Angels And Demons, Who Are And For Those Who Work
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DownloadAngels and demons, who are and for those who work
Most of us have never either see an angel or a demon, while we walk through this earth, it is impossible. These spiritual beings live in heavenly kingdoms, attending to outside matters. Supernatural appearances are strange, but throughout history, there have been fascinating stories of encounters with angels, and terrifying demons stories.
The Bible itself mentions angels more than three hundred times, and demons more eighty times. Angels and demons are around us, often, they are invisible, sometimes surprisingly you intervene in humanity affairs.
However, what we all ask ourselves is if angels and demons really exist, what are they? What do they do? For those who work and what do they do?
The Angels
Well, according to the Bible: “God created Los Angeles long before creating the earth. Created them to live in heaven. There are more than 100 million angels each has their name and their own personality. The faithful angels are humble and do not want human beings to worship them. Angels have different ranks and tasks. Some of his tasks are to serve God’s throne, announce the divine messages, protect and guide the servants of God from the earth, execute divine sentences and support the preaching of the kingdom in the future, the angels will fight with Jesus inThe Armageddon War "
As beings created by God, angels are subject to the authority and power of God, and their power has limits.
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(Nine and ten chapters of Daniel’s book) illustrate us about the limitations of Los Angeles, in 9.21 Angel Gabriel appears before Daniel due to Daniel’s prayers before his people. In this verse there is talk of how fast Gabriel comes out due to Daniel’s request, which stipulated that he had to go since he should be somewhere else, and that they can only be in one place at the same time.
Angels are spiritual beings that are usually invisible, but nevertheless their presence can manifest in human form, either in dreams, visions, etc., to illustrate this point it is important to use the encounter of the Angel of Daniel (Gabriel) with it inwhich Angel Gabriel is described as a man. In the conversation, however Daniel does not seem intimidated by Gabriel’s presence which makes us think that he is not a person itself.
Then in the (chapter ten of Daniel), we can highlight as Daniel meets an angel who has no name, and that Daniel feels intimidated at his presence, he or describes like this:
“Like my eyes and looked at a certain man dressed as a linen, whose waist was tight gold from Uphaz! His body was like the beryl, his face looked like ray, his eyes like torches of fire, his arms and feet looked like a burnished bronze, and the sound of his words looked like the words of a crowd ”
(Daniel 10: 5-6).
With these words from Daniel we can highlight how angels sometimes appear in humans, or they can also appear in visions, in (Genesis 28 and 29) you can register dreams that God gave to Jacobo in which Jacobo saw angels.
Often, angels work invisible because God does not want us to perceive his presence, in fact what the angel usually pursues is to absorb our conscience. God only open our eyes to contemplate Los Angeles when they serve their purpose.
In the Bible the clearest example we can find in the (number 22), in which we can observe the evil Baalam prophet doing dirty business with the king of Moab who fears the Israelites, which are approaching, the king wants Balaamcurse Israel so that they do not camp near him, however Balaam doubts to curse the nation, but nevertheless decided to get some money with the treatment. This caused God to get a lot and decide to send an angel of the Lord to prevent the way for Balaam.
I believe that the big question is and that the angels are made, well in (Psalm 104 verse 4), you can see a very detailed description of an angel. Oh Lord my God, "He who makes the winds his messengers, and the flames of fire his ministers"
Unleashed by human limitations, these spiritual beings escape gravity, and they easily reach heavenly kingdoms thanks to the fire. Wind and fire are the best substances on earth to understand that angels are composed.
It should be noted that as much as in Hebrew or Greek the word spirit can also mean breath or wind, which can give us an idea of why spirits are called spirits. In the Bible there is also a reference about this, ("Isaiah 57:13") When you cry, that your idols free you;But all of them will take the wind, a breath will snatch them;But the one who trusts me will have the earth for inheritance, and he will possess my holy mountain."
What are the angels then made?
Well, there has been a lot lately talk that our human bodies are essentially "stars dust", because many scriptures suggest that the substance from which angels are made is the most similar to that of the stars, that anything.
And the big question What do angels do?
Well, angels summarizing are messengers, ministerous spirits, and warriors.
Well, to start the word angel, it translates from the Hebrew Mal’ak word in the Old Testament, and the word Anglos in the New Testament, the meaning of these two words is messenger, they are channels to carry only information. They speak according to always instructions. Throughout human history, angels have been involved in communicating the most important messages by God
Angels are minist spirits
To be better understood, in the Bible we are told what this means more specifically.
(Hebrews 1:14 “) Are not all ministering spirits, sent to service in favor of those who will be heirs of salvation?”Ministral angels are basically heirs of salvation, that is, they will be there when you need them most.
Los Angeles are warriors
We can compare angels with the soldiers who defend their nation when they have problems, such as soldiers who fight for eternity, angels make war with the enemies of God’s people, both visible and invisible
The demons
Considering that the totality of creation was very good and that the nature of God is the essence of the same goodness, we can conclude that logically God does not believe demons. However, they sneaked into the scene at some point after creating the world. Scriptures do not offer much information about demons, but something curious happened between the glorious goodness of (chapter 1 of Genesis) and the appearance of a cunning snake that would exchange the future of humans in him (chapter 3 of Genesis). It is important to know that God never invented or inspired evil but that this was separated from him.
To contrast this information there is a disturbing metaphor in (Apocalypse 12, 3,4,7,9) that provides the origin and how are demons
“Here is a great scarlet dragon, who had seven heads and ten horns, and in his heads seven headbands;And his tail dragged the third part of the stars of heaven, and he threw them on the earth. And the dragon stood in front of the woman who was to give birth, in order to devour her son as soon as he was born, then there was a great battle in heaven: Miguel and his angels fought against the dragon;and fought the dragon and his angels;But they did not prevail, nor was there any place for them in heaven.
And he was thrown out of the great dragon, the ancient snake, which is called Diablo and Satan, which deceives the entire world;He was thrown into the earth, and his angels were thrown with him ”.
Evil entered our world when Satan and his angels decided to oppose the plans of God Almighty, creating a being that God would never have wanted to have in our land.
And for whom demons work?
Well, mainly emphasizing that demons are basically fallen angels, that is, they are Satan’s servants who want evil towards God.
Most of the angels created by God were full of goodness, friendship, but nevertheless there was someone who despised them, this was an angel named Lucifer, who disagreed with God’s plans. (Ezekiel 28:12) describes this angel as "the seal of perfection", full of wisdom and very beautiful. However, Lucifer developed a defect, he became proud.
This led Lucifer to become Satan, his internal violence led him to sin. (Isais14: 12-15) describes it like this:
"!How you fell from Heaven, Oh Lucero, son of the morning! You were cut by land, you who weakened the nations.
You who said in your heart: I will go up to heaven;On top, next to the stars of God, I will raise my throne, and in the mountain of the testimony I will sit, to the sides of the north;On the heights of the clouds I will go up, and I will be similar to the Most High. But you knocked down until SEOL, on the sides of the abyss ".
And because Lucifer being perfect and intelligent?
Well, Lucifer, like all humans, was born with an attribute, freedom, which led him to choose evil, but that nevertheless I could also have chosen to stay in good and be an angel of God.
And what do demons do exactly?
Remember that demons are fallen angels who decided to go to evil instead of staying with good. Before their fall, the fallen angels would have shared the same characteristics with the angels of God, however when joining the Satan army they challenged God’s authority. There are two types of demons the fallen and imprisoned demons, and the fallen and free.
The fallen and imprisoned angels, in the Bible (2 Peter 2: 4) tells us about this type of demon as “God did not forgave the angels who sinned, but throwing them into hell handed them to prisons of darkness, to be reserved for thejudgment".
With this it refers to the fact that God usually forgives but there are unforgivable things such as betrayal of God hurt a lot and decided to take them to hell.
The fallen and free angels
These demons deceive and tempt people, that is, they do bad things within every human being.
(Genesis 3) It tells the family history of Satan, disguised as a snake deception to Eva to eat the fruit of the tree of good and evil, she deceived her by telling her that she would become God, and the deception joined the temptation since thesuggestion that God would look more like Eva did it.
It is true that for the Bible there are angels and demons in our world, and it is very interesting as God made some beings to help him communicate, or help people, but that nevertheless not everything came out as expected and as always in life always in lifeThere are people who skip the rules and that due to their credentials they decide to betray a person as great as God is.
Angels and demons have different credentials, but both have something in common and that factor is called freedom, this can sometimes be good and sometimes it can be bad, and this can lead to anyone to do evil or good.
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