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Ana Karenina, Work By León Tolstoi


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Ana Karenina, work by León Tolstoi

Ana Karenina, a work created by Russian author León Tolstoi, cataloged as a universal classic, literature, fiction and realism. Draw the reader towards the demonated political regime "Tsarism" demonstrated through the characters, and not only this, also antivalores and hypocrisy in marriages, accompanied by love disappointments and compulsive/toxic jealousy.

The narrative begins with the error of Prince Esteban Oblonsky, also called Stiva, who had an adventure with the governess of his children, Dolly, his wife when discovering that infidelity threatens him with divorce, following this, Dolly prohibits her husbandEnter your room, share the same eating and much less the same bed. The gover springs Esteban to fix that uncomfortable situation, but her effort is not enough to get the forgivewhich one shared with her husband’s infidel. Esteban’s latest hopes are put in his sister Ana Karenina, who is visiting the main reason to solve the conflict between Stiva and Dolly. Esteban’s wife did not give her arm to twist, until Ana convinced her to reconsider, making her think more about her children and the lack that her father would do to her. Kitty is Dolly’s sister, who contrasted completely with Ana’s opinions, advising her to abandon her husband, because she did not know how to value her.

On the other hand, Tolstoy, tells the love triangle between Kitty Shcherbatsky, Dolly’s younger sister, Konstantin Levin and Count Vronsky.

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Levin has always been in love with Kitty, since she was a minor, but never thought, or think that it is a good game for her, so with the passing of the years she decided that it was best to get away from her going to live in the field, but when doing that he realized that he could not live without the slightest of the sisters, he loved Kitty, but not as something ephemeral, but as something he would last, he would ask for the little girl’s hand, who was no longer sosmall. But Levin, when he returned to Moscow, did not have that his love with whom he wanted to be was interested in someone else, even in the eyes of her was not enough, but Count Vronsky was, someone who had a great positionIn society, it was handsome and intelligent, who would not want as good party as his future spouse? Levin feels disappointed to realize that he could not beat someone like Vronsky, so in the end he makes the decision to return to the field to continue working with his brother Nicolas. Sadly, the count did not love Kitty in the way she expected, her fiance was interested in Ana Karenina, this is noticed in a dance in which Count and Ana dance happily, Kitty is shattered from that party. Kitty fell into a deep depression, without wanting to eat, or get out of her room. Product of its abandonment, begins to get sick repeatedly. Kitty’s parents repent for having chosen a bad candidate for husband. Similarly, they reflect on humiliate and make fun of Levin’s good intentions. Kitty’s health improved significantly, a fact that leads her to make the decision to make a trip to Germany, her parents supported the decision for her own emotional and physical well -being.

For part there is the situation of Ana Karenina, who has a husband, but when he sees himself in the situation in which his feelings are corresponded by Count Vronsky begins to doubt his marriage, although at that time he no longer felt anything forHer husband but did not want to disrespect him having an adventure;In the end, she her desire for the count wins and she travels with him to St. Petersburg.

In the situations presented above, Tolstoy presents different love disappointments, as a main role we have the infidelity represented by the marriage between Esteban and Dolly, and the love between Ana and Vronsky which are defended by the argument of already being tired of their spouses, moreThis is not a justifiable reason to commit such an act, if they were already tired of their partners they had to have dialogued looking for any solution and if there was no one then the divorce was left as the last option. In contrast it shows us an unrequited love in the love triangle of Vronsky, Kitty and Levin;In this we can clearly see three ways to cope with an unrequited love;We have Vronsky, who does not suffer from being rejected and simply continues with his affair with Ana;This kitty suffers a great love disappointment by not being corresponded by her fiance, giving rise to a depression caused by the count, she simply could not endure the pain in her heart and let her sore feelings act above thereason;And finally we have Levin, who although he is disappointed to realize that he could not overcome Count Vronsky, still did not give up, he never forget her love’s love and continued trying to conquer her.

On the trip to St. Petersburg Ana begins to feel jealous for the proceeding of her crush. The count tells Karenina to calm down, since her jealousy has no concrete arguments. She claims that every moment of absence is because she is sharing with another woman the jealousy completely disrupted Ana, making her a woman more insecure and neurotic. Vronsky makes an unexpected trip to see his mother, who was delicate health. While Ana, in her new fantasy world, imagines her beloved in the arms of another woman in complicity with Vronsky’s mother.

In an act of outburst and jealousy without control, Anna Karenina is heading towards her new mother -in -law’s house. There he verifies that the count is taking care of his mother;The thoughts of sickly jealousy of him remained in his mind, so he doubted the fidelity of his beloved. However, although he saw Vronsky taking care of his mother, this was not enough to calm his consciousness. She considers that to end her sick jealousy, she had to end her life.

At this point the book shows us the reality of some people, who never fully trust their spouses or lovers, thus creating sick jealousy that damage both the mind and the body and soul. Clearly this way of thinking is not healthy, it makes people put themselves in moments of euphoria as they show us with the characters in this book, they do not think, they do not reason.

Little by little Anna Karenina walked to the train that approached her, until she ended her life. Vronsky upon learning suicide, falls into depression, to the point of going to war with the aim of dying too, in order to be with Ana until eternity. The worst of making decisions without reasoning is that the consequences that this could carry, clearly Anna never thought about the damage that would cause Count, that his life could pay for another.

Even so, not everything is bad in this story, Kitty and Levin lived happy in their marriage, contemplating the wonders of the field and surrounded by their loved ones. Although it could be said that Dolly’s younger sister in the end was matched with Levin to occupy the damage and emptiness that Count Vronsky had caused to her.

In everyday life we are mired in situations of infidelity or love disappointments, although these are foreign states we are constantly surrounded by this issue.  

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