Angels In The New Testament
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So far we have stopped almost exclusively in the Angels of the Old Testament, whose visits and messages have not been in any way;But when we reach the New Testament, its name appears on each page and the number of references to them is equal to that of the old dispensation. It is his privilege to announce to the Zacharias and María the dawn of redemption, and the pastors their real realization. Our Lord in his speeches speaks of them as someone who really saw them, and who, while ‘talked among men’, still received the silent and invisible worship of the hosts of heaven. He describes his life in heaven;He tells us how they form a bodyguard around him and with a word from him they would avenge him from his enemies;It is the privilege of one of them to assist him in his agony and blood sweat. More than once they talk about them as auxiliaries and witnesses in the final judgment, who will in fact prepare;And finally, they are the joyful witnesses of their triumphant resurrection. It is easy for skeptical minds to see in these angelic hosts the mere game of the Hebrew fantasy and the growth of superstition, but do not provide the records of the angels that appear in the Bible a more natural and harmonious progression? On the first page of the Sacred History of the Jewish nation, among others, as a depositary of God’s promise;Like the people whose lineage would one day raise a redeemer. The angels appear in the course of the history of this chosen people, now as messengers of God, now as guides of that people;At one time they were the grantors of God’s law, in another, they prefigure the redeemer whose divine purpose are helping to mature.
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They talk with their prophets, with David and Elijah, with Daniel and Zacarías;They kill the hosts camping against Israel, serve as guides to the servants of God, and the last prophet, Malachi, has a name of peculiar meaning;‘The angel of Jehovah’. It seems to summarize in the same name the previous ‘Ministry by the hands of angels’, as if God remembered the ancient glories of the exodus and the Sinai. The Septuagint, in fact, does not seem to know its name as that of an individual prophet and its interpretation of the initial verse of its prophecy is particularly solemn: ‘The load of the word of the Lord of Israel by the hand of his angel;put it in your hearts . ‘All this loving ministry from Los Angeles is only for love of the Savior, whose face wishes to look.
Therefore, when the fullness of the times arrived, it is they who bring the cheerful message and sing ‘Gloria in Excelsis Deo’. They guide the newborn king of Los Angeles in their hurried escape to Egypt and minister it in the desert. His second coming and the frightening events that must precede it, are revealed to their servant chosen on the island of Patmos, is a matter of revelation again, and consequently their ministers and messengers of yesteryear appear once again in the sacred history and the recordThe revealing love of God ends properly almost as I had begun: ‘I, Jesus, I have sent my angel to testify to you of these things in the churches’.
It is easy for the student to track the influence of neighboring nations and other religions in the biblical account of Los Angeles. In fact, it is necessary and instruction.
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