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Analysis Of The Loss Of The Ethnic Identity Of The Kichwa People Of Cañar


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Analysis of the loss of the ethnic identity of the Kichwa people of Cañar


It is considered that the causes that cause the loss of cultural identity of the Kichwa people of Cañar is due to globalization, technology, lifestyle and the foreigners that have been given from generation to generation and the loss of values, principles andentrenched customs that characterize it, the objective of this study is to publicize and analyze each of the factors that have contributed to devalue the identity of this culture.

This project has the purpose of not only analyzing the causes that cause the loss of the authenticity of the Cañarí people but also to publicize the origin, customs, their legends and the value of its people;of which their descendants, its visitors and their surroundings must be proud of an ancient and warrior town, descendants of the snake and macaw.

For this work we need to apply the processes of the historical descriptive method complemented by the techniques of observation, interview and bibliographic review and web pages which will allow to have elements of judgment necessary to provide alternative solutions to prevent the loss of authenticity, of the spiritnoble from his people, his dialect and his customs, a consequence for which he can disappear and be forgotten a whole people.

What is expected through this work is to become aware and value what identifies us as a Kichwa, cultural, archaeological and millenary people.

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The devaluation or loss of the identity of the Cañarí people dates back to past times with the conquest of the Incas in the middle of the fifteenth century and with the arrival of the Spaniards who introduced the Castilian language and their customs, since then there is a loss of authenticity of authenticityCultural, is a fact attested by the first chroniclers of the conquest, such as Domingo de Santo Tomas and Alfonso de Huerta, and by the historians of later times, such as Bernardo Recio.

As the years go by, cultures adapt to the changes exerted by the influence of new technologies, and trends that appear day by day to say;want to fit into some ethnic group or follow some fashion. The culture has also been affected by the migration of its inhabitants to other cities, provinces I have even to other countries and over time they adapt other customs, which when they reach their place of origin they want to establish what they learned in a wayabrupt affecting your cultural identity.

The inhabitant of the Cañari people currently intends to rescue their culture, rites and traditions that were inherited from their ancestors, motivating the community and especially young people in the teaching, valorization and respect of their identity, through traditional and cultural festivals,making known the history of his people characterized by being a warrior and courageous who has given his life for his people, without the need to adopt foreign cultures.


This research will be carried out in the city of Cañar since there was the first settlement of the Cañarí culture and there were a trace of it for which we can do a detailed investigation taking into account the facts of the past and going back in magazines.About the Cañarí culture also taking into account the people of yesteryear which can provide us with information on culture and traditions in general of the Cañarí people.

The problems of the loss of cultural identity came from the conquest suffered by the Cañarí people since the conquerors brought new forms of government, medicines, deferent culture and traditions of other peoples this directly affected the people Cañarí because they could not acceptEasily to new ways of life, which is why some heads of the people decided to migrate and establish small communities of aborigines with their own customs and traditions.

In reality, this change affected all the inhabitants of the Cañarís peoples, although over time the customs and traditions of the peoples were left in the background, which influenced the cultural loss of the people, for example, affection for thewhat is: your tongue, your clothing and your traditions itself.


It is an important issue in view of the fact that it aims to analyze and describe information on the factors and causes of the losses of the cultural identity of the Cañari people such as the conquest, modernity, globalization and foreigners, which have contributed to the loss of practices, beliefs and customs that characterize the Kichwa people of Cañar. It is considered an issue with which it will positively support the authenticity to keep ancestral culture alive and not lose identification and traditions of an entire millenary people, so that they remain in force from generation to generation to generation.

Study objectives

General objective:

Evidence the causes that cause the loss of the cultural identity of the Kichwa people of Cañar, conducting a detailed investigation with the members of this people, to suggest measures that protect this identity,

Specific objectives:

  • Inform the importance of the tradition of the Cultural of the Kichwa people in Cañar.
  • Know the origin, customs, clothing, characteristics and its culture that identify it as a Kichwa people.




The origin of the Cañarí offspring according to our ancestors and historians arises from two legends, the first one is one of the two brothers who joined two beautiful macaws with a woman’s face, from a flood taking refuge in the top of the hill HucaiñanIn the Cañarí language it is known as the Call of Crying, where those creatures saved them thanks to the food provision, which were trapped by the brothers and turning them into their wives, thus giving rise to the first parents of the Cañarí people. The second legend recounts from a giant snake which seduced a woman and engenders in her to the first descendants Cañarís, immersing and disappearing in the Culebrillas lagoon.


The Cañarí people celebrate two important parties in order to thank their gods for everything they receive in the year, the first is from Intiraymi or Fiesta del Sol this is celebrated the last week of June where the Cañarí people thanks thanks to its godsThe Sun and Mother Earth for the fruits and foods obtained. Intyraymi is an ancestral ritual of the indigenous Cañarís occurs through offerings and rituals to purify the land and soul of those present, and the second is the corpus Cristi this party this party this partyIt coincides with Intiraymi even if it is a Christian ceremony, it is also to thank its gods for the food received.


The clothing of the Cañarí woman highlights her beauty being this a skirt of various colors especially black, with him wears a white embroidered blouse and bounces black, with a tupo that supports the piece, colored necklaces the most representative are the most representative are the mostred and light blue and silver earrings typical of the Cañarí worldview.

On the other hand, there is the indigenous man’s clothing who uses an elaborate hat of white pressed wool in a rounded shape, embroidered shirt with multicolores carved with ceda thread on the neck and sleeves, a red wool poncho, a girdleAt the height of the waist and black fabric pants, all this clothing is made with wool of Borrego.

Cañarí people dances

The Cañarís dances also known as angels or alliances were of divine origin, this is a tradition that begins in the Corpus Cristi this is a rhythm of struggle and war from Hatun Cañar, this dance manifests itself with great joy for thanks to the gods throughThe physical and body movement, some praising the moon, others in the sun and the Pacha Mama, so there are different dates of thanks

Ruins Cañarís

The Cañar canton has a great wealth, so on January 26, 2001, it was decreed as “Archaeological and Cultural Capital of Ecuador” in its archeology, two important tourist centers can be highlighted, the first one is called Ingopirca Castle, this is located in theIngapirca parish. According to (Quinde, 2015) tourist guide of the site, it is believed that in ancient times Ingapirca’s castThey were handled. In addition, the castle has other vestiges such as the face of the Inca and crafts that are exhibited in the Ingapirca Museum

As a second we have the Cerro Narrio that is located in the community of Quilloac;This tourist place is considered a significant ruin since in that place several discoveries of the Cañarí culture were made was also a ceremonial place where rituals and sacrifices were offered.

As can be seen in the Cañarí culture, some features are still alive on the other hand, some traditions that characterize the Kichwa people of Cañar the loss of cultural identity are due to globalization and foreignism, currently young people are theMore are influenced by modernity and technology, so they adopt other cultures such as clothing, language, religion and even the way of thinking


The present research is descriptive in which we will announce the opinion of people who are related to the issue of the loss of the cultural identity of the Kichwa people of Cañar, for this we will use a qualitative technique that is the interview via WhatsApp. In this research, information from personal criteria has been met to be able to propose solutions to conserve and rescue the culture of the Kichwa people of Cañar, the research work will be carried out in the Cañar Site Canton where the problem originated, in this way we will obtain more informationrelevant.

The interview was conducted on Wednesday, June 17, 2020 from 8:30 in the morning and ended at 12:30 of the same day the interviewees were: Dr. Alfredo Ponguil, Mr. Rosa Camas, Mr. Ángel Chucho and theDegree Zheny Narváez each of them was asked the same questions from which we obtained the following answers:

What is cultural identity for you?

All agree that cultural identity is customs, values, and the traditions that a community has according to (Ponguil, 2020) "this uses to stay united and especially to have a sense of belonging".

What factors do you think have influenced for the loss of the cultural identity of the Cañarí people?

Some of the factors that they made known to us is migration since traveling to other countries especially abroad has caused the Cañarí people to acquire other customs, other ways of dressing, and even another language.

Do you think that lack of communication at home about customs and traditions have influenced the loss of the same?

The response of all the interviewees themselves, the fact that parents do not talk about their origin causes children to leave their true origin according to the graduate (Chucho, 2020) “in one way or another you demand, but at the same time there area social entity that forces you to deny your true roots "

Do you consider it important to maintain the Cañarí culture?

The answer to this question is that if it is important since it is an ancient culture which has left many legacies and teachings, it is also important to have their own identity this does not lose the essence of where the Cañarí people come.

Do you think it retains the traditions of its origin?

They consider that sometimes they retain their identity for example for the festivities, the family, at work, in the community for which they must identify themselves as indigenous.

What do you think should do or do to rescue the cultural identity of the Kichwa people of Cañar?

The interviewees give us some strategies such as: resume values, ancestral wisdom, according to licment (Narvaez, 2020) “Make new generations follow history, customs, traditions of a Cañarí people since a society without culture does notis society "

Could you give us a message from why we should be proud to belong to the Cañarí culture and that differentiates us from other ethnicities?

According to the graduate (Camas, 2020) “Our culture is ancient and diverse within the Kichwas nationalities we are not few families we are quite a lot we are 14 nationalities 18 villages and each town, family has its own way of thinking about valuing worldview and we must continue to valuewhat is of us and not go further ”and the message they give us is that we must be proud since we have our own customs and do not forget who we are.


As a result of this interview we obtained very valuable information which helped us to verify that the loss of the cultural identity of the Kichwa people of Cañar is not only affected or is rooted abroad, but is influenced from the family nucleus asThe Doctor (Pinguil, 2020) says ”it is very important

The interviewees make us known as before the identity of the Cañarí people, but they are very close to see that they have been lost day by day and that there are few people who value, who retain their origins, their traditions and customs, they also gave usTo know that it is the family itself that influences the fact that parents do not speak in Kichwa that do not use their clothing make the son stop using, they should also maintain the Kichwa language to talk to children to encourage them to encourage themso that they learn what their true language is, and teach them to value their origins for the future do not feel ashamed.

Finally, we can say that the interviewees gave us their point of view of how it has been lost and that it can be done or carried out to rescue the cultural identity of the Kichwa people of Cañar as the graduate says (Chucho, 2020) ”Being yourself does notTo appear what you are not and as we achieve that through round tables, workshops, courses and technology ”in addition the Cañarí culture is ancient, diverse among the Kichwas and the reborn nationalities should not reach beyond or look for other cultures must feelproud since they have their own traditions and customs and to be able to rescue this cultural identity you must begin by valuing what belongs to you.


In the analysis of results obtained according to the interview, these were favorable since the respect and pride that some people belong to the Cañarí culture could be appreciated, on the other hand, currently the people who live in the Cañarí people have goneLosing its traditions and origins to fit into a socia group. This is a very important analysis as it has been said in this research that not only is influenced from the outside but of the parents since they must instill principles and values which must be proud to be parts of the cultural identity of the peopleKichwa de Cañar.

The factors that have affected or that have contributed to the loss of cultural identity of the Kichwa people of Cañar according to our results is foreignism, globalization and family nucleus because the family, in some way or another the family has contributed to the loss of the loss ofCultural identity since from home they have set aside their traditions and their children to speak in Spanish and even prohibit them from using their clothing and adopting other cultures and thus forgetting their origins.