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Analog Vs Digital


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Analog Vs. Digital

Analog Vs. Digital
An analog signal is a form of a wave that is continuously variable depending on amplitude or frequency and is represented using the sine wave, see REF _Ref531583946 h * MERGEFORMAT Figure 1. The signal’s amplitude is represented by the upper and minor ends of the wave, whereas the frequency is determined its distance from left to right (Baher, 2001).

Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 1 Analog Signal and Digital Signal
A digital signal is depicted using binary (0s and 1s), which means it does not have any fractional values, see REF _Ref531583946 h * MERGEFORMAT Figure 1. Digital signals maintain a symmetrical arrangement, making them constant and consistent signals (Antoniou, 2016). Digital signals are more reliable than analog signals which encourage their adoption and replacement of several analog devices and application.
The two signals differ in their representation, description, range, and level of distortion.
Basis Analog Signal Digital Signal
Basic Continuous wave that varies over time Discrete wave that takes on a binary form
Representation Sine wave Square wave
Description Described by their amplitude, frequency, and phase Described by bit rate and bit interval
Range No fixed range A finite range between 0 and 1
Distortion Prone to distortion Less prone to distortion
The examples of the devices that use analog and digital signal are the analog and digital clock. Both devices are used to represent time.

Wait! Analog Vs Digital paper is just an example!

In the analog clock uses hands to denote. The hands revolve about a knob and points at the section that signifies the probable time. The digital clock is a numeric display that shows the precise time. The analog clock measures time is giving an estimated value while the digital clock counts resulting in exact value. Analog devices have poor security which means the analog clock and its data constitute a potential privacy or confidentiality exposure (Goleniewski, 2001).

Antoniou, A. (2016). Digital signal processing. McGraw-Hill.
Baher, H. (2001). Analog and digital signal processing. John Wiley & Sons.
Goleniewski, L. (2001). Analog and Digital Transmission | Telecommunications Technology Fundamentals | InformIT. Retrieved from http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=24687&seqNum=5

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