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Animal Abuse, Endless Cause


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Animal abuse, endless cause


In this article, you will talk about animal abuse itself, as it affects animals, companies that help or try to get their faces for these helpless animals.

The issue of dogs and cats will be discussed, since it is commonly more listened to or spoken, however, we will also talk about different problems with wild animals, which are possibly the most affected and ignored species, until reaching the point of extinction by extinction by extinction by The different hunt from them.

The main reason for this article is to encourage the necessary help that animals have, that it is a worldwide problem, when it is mentioned that "they do not take importance", it is because many people tend to believe that this struggle is overvalued or They do not believe that animals have the same right of life as human beings, an issue that is totally illogical and irrational, since it remains a living being and deserves the same rights as a human.’Dogs have memory and traumas. It is very possible that the panic feels Fred when he sees motorcycles derives from the fact that he was hit ’Maria Jose, BBC Mundo.

Child abuse in two paragraphs will be mentioned, since it is another totally important cause and has a strong connection with animal abuse, why? Very simple, they are defenseless beings who have no idea why things happen.


What is animal abuse?

The animal abuse is all physical or verbal damage.

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This causing serious physical damage (such as open wounds), stress or even death. Animals are able to feel pain and emotional changes, according to the BBC in a study of a pet that was adopted, its owner (María José), reports that her dog suffered a series of emotional changes, which affected her so much that the veterinarians They thought about applying euthanasia, but their owner refused and took her pet with a therapist.

It is an endless cause, such as child abuse, harmless victims, hurt by heartless people. There are several organizations (including large companies) that are dedicated to fighting this type of causes. In this article, we will talk about how these large companies try to fight day by day, against injustices from mild to more serious.

Usually many people have aroused their interior struggle for animals, there are other people who have tried to help animals, but constant the current problems of little attention or lack of empathy that human beings have towards animals, it is more complicated for people interested in fighting for the egalitarian rights of animals.


Cutually, the world is being subjected in endless problems, such as environmental pollution, child abuse, animal abuse, abuse towards older adults, wars and more. The world is increasingly feasible to new problems and these are growing.

When talking about animal abuse, people tend to link it with dogs and cats, they do not take into account wild/wild animals. Wild animals are the most common for the danger of extinction. According to National Geographic, this is the list of animals in danger of extinction: “Mountain gorilla, polar bear, Iberian lynx, sumatra tiger, white rhinoceros, snow leopard, panda bear, common chimpanze.”(Rodríguez H, 2019, pp 6).

The world gets worse, the human simply has no respect to other living beings. The human feels the upper race. When talking about feeling the upper breed it is around not to fear and do not care.

Asia is one of the main countries where nature exploits. An example is how they get palm oil, burning forests and leaving millions of orangutans homeless, to the point of not only removing their home, if not killing them … consequently to these fires, the orangutans could be very soon in danger of extinction.

“About 10.000 orangutanes, of the approximately 54.000 that live in the wild, live in forest areas destined for palm oil production. Most orangutans will die if these areas become palm oil plantations.”(Forsssmann A, 2018, pp3)

And so there are millions of species losing their home for the ambition of man for wanting more and more. In 2019, the Amazon rainfore to be announced in networks. The point of commenting this is because many wild and even livestock species of the area (indigenous part) were violently massacred and yes, massacred, because the fire was caused by the ambition of man.

This was a tremendous impact for South America, countries like Ecuador helped by sending a plane with water to try to calm the fire. Enough organizations were involved in helping endangered species.

This fire was caused by entrepreneurs from the “butcher” sector, to clean the hectares and be able to sow a special food for cattle, all this to improve meat and thus be able to make its industry grow more and more and more. They did not realize that it was going to be a worldwide problem or maybe if, if they had an idea of ​​everything they were going to entail if they continued with their project of burning half Amazonas due to ambition to money and power, they are not interested in the lives of animals that They live there and even human lives, since it is also indigenous territory. [Image:]

Do marine species also have animal abuse?

It is a question that many people have the doubt, because they do not see them as part of the ecosystem, they simply see them as "animals that live inside the sea" and do not know how much these animals are risks. According to El País “the pessimistic scenarios predict the extinction from 24% to 40% of the genres of vertebrates and marine mollusks; The most tragic calculation is comparable to the mass extinction of the Cretaceous end, when dinosaurs disappeared, as explained in Science.”(Javier Salas, 2016, pp6).

The human being has caused unrecoverable damage to the oceans. Every day a new species is extinguished or endangered. It is estimated that by 2040 there are fewer marine animals. Man has been in charge of contaminating seas and rivers, they seize nature as if they were a God, is it correct for humans to take the earth as owned by themselves and leave other species out of the other species?

About two years ago the “no more use of straw uses in restaurants began and in general”, in order to help turtles. It was an excellent campaign, but not only the straws are plastic, there are also bags, plastic utensils and more, as mentioned, it was an excellent campaign, but something else is needed, people occupy awakening and understanding that it is quite important that the oceans be free of plastic at all. The fish, seahorses, dolphins and others, eat plastic without knowing how affected they can go out with that and is normal, they have no idea what they are consuming.

This is only an image of one of the many species that have died and are about to die, the plastic is highly harmful and if, it remains animal abuse, again, caused by man. “Every year, humans throw eight million tons of plastic into the sea. Most arrive at the sea from land, partly due to the lack of recycling. More than 200 species of mammals, fish, birds and turtles consume these waste, which obstruct the digestive tract of animals and are toxic in some cases.”(Domínguez N, 2016, pp3)

Whale hunting, sharks (only for their fins or the famous sports fishing), dolphins and orcas that are the Objects of SeaWorld, where they make them undergo strong training and small spaces where they will live for the rest of their days.

Therefore, in places such as World have seen in serious problems with large organizations, due to different videos or images of the conditions in which they have their animals.

There are many aspects that have marked marine animals a lot, too many news related to abuses that are subjected and the little importance of animals. Millions of marine biologists talk about what it is like to fight against fishing boats and men who have no empathy with any animal and less with sailors, it is indifferent to apply methods such as drag fishing and carry animals that do not serve them for their worked.

According to National Geographic, “a female from Rorcual Aliblanca pregnant has been recently found on a beach on the island of Sanday, in the Orkad archipelago, Scotland. The cetacean had been entangled in an abandoned fishing network (also called ghost networks) that some fisherman had to leave in the middle of the ocean.”(Mayor, S. 2019)

These types of scenes look worldwide every day, this is not necessary for animals, they are the only ones suffering from pure human negligence.

Animal abuse and child abuse go hand in hand?

When this is mentioned, it is for the following. Millions of children a day are subjected to verbal and sexual abuse, just like animals. They are victims who have no idea what are happening, because they are innocent, they are not to blame or do not understand because that mistreatment is happening to them.

It is not a favorable or understandable comparison point for many people, who would not like to see a child with an animal, but the point is to admit that they are innocent, they are not deserving of their pain.

Organizations responsible for fighting animal abuse, according to NGOs (2018): APAP Alcalá, National Association for Animal Defense, A.P.A.D.A.C and action for a better world. Foundations like Arca, offers on its website, volunteer. They also talk about donations, who are and what are the expectations they expect to help animals in a state of abuse.

How can an animal be helped in a state of abuse?

It is a question that many people ask themselves, but that do not always get a clear answer. Helping an animal, the clearest example, a dog or cat, is very simple, depending on the country where the person (he/she who wants to help the animal) lives, should be found about organizations or shelters that help animals in abuse. Publishing the situation on social networks, this is a double -edged sword, the person may take a surprise against him or get help, it is very likely that he only gets help, but he always has to be alert to people who react badly and They blame him for many factors, there are always uncomfortable people.

Normally, dogs and cats in abuse are received in shelters, this as long as I rescue Place of the place, it may either ask for anything in return, just leave the animal. We are like the meteorite who erased the dinosaurs from the planet. (Javier Salas, 2016.)

If this is the case of a wild animal, you have to find out about any government institution in charge of the environmental or animal well -being of that country, in order to intervene. People who have wild animals have to carry a legal document, that is, a permit to be able to have the animal at home. Many times it happens with reptiles, mainly snakes, they have illegal, because they do not carry a permit, they almost always have them in precarious conditions, where they feed them very little and have them in a highly unpleasant and small environment for them, that tells how abuse And it is demandable.

Is there animal traffic?

Of course, as well as child, sexual, organs and others, animal traffic is real and is a constant struggle of many organizations, because it is where animals are most precarious or prisoners.

They are torn from their home, literally, make them travel hours in trucks/carros in the dark, possibly cold or dying of heat, since they cannot be seen by authorities, examples in seals or border stalls. They are subjected to blows so that they do not make noise or are still. Possibly take days without eating.

In Costa Rica, in border posts it is very common for border police to review a car for hours, this because Costa Rica has great diversity in animals, especially in birds, then people take advantage of this, steal the eggs or even To the birds themselves, to sell them in black markets or to profit with them and get young, the work of the police is to avoid this at all costs, with any animal, but as mentioned above, a clear example is the birds and how the they start from their home in a totally aggressive way.

Children who mistreat animals? Tell how abuse?

According to Julia Uliaque’s article, many times children/adolescents cause animals to satisfy or please a group of friends, also in a revenge mode to the animal. However, if it is taken into consideration, the child learns what is seen at home, if a responsible father shows his son that the abuse is wrong, this will not cause pain to an animal, unless he has mental problems and this is already in your being, but it is also avoidable.


Currently, the human being is in a dispute with himself, many people support the cause and go in a war against those who cause this. They believe that the only ones affected are animals, the human does not realize that, without animals, the world would be nothing. Animals are necessary in many things, from bees with pollination, many humans find sentimental refuge in dogs and it is like a therapy that have a pet that makes them feel alive and so many cases, they are living beings that like us , they deserve to live in peace.

It is a matter that people have empathy, that word was mentioned many times in this article, but it is for them to see and feel what is necessary to respect animals, they do not necessarily have to love them, but if helping and caring for them, they are helpless beings They don’t know why things happen to them. But be careful, it is not for them to go and caress a tiger in the wild or get swimming with crocodiles, no, common sense, it is just respecting their space and trying to understand that like the human, they have the right to this world.

In summary, animal abuse exists, it looks every day, ignoring is not the solution, the solution is to help animals, if they know about a case, you already know what they have to do, said the above in this article, of How to help and prevent aggression against any animal. Ask for help from government institutions in charge of domestic or wild animals, in theory, there must be an institution that helps animals.

Finally, if they have a pet, take care of it, do not make it suffer and have peace with them, they are harmless beings (harmless in certain aspects) and need a home, someone who takes care of them, feeds them and a safe roof. If you see wild animals, do not hurt them, simply get away from them.


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