Anthropology Book/movie review
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During the 1990’s, the U.S government developed border enforcement strategy which was termed “prevention through deterrence.” This strategy was implemented through different security techniques and infrastructure surveillance. However, rather than protecting the people effectively and building cohesiveness, anthropology research has demonstrated that this measures only served to extend hostility further, which has been pushed down the throat of the people in the society and governing agencies (De León 68). This paper builds its argument of refuting the strategy of prevention through deterrence as seen in the negative effects perceived through scientific and research analysis of necroviolence since it only serves as catalyst violence among the living as well as the dead bodies.
It can be argued that the senseless deaths witnessed at the Arizona wilderness among the illegal immigrants are the same or even the worst handling of human beings that has been passed down to the modern generations (De León 68). In fact, the author ascertains that this hostility has gone extra further as even the dead bodies are being subjected to hostility. The author notes that “hostility directed at the dead is by no means a new cultural phenomenon (De León 68).” It can be argued that the suffering and punishment experienced while alive is not enough disrespect to the human since corpses are subjected to even worst disrespect. With the current territorial protection, attention has changed from the human body as a means of punishment to waging war on the dead.
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The kind of death experienced by the illegal immigrants as well as the nature of abuse and disrespect to the dead bodies have been established to affect them because postmortem violence what can be correlated with the underlying logic of prevention that was being used though it was considered a deterrent measure (De León 71). These conclusions are supported by physical, biological and chemical processes of decomposition which depicts them as political facts that stand for the lives and death of the undocumented people (De León 71). From this perspective, it is clear that the government cannot account for fundamental and disturbing questions about the kind of deaths that the ‘illegal immigrants’ went through. Were the hostility detected from the anthology data and findings met before their death through “prevention through deterrence” and their bodies further subjected to hostility as seen among the conduct of the modern soldiers.
Works Cited
De León, Jason. The land of open graves: Living and dying on the migrant trail. Vol. 36. Univ of California Press, 2015.
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