Analysis About The Mystery Of The Existence Of Extraterrestrial Life
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DownloadAnalysis about the mystery of the existence of extraterrestrial life
Extraterrestrial, smart life, conspiracy theories
This document entitled "Analysis on the mystery of the existence of extraterrestrial life" aimsUnique race in the universe or if there are other types of intelligent life, from this, amazing stories have been developed with respect to other types of life interacting to reach the earth to generate chaos and panic in its inhabitants, stories that seem a lieOr that for some people they may not be very far from reality, according to history it is believed that aliens have served as support for the construction of buildings of some civilizations on the planet Earth, but it is also believed that extraterrestrial life is a productof the imagination of the human being.
The United States is one of the populations that has mostly provided controversial issues on extraterrestrial and UFO conspiracies. Commonly to people in the street when asked about any of these controversial issues on aliens always refers to the cover -up that exists by NASA or the rumor about “the aliens that the American government has in its possession” also speaksOn the interference of the CIA, the wrecked UFO in Roswell, area 51 among others (Viegas, p. 2), all these issues generate a certain morbidity in the world population but have more impact on the American emporium that can be said are directly affected by all these conspiracy theories.
At present there are several conspiracy theories around the world, the society mostly disseminates stories that have as fantasy beings, gods or even extraterrestrial, which are characterized by being smarter than the human race, it cannot be denied that the human beingIt is a being that is believed superior to other species and at the time it may find a more intelligent species than yours, this causes some fear and even dreadful.
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However, this is not the only thing that causes fear in the human being, this sensation is also generated by the description given to this intelligent way of life, almost always aliens are described as bad beings, they are aggressive, voracious devouring,Mysterious after its indestructible appearance, entities that can be microbes, lizards, viscous toads such as the jabba of the return of the Jedi, green men, the voice of a monster and in most invading cases come from other worlds (intergalactic or lunatic,Martians or Venusians) to seize the earth. (Arias, 2007).
It is similar to what happens in the book The War of the Worlds, Martians who invade the Earth and generate concern, fear and hopelessness in the population (Wells, 2002). The problem stands out in the reaction that can generate this type of conspiracies and stories in real life, following this sects have been created that induce their members to suicide as “the sect called Heavens´s Gate (Puerta del Cielo)Its members believed that with death, the soul would rise to a hidden spacecraft in the queue of the comet Hale-Bopp.”(La Nación, 1997).
How do conspiracy theories of alien beings impact the world population?
Aliens or extraterrestrial beings are unknown to the human race and when passing from times, conspiracy theories have been generated around these beings that generate a social impact, it should be taken into account that everything that is strange for the human being generates panic,It is scary and should be cautious with everything that can alter the social order of things and generate controversy.
Conspiracy theories around aliens arise from reports and investigations. According to Frank Drake who was an investigator, I believe a formula to estimate the number of extraterrestrial civilizations that can exist in the galaxy (Gomez, 2000, p. 1). Which is exposed in the following table:
- N = r · i · n · · · c · l
- N = number of technologically evolved civilizations in the galaxy.
- R = Average number of stars present at the galaxy.
- f = fraction of these stars that can have a planetary system.
- n = number of planets inside these systems that could allow the evolution of life.
- 1 = number of planets where life is currently developed.
- i = number of planets where life is intelligent.
- C = number of planets in which technologies suitable for communication have been developed.
- L = Middle life of such civilizations.
There are also reports that talk about the possibility of acting of extraterrestrial beings in past civilizations, such as the Nazca lines, which are believed they were the work of beings that do not belong to the planet Earth, there is also talk of UFOs in ancient Egypt Egypt.
Many writers have insisted that the great Keops pyramid, in Gizeh, could not even be built with current scientific knowledge and machinery. One of them, Erich von Däniken, says without surroundings in "Memories of the future" (Chariots of the Gods) ‘Today, in the twentieth century, no architect could build a copy of the Keops pyramid, although the technical resources of all thecontinents were at your disposal ‘. The implications of such a statement are obvious;If we cannot build them, how could the ancient Egyptians do, with their primitive technique and their simple tools? Did an extraterrestrial intelligence help them? (Alcaine, 2009, p. 4).
- Alcaine, m. R. (April 27, 2009). Extraterrestrial linking of Egyptian civilization. History Magazine, 4. Obtained from Classes History: File: /// c:/users/Andres%20otalora/desktop/dialnet-vinculacionionextraterRestredelacivilizationgipcia-5161176%20 (1).PDF
- Arias, m. (November 14, 2007). Eikasia. Philosophy magazine. Obtained from Eikasia. Philosophy Magazine: https: // & X-AMZ-ALGORITHM = AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 & X-AMZCredential = akiaiwowygz2y53ul3a
- Gomez, m. C. (May 15, 2000). SETI. Obtained from Seti: https: // upcommons.CPU.EDU/BITSTREAM/HANDLE/2099/9966/ARTICLE010.PDF
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