Anthropological And Sociological Bases Of Behavior
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Are classes and social groups on gender violence?
In this work my intention is to show and discuss information on whether the difference between social classes has greater or lesser influence on gender violence.
Based on some valuable articles, I found that there were a greater number of women who had suffered gender violence in situations of poverty and exclusion.
Before this, I would like to show some of the most common comments and actions that occur in gender violence to be able to identify it better, in addition to defining “gender violence”:
Gender violence: All actions are considered gender violence, including aggressions, insults, humiliations, that a man is made about a woman with whom he has or had a relationship.
- "According to our legislation, it is gender violence, that which is exercised as a man towards a woman with whom he maintains or has maintained a romantic relationship, with or without coexistence" (Spanish law)
- Gender violence does not begin with physical aggressions at first, but it begins with attitudes of control by the aggressor to the other people, actions such as constant surveillance and derogatory comments.
- The person who exercises this type of violence is constantly controlling his partner, to such an extent to know where he goes, with whom he goes or what he is doing at all times, the victim is not aware and has the belief that He does it because he wants her and she is afraid to lose her.
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But this are very toxic situations.
- Social networks are another problem in this type of violence because we share a lot. Above all, this problem is very observed in the mobile phones of last generation, and instant messaging applications in which you can see if you are connected and talking to someone, if you publish something or if you are writing.
- The aggressor will always keep in mind try If your passwords from computers, mobiles and social networks to be able to control the victim’s social activity more intensely, even blocking your contacts or eliminating conversations and messages that you do not want you to read, looking only for the life of this person is only reduced to him.
- It is also very common for the person who exercises gender violence to feel guilty at certain times and shows his repentance to the victim, asking for forgiveness but this usually lasts little and immediately returns to violent and insulting attitudes towards her, getting to blame her of having apologized.
- In these types of situations, the aggressor will always try
- These situations reach such an extent that it is very common for the aggressor sexual or both. In these situations, the victim instead of denouncing, believes that she has no choice but to accept, coming to think that she "does it for her good".
- Finally, in these relationships you can see a link of dependence on the victim about the aggressor that is very harmful and very dangerous for both. By him, because he is hurting her, and by her because she is not able to realize and it is too late to get out of there. Neither of the two is happy with the relationship. In addition, their social environment is normally reduced only to them two.
According to the article “Notes on Gender Violence from the sociology of the body and emotions”, for the University of the Republic, Uruguay, by Sebastian Goinheix Costa (2012) tries to give an explanation about domestic and gender violence from a feminist point of view and treating different contexts and social groups
"In this sense, an investigation into intrafamily violence emphasizes the greatest propensity of identification and punishment of the episodes of violence in homes of lower socio -economic level" (Sebastian Goinheix Costa, 2012)
What was concluded, was that in households where there is a socio -economic level and with a lower education, there is more likely to generate acts of gender violence.
In another study that I found, the idea was contemplated that only in the lower classes there was gender violence, while there are many experts who claim that this is not a determining factor and that De Geno’s violence is such a broad issue and current that occurs in both environments with minor sociocultural levels, as in environments with greater sociocultural levels
According to a survey conducted by the CIS, on social awareness, these results were obtained to this series of questions
Here you can see that there is a "high" percentage of people who agree with these issues. This can influence as an important risk on gender violence.
We can observe that issues such as "a woman who looks provocatively should not be surprised if a man tries to force her to have sex" has a 5.1 of being totally agreed
In a study by the Yearbook of Legal Psychology, the Official College of Psychologists, a group of sexual aggressors who went through trial after their crimes were selected, and tests and exams were done to obtain their background, what social class came and features came and features personal, depending on age
It was found that most of the sexual aggressors were minors, had problems related to drug use abuse, and many of them came from lower classes and had suffered family problems related to violence.
“In 2013 the files open for sexual aggression were 575, compared to 537 of 2012 and 594 of 2011. In 2013, for sexual abuse there were 549 compared to 680 of 2012 and 657 of 2011. In relation to the relevance of the phenomenon of sexual crime in minor offenders we can expose the data that in 2014 sexual crimes meant the 3.93% of the total files initiated in the jurisdiction of minors, being 3.81% in 2013 ".
Given these results, the problem related to sexual aggression by minors is quite important and very serious and should be minimized, because its recidivism would be very easy.
In this study, it was also very important to seek where these aggressors came from and what their social and cultural environment was, it had to be taken into account that it was not a group of homogeneous young people, but that there was a great variety and everyone came from different social classes , with different socio -educational levels.
It was observed that many of them presented greater levels of neurotism and that had suffered school abuse, in addition to this, it was concluded that they were more likely to abuse relatives than unknown.
Difference between aggression and abuse:
The aggression is defined as an injury caused by a person, but abuse includes understanding terms such as humiliation, submission, domain, etc.
Important data:
According to the newspaper "La Diaria" in Uruguay, the National Institute of Women carried out in 2013 the first National Survey of Prevalence on Gender -Based Violence and Generations, which "constitutes the first attempt to quantify and dimension gender -based violence ( VBG) in the country ".
“The results indicate that 68.8% of women declared having suffered VBG throughout their lives, and when looking at it by socio -economic strata, the percentage shows slight differences: 67.7% for the low socioeconomic level, 68.4% For the average socioeconomic level and 71% for the high socioeconomic level. This slight oscillation does not seem.
“This same trend is repeated in VBG situations declared lived in public places, in the educational field and in the workplace. As for the first, 30.6% of women of socioeconomic level under declared them suffered, compared to 45% of women of high socioeconomic level. Regarding the VBG lived in the educational field, the percentage for the low socioeconomic level is 7.8% and for the high of 8.7%. In the workplace, 11.6% of women of the low socioeconomic level and 17.2% of women of high socioeconomic level."
These two situations reflect that there really is not a very significant level between high socioeconomic levels, average socioeconomic levels and high socioeconomic levels, and that genre violence in homes could be decreasing. Really, gender violence occurs both in disadvantaged classes and in high classes.
The conclusion that was obtained was that "gender violence only occurs in the most disadvantaged social classes"-.
Finally, I would like to comment on some important data on gender violence collected in recent years by Spanish law.
Curious data on gender violence:
- There are 51 women killed in Spain because of their partners. In 2018, the number of women was 47, almost 30% of women have suffered this type of violence. According to the I Feminist Barometer in Spain (2018): “26% percent of Spanish acknowledges having been the victim of physical aggression by their partner or ex -partner at least once in life. 63.5 %, says the study, has been a victim of physical or psychological harassment ”.
- Of all women, only one in 5 had denounced this type of violence
- One of the communities with the highest level of violence is Andalucia
- From 2013 to 2018, data from 975 dead women have been collected
- There is a large percentage of women who have suffered violence but many women shut up and do not report, although in Spain the percentage is lower compared to another countries
- If you ever need help, there is a number that does not leave registration, 016.
Taking into account all the surveys seen and analyzed, the greatest coincidence is that most of them say that people with lower socio -educational levels have more tendency to perform actions of gender violence, with greater incidence in nearby people than to unknown people, and people with higher socio -educational levels perform to a lesser extent acts of gender violence.
However, this type of violence occurs in both cases with very high percentages.
- "Gender and young violence: data for a reflection". Spanish Advocacy, General Council: https: // www2.advocacy.It is/news/news/violence-de-and-and-dates-for-one-reflection/
- FAD study on young people’s opinion: https: // www.fad.It is/news/un-274-of-and-and-the-youth-creem
- Youth Barometer of 2019 of Doi
- Dialnet article on gender violence
- Telefónica: How to identify gender violence, risks and prevention: https: //
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