An approach towards Self-Dependency in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
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DownloadThere is a growing need for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) to shift from a consumer propelled economy to an industrial economy. This will help KSA in multiple ways. Primarily it would reduce the spending on imports. It would also increase local employment and generate income through exports. Traditional resource sources have been declining with the price of oil falling from $115 a barrel to a current $44 per barrel. Diversification, therefore, needs to be instituted soon. (“Saudi Arabia Emphasises Development Of Local Defence Firms” 1) Of all the avenues that Saudi has to exploit, military development has the widest potential for results. KSA is already globally the third-largest spender in defense after the US and China. Despite the enormous expenditure, the country produces only 7% of its spending. (Pike 1) Since the spending is predicted to expand exponentially, this department will be crucial in driving the economy forward.
Key research questions
Examine the drawbacks towards industrializing the internal defense system.
Determine the potential benefits that can be exploited towards the fulfillment of this development.
Evaluate the potential of a KSA defense industry and its significance locally and globally.
Relevant literature
KSA is the third biggest spender on defense. The current budget is $87.2 billion dollars. This is approximately 30% of the entire budget. Only a negligible of these needs is made locally, and thus the department costs KSA heavily. (“Military Analysis: Saudi Arabia’s Armed Forces” 1) Localizing the defense industry has been known to be an efficient tool towards economic development.
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In the 1960’s, amidst a crisis, Korea’s administration decided to cut down heavily on consumer goods to increase military development. (“How North Korea Developed Its Arms Industry” 1) The nation currently has a formidable military prowess and the economic growth has propelled the technological advances to turn it into a powerhouse. Likewise, Turkish mantra of “freedom and independence” has seen it emphasize on an almost complete reliance on indigenous defense mechanisms. (“Turkey’S Formidable Defence Industry – Rising Star Or NATO’S Unruly Ally?” 1) The goal of achieving self-dependency in defense is, therefore, achievable in KSA and with potential for immeasurable benefits.
This research will be accomplished through an extensive literature review of material regarding KSA defense expenditure as well as that which regards other nation’s secret to self-dependency in this sector.
The expected result is a concise plan of recommendations that KSA can undertake to improve production of military technologies.
Works Cited
“How North Korea Developed Its Arms Industry”. 21st Century Asian Arms Race. N.p., 2016. Web. 10 Dec. 2016.
“Military Analysis: Saudi Arabia’s Armed Forces”. N.p., 2016. Web. 10 Dec. 2016.
Pike, John. “Domestic Arms Production”. N.p., 2016. Web. 10 Dec. 2016.
“Saudi Arabia Emphasises Development Of Local Defence Firms”. Oxford Business Group. N.p., 2016. Web. 10 Dec. 2016.
“Turkey’S Formidable Defence Industry – Rising Star Or NATO’S Unruly Ally?”. Army Technology. N.p., 2016. Web. 10 Dec. 2016.
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