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Relationships in Early Adulthood
Young adults consistently interact with each other through social events or in their workplaces. Young adults are typically between the ages of 18-25 years, though other psychologists give it a wider band. The youths experience changing roles in their lives, as more individuals become self-reliant in the society. Psychologists intimate that the stage enhances a person’s cognitive abilities to withstand complex situations while improving their social skills. However, researchers have noted that men in the age bracket are likely to engage in violent actions, which has led to the death of thousands of men in the USA (Theobald and David 10). Similarly, women are likely to get eating disorders, illustrating why it is important for persons to manage their lives properly during that stage. Moreover, ISIS has been keen to recruit teens from across the globe, making parents more cautious in allowing more freedom to dependent offspring. Scientists confide that young adults are affected by their previous relationships in their lives. Distraught relationships with their parents, teens, and relatives during their social stages may affect their social life.
Relationships in Early Adulthood
Young adults form stable relationships and friendships that last for years. Persons above the age of 22 years already have made friendship in school, neighbourhood and with relatives. The scope of relationships has changed over the past few years with the introduction of social media.

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Today, more young adults become friends through social media and eventually get married accounting to more than 20% of newlyweds annually in the USA. Furthermore, statistics released show that young adults are the most active individuals on social media than any other group. However, it is important that the adults form diverse types of relationships with different people. The adults have charming friendships with workmates, neigbours and friends from school. The friends share similar ideals and may part ways if one moves to another city or changes status. Singles are likely to frost to the idea of interacting with friends who got married. Today, more people are choosing to be single, an unheard trait in the past. However, religious ideals have also led to the increase in the number of young single adults.
Intimate Relationships
Young adults are highly likely to engage in intimate relations, illustrating their maturity. Psychologists believe that the occurrence is a behavioural change consistent with human growth. Today, the diversity of intimate relationships are mostly influenced by previous social ties, especially at home. Researchers admit that more millennials are engaging in gay relationships due to the existence of violence and disunity in traditional marriages. Statistics indicate more millennials are gays than elderly persons. However, the majority of young adults are straight, illustrating that few parents have got it wrong in parenting. Romantic relationships established during the period may lead to marriage or cohabitation. Young adults are scared of early break-ups and prefer to engage in trial relationships to reduce emotional turmoil upon divorce. However, many young adults get married in the USA annually, demonstrating it’s critical role in safeguarding family values.
Impact of Relationships in Early Adulthood
Relationships in early adulthood affect young adults either positively or negatively. Relationships have enabled individuals to breed trust, self-reliance, and self-esteem. Couples are likely to show off in the streets illustrating their high confidence with each other. Moreover, relationships encourage young adults to work hard and succeed in life. However, in some instances relationships among young adults have led to sex and alcohol addiction (Booth, Anna, Crouter and Anastacia 2). Governments across the world use billions of dollars in rehabilitating young adults. Conclusively, relationships among young adults are significant psychological achievements.
Relationships are beneficial for young adults.
Relationships enable young to make great strides in social relationships.
Forms of relationship
Romantic relationships
Impact of Relationships on Young Adults
Positive effects
Negative effects
Importance of relationships among young adults.
Works Cited
Booth, Alan, Ann C. Crouter, and Anastasia Snyder, eds. Romance and sex in adolescence and
emerging adulthood: Risks and opportunities. Routledge, 2015. Print.
Theobald, Delphine, and David Farrington. “Dating violence: an examination of dynamic risk
factors from childhood through to early adulthood.” (2016). Print.

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