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The use of small chunk in the provision of information is of great importance when compared to the provision of chunk information all at once (Meyer, 2016). The small chunk information can be related to the previous information that has been provided previously with a lot of ease. The small chunk information also takes limited time to be stored in the memory than a bulk of information. Similarly, the retrieving of the bits information that is stored in small chunks can be done with easily especially when the pieces of information are linked to other information that had been provided before since they are recorded in relatively similar place and folder. The related pieces of information in small chunks are normally grouped. Since the chunks have varying activation levels, when they are provided in small chunks, then they are processed and stored at a faster rate (Meyer, 2016). The comprehending and remembering of information presented in small chunks is improved since the scanning is easier. For instance, when teaching a learner, it is recommended that the information is provided in small bits so that they can memorize and relate what they are taught with what they were taught in the previous studies. These related pieces of information that are taught in small bits make the learner have the time to recall and remember what that is learned.
The four motivational strategies for the ARCS model include the attention that deals with the catching of the attention of the learners when they are in the lesson.

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The attention is drawn by perceptual arousal or gaining the learners’ curiosity by stimulation using challenging problems that the learners need to solve (Poulsen, Lam & Cisneros, 2008). The second strategy is the relevance. The professionals are expected to use analogies, stories, and languages that learners can relate to about the topic of study. The relevance also gives the learner the opportunity to relate what they are studying to what they have learned before. The other strategy is the confidence. This strategy focuses on the improvement of the expectation of the learners to achieve success in their learning process. Finally, the satisfaction strategy is one that deals with the rewarding of the learners. The learners should be in a position to achieve their expectations for the lesson or the learning process. The satisfaction of the learner will act as a motivational factor to enable them to have an interest what they are learning (Poulsen, Lam & Cisneros, 2008). The best strategy that can be applied in a two-hour lesson about respiration is the relevance strategy. The relevance strategy will be dealing with the learners’ practical point of view and the issues that they are well acquainted with.
The adults are much more focused individuals in the learning sector, and they try to use the minimum time possible to learn what is required of them. The enthusiasm that they have towards the task that they tackle makes them use the techniques of participatory learning, and they rarely waste time when it comes to learning of new ideas. Since the adults are involved in the participation that is voluntary, they can either fully participate or withdraw from the learning process fully (“Principle underlying Effective Practices in Adult Education”, 2018). The withdrawal is evident when they continually show up even though they don’t do what is required of them in the learning process. The adult learning process should also be viewed as a mutual activity among the learners and the teachers. There should be respect shown to the learners by the facilitators as well as the fellow learners for the learning to be effective. In the safety training class, however, the same principle should be applied since once the learner withdraws from the learning process, s/he will not understand the precautions that are required during the safety and therefore there might be an accidental occurrence or even loss of lives. The respect among the learners and the facilitator in the safety class will make them ensure that all the fellows stay safe from injury anytime.
The external factors can make the learning of an individual be easier or harder. The learning atmosphere depends on the relationship between the learner and the teacher or the relationship between the learner/student with the fellow learners. Stress, on the other hand, normally impact on the learning of an individual. For instance, when there is a little stress applied to the learner, there a release of adrenaline in the body thereby stimulating the functioning of the brain hence making the individual to have an open mind and to think appropriately. The other external factors include the sleep and the exercise that the learners undertake to keep the body active (“Physical environment”, 2018). The sleep gives the brain the opportunity to learn and process information as required. When a learner gets a proper sleep especially between 9-13hour, then s/he can have a better brain processing of the information that s/he receives during the learning period. On the contrary, when the learner is kept in a very hostile condition for instance, when there is poor relationship between the learner and the teachers as well as fellow learners, then the understanding of the learner goes very low and they are not able to process the information as required o them hence leading to poor performance.
Meyer, K. (2016). How Chunking Helps Content Processing. Nielsen Norman Group. Retrieved 9 January 2018, from https://www.nngroup.com/articles/chunking/
Physical environment. (2018). Inclusivechildcare.org. Retrieved 10 January 2018, from http://www.inclusivechildcare.org/pdf/Factors%20that%20Influence%20Behavior%20Tip%20Sheet.pdf
Poulsen, A., Lam, K., & Cisneros, S. (2008). ARCS Model of Motivational Design, 1(1), 1-6. Retrieved from http://torreytrust.com/images/ITH_Trust.pdf
Principle underlying Effective Practices in Adult Education. (2018). Lone-eagles.com. Retrieved 10 January 2018, from http://lone-eagles.com/courses/rfts/adultprn.htm

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