Angela’s Ashes
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Angela’s Ashes
The movie presents tough stories of Mr. Frank McCourt’s upbringing while looking back to an attractive and romantic view of destitution. Frank and his family are seen to be trying as much as they can to evade the poverty endemic that they encountered in the slums of pre-war Limerick. In the introductory part of the film, the family lives in Brooklyn, but after the passing of one of Frank’s siblings, they return home, only to encounter a worse situation they were before. Prejudice against Frank’s father makes his quest for a job in the Republic tough despite having fought for the IRA previously. However, when his father gets money, he spends all the money on drinks. McCourt’s voice is a clear indication of what he has seen. On the other hand, Bennett’s voice points out the things that he has heard.
The outcome shows a film of excellent pictures and great craft, lacking a core. Although Frank’s family undergoes such a robust experience in the slums, other children had a similar experience or a worse experience compared to the one Frank faced. Children whose families also had many siblings, who might also have died due to malnutrition while their fathers’ also drunk up dinner down the local pub and their mothers’ threw themselves on the mercy of sniffy local charities. However, Frank McCourt’s autobiography seems to be more special since it has been conveyed using the very words h used during the incident. The experiences that Frank passed through, disconsolate as they were, were not squandered on a mere casualty, but it somehow shaped him into the man he is today.
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Another fact about the film is that there is are no complaints aired about the experience, a sense in which even the misery Frank goes through is treasured. This is comparable to a soldier who describes his worst day in battle with the subtext: Mccourt describes it as a fascinating period he has experienced in his life.
Angela McCourt faces persistent poverty in her family, a drunk and irresponsible husband, and the death of some of her children, but she remains a loving mother who still possesses her sense of humor. Since her Husband, Malachy, drinks all the money used to sustain the family, she sacrifices her standards of dignity and class so as to provide for the children. She had high expectations for her children and raised them to be disciplined children, hard working, kind, and conscientious. Although Frank reacts harshly for the measures she takes to help her family, such as begging outside the church and sleeping with Laman Griffin, One may argue that she was just struggling to cope with the difficulties and painful circumstances. In the film, McCourt points out that Angela’s first priorities were her sons. On the other hand, Frank’s father, Malachy, is the antagonist of the film, since his actions are seen to be keeping McCourts destitute. While his children are suffering and others dying from malnutrition, and the entire family facing hunger, he continues to drink excessively and gets back home roaring that all his sons should be ready to die for their country. However, McCourt points out that his father’s drinking habit is more than just a way of coping with the deaths of McCourt’s siblings; it is a disease that has consistently jeopardized the family’s survival. As he moves to England, he justifies his physical distances as the primary factor that made him abandon his family without any financial or emotional support. Angela’s Ashes is an interesting film that shows the shortcoming that different families face. It is fascinating due to the fantastic cinematography that was used and the actors did a great job too. Moreover, the muted colors in the movie were great and the lighting was perfect.
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