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Ancient Rome And Its Political History


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Ancient Rome and its political history


Rome from the foundation of the city to the best republican hour, the cause of the first without a pair Roman feat, in which it arises and defines what is the Romanist words, which gave the name of the customs and institutions of the Romans. The traditions of traditions were those of the oldest, and the old customs were promoting rules and regulators of human behavior. Roman citizenship begins from the Foundation of Rome, 753 BC in which Quiritarii Civitas is the name that received the first Roman care and their fundamental cell was the family.


Gens is considered as an organ of politics in Rome that was a very important social and political organ for civitas in which it was constituted with human groupings, with a political unit. The gens could be defined as a family group, but they were not united by kinship ties, in the stage of primitive Rome rested in 3 very important organs that are, the king, elections and the Senate. The king was the one who ruled or ruled, and had a sacred authority his assumption was a non -hereditary life, he had civilians such as convening an assembly of the people that was known as a curiature delegation.

He was also a supreme judge, and priest. The administration of the curias added in total of 30, in which there were 10 for every ten tribes and formed the general assembly of the patricians. The Senate was the one formed by 300 patricians, parents, had a function in which it consisted of advising the king, and presenting said candidates for the succession of the throne in which he was in charge of ratifying and giving validity to the agreements and the Laws, the elections were known for being the assemblies of the people, in which it was composed of patricians, and were admitted to new gens, and fulfilled ends, political and religious.

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This was a time, of the public power in which he was made up of the elections and the magistrates. The magistracy does not constitute with a well -hierarchical body, in Rome it was distinguished because they could act from an elementary and practical mentality, according to the policy of the Roman Republic of society, were whose position that was based on the power on which it could say that they are responsible for the administration of the Romans, since it was a supreme direction of the state government, they had a military position and that position lasted one year.

We also have the elections that as we know was a general assembly of the former Rome in which it could be divided into three: Curiata Committe. Curiata committee were an older group in Rome, in which it was a division of the tribes that the population was organized. The elections per centuriata were those who intervened at the choice of magistrates with an empire and finally there are tax committee were those who had electoral partition that is to say they could vote for the election that consisted of the minor magistrates.

To the last body of the stage of the Republic was the Senate that was an assembly formed by men of great social prestige and much wealth that were called senators. It is also the axis of Roman political life, composed of patricians then accessed the commoners. In other words a Senate was a Roman assembly that is responsible for approveing ​​or rejecting the laws voted or those that wanted to be applied. We know this stage because it begins with the advent of Augustus and ends with Diocleciano. During this period it is known because it is shared by the supreme power of the Senate and the prince or emperor.


This last period that is the absolute empire in which it consisted of all powers, which concentrated in the hands of the emperor, is a time that covers from the beginning of the reign of Diocelian approximate Dante in year 284 until the fall of the Roman city, in which with the death of auguelo caused a great crisis, for the Roman Empire, since there was great economic, social and political crises, and the growing irruption of the barbarians.    

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