlined in most of the publications by Red Cross, their services are essential and convenient. Red Cross Healthcare courses are reliable with the most recent crisis care rules and furnish people with an obligation to react the preparation they have to give the ideal patient care in therapeutic crises.The nature of duties performed by the American Red Cross includes risking your life to save another. Unlike the regular jobs, these services can be needed any time meaning no proper time for work. The voluntary nature of the work makes it more satisfying, the willingness to make the communities a better place being the driving force worker (American Red Cross, 2012). Working with the agency for a career is a decision to dedicate a life to service of the disadvantaged and the military families who need constant communication and consoling together with their families. Working as a volunteer may be a bit difficult as one need to support themselves and their family or other dependents. Without enough convincing power, it may be difficult to conduct some exercises like blood donation that require interacting with people and convincing them to donate blood.
Red Cross performs voluntary tasks necessary to the community. Being part of the Red Cross society is a requirement for those volunteering to do the tasks, or those offering their time, money and resources towards Red Cross facilitation. Business entities and organizations should encourage their workers to donate by showing their support towards the donations made. Despite many challenges faced by the organization ranging from deficiencies in financing and critics from the mediocre people, Red Cross should remain stable, being embraced by the Americans and the rest of the world where it has not yet been established.
American red cross (2015). How the American Red Cross Spends Your Donations. Press.
American red cross (2015). Oklahom Tornadoes and Storms.
American red cross (2012). Volunteer Handbook. A reference Guide of General
Information and Procedures for Red Cross Volunteers.
American red cross (2012). Volunteer Job Description. North Texas region.

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