Analysis Of Social Consequences Of Poverty In Ecuador
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Poverty is a condition in which the basic needs of human beings cannot be met, poverty in Ecuador has increased and generates negative consequences in the social sphere.
To talk about social poverty, certain variables must be taken into account. According to the report of the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion (MIES) there are 360 thousand girls and boys work in Ecuador, this problem has a direct effect on their development depriving them of their rights and dignity. Taking into account that the year 2016 this figure corresponded to approximately 300 thousand minors according to the studies of the MIES These figures are higher in the rural areas of the provinces of Cotopaxi, Chimborazo and Bolívar.
Taking into account that child labor is a worldwide phenomenon, whose root is not only the family economy, but also intervene state political and economic problems causing situations of vulnerability and nonsense to children accompanied by a series of rights of rights, there is also theexclusion that children put in danger since they put health at risk and also comes the violation of minors that I can cause to deaths.
Knowing that education is the most important factor for the development of people and countries in EcuadorIt is born only by own decision, there is a close relationship between child labor and the health of children and young people
In this case the causes vary according to the reality of the individual, but there are also general cause for example: limited support, low school quality, little relevance, personal problems.
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The consequences that are affected by school dropout are reflected in the short and medium plane, since a child who is forced to abandon what education is therefore there are possibilities that do not find work because they review that they havetitle or some knowledge of study.
In the absence of education, the lack of values produces a direct effect on the increase in crime, the consumption of illegal substances, overexploitation, prostitution among other problems that affect society. Crime is caused by some individuals who do not respect the laws and do anything in order to affect other people with each bad act.
Crime does not only affect an individual is a social problem, due to an increase in the cup of insecurity, the State is obliged to allocate more resources to guarantee the protection and tranquility of society, by diverting this budget other sectors other sectorseither health or education suffer the lack of resources.
To combat this evil that not only affects Ecuador but Latin America is importantIt will abruptly grow with physical and perhaps psychological problems causing the individual not to be very useful for current life standards, much worse if said individual did not study and did not have a normal development of cognitive skills typical of their age. The problem must be cut to have a solution for a country to progress socially and economicly.
Finally, it can be emphasized that poverty has very serious consequences in Ecuador since people lack some things that are very important to develop in society. Poverty is an economic resource that is affected to all people without employment in the absence of education and among many more things, so it is very important that each child study so that it has knowledge.
- Ana, r. (October 10, 2016). Repository of the Central University of Ecuador. Obtained from repository of the Central University of Ecuador: http: // www.DSPACE.UCE.Edu.EC/Bitstream/25000/8213/1/T-U-UCE-0013-AB-398.PDF
- News. (June 3, 2018). Child labor: 360 thousand minors work in Ecuador. News, p. 5.
- Yacelga, a. (March 15, 2019). Repository of the National Altos Institute. Obtained from repository of the National Altos Institute: http: // repository.IAEN.Edu.EC/BITSTREAM/24000/4928/1/1705380564%20FY%202019.PDF
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