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Anatomy And Physiology Of Human Sexuality


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Anatomy and Physiology of Human Sexuality

We know that most animals the reproductive act is something without much joke and nothing complex, a rapid discharge for evolutionary purposes and the improvement and conservation of the species. The variety of forms that reproduction in the animal kingdom teaches us that human sexuality is special. We extract a huge pleasure from the sexual act, we have learned to do it without the responsibility of creation, not for merely reproductive use as the other species. We know sex as a free and limit act. Why are our brains so special? Of what we are aware is how extraordinary the body, its behavior, its annotomy and its experience is. Data: Gorillas penis four centimeters. Penis bone staff, a bone that is found in the penis of most mammals. The lack of bone in the human penis tells us that to produce and maintain an erection, other triggers have to go into play. Leonardo Da Vinci in 1493 in his painting the copula, discovered that the erection caused by a mechanism of flow of blood in the penis by three cavities, this thanks to the fact that in the 16th century the painters were one of the few people who could perform adissection to human corpses to better define the anatomy of the characters that represented their paintings, then began to study in humans. 500 years later scientists were able.

Female breasts are special, a unique structure. The somatosensory cortex on the map of sensations and pawns in its brain location does not correspond to its brain location, there is a direct link between nipples and genitals.

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Breastfeeding period in other species. Genital echo theory, or energy reserves to women. 6% human population has a third nipple. Magnetic resonance has revealed surprising characteristics of the size and shape of the clitoris, and the changes it experiences with the excitation. The visible part of is the tip of the sensory iceberg, its size is multiplied by two with the blood flow.

In 1950 they designed homunculus that is a map of the relative importance of anatomical regions as reflected in the size of the somatosensory cortex, extraordinary amount of nerve endings

We know that the first sexual experiences generate a kind of imprint. Of course, in the development of human sexual behavior, many more factors intervene, from biological to cultural;But, of course, conditioned reinforcements in adolescence can influence adult preferences. Rats avoid having sex are not fertile because it is a useless risk and energy expenditure. Hormones condition behavior but not sexual response. Women also enjoy sex in all phases of the menstrual cycle, although they do feel slightly more desire and show more unconscious signs of seduction around ovulation days. Hormones and behavior go hand in. Sometimes knowing an attractive man will rise dopamine in women and in others hormonal changes during ovulation make them feel more flirtatious. Male sexual hormones or steroids are androgens or testosterone. These hormones allow our development and functioning, progesterone is the only one of women but we know that men also have estrogens and testosterone women in small proportions.

Testosterone could be said that it is the hormone of sexual desire. In men it is the one that masculinizes the body and mind during peaks in embryonic development, just after birth and puberty. Segregated mainly by the testicles and adrenal glands, it has anabolic effects that generate greater muscle mass. In behavior, in addition to increasing aggressiveness and conditioning male behaviors, it is responsible for maintaining sexual libido. Testosterone creams or injections usually return sexual vigor to men with andropause.

Estrogens are femininity hormones. Produced in the ovaries, feminize the body during puberty and regulate the menstrual cycle. Its levels progressively increase between days 5 and 14 corresponding to the follicular phase of oocyte maturation. Its values decrease after ovulation, maintaining minimum levels and a small peak on the 18-20 days. It does not seem directly influence sexual desire, but it does contribute to vaginal lubrication, the increase in blood irrigation in the genitals, and conditions the behavior generating more feminine, and seductive attitudes, providing greater well -being.

Progesterone is the one that maintains pregnancy, it could be described as maternity hormone

There are many other hormones involved in the reproductive cycle. Prolactin is a hormone inhibiting desire. Segregated by the pituitary gland, in the middle of the brain, prolactin triggers milk production in the breasts, and has a slight inhibitor effect of sexual desire. It is segregated in large quantities during

orgasm and it is believed that it influences the sensation of sexual satiety and the refractory period. Dopamine is motivation hormone. With multiple effects depending on the brain area in which it acts, dopamine is euphoria hormone, pleasure and motivation in the search for stimuli. Involved in addiction processes, stimulates the production of testosterone and is the one that in the preamble of a potential sexual encounter begins to accumulate making us feel more and more exalted, vehement, impetuous, cheerful and obscured in moving towards intercourse. Norepinephrine is bodily excitement hormone. When in moments of prior excite. Oxytocin is love hormone. The love hormone is called the feeling of attachment that causes between mother and son, the couple or even among friends. Produced in the hypothalamus and transported to the pineal gland, from there the bloodstream is released in large quantities during orgasm. It is said that he is responsible for generating that feeling of well -being and attachment between lovers who a priori only pretended casual sex. Endorphins are segregated during exercise or orgasm, they are neurotransmitters more clearly related to physical pleasure and pain reduction. Serotonin is the mood molecule. This neurotransmitter modulates moods, and its low levels are associated with depressive states, lack of appetite and memory loss. Seotonin levels can be a problem because they inhibit sexual function. A side effect of antidepressants that act as serotonin reuptake inhibitors to increase their synaptic concentration is libido loss. In fact, in some cases, small doses of antidepressants are used to try to delay ejaculation.


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  • Stupinyá p, s = ex2 The science of sex. Debate. 2019

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